------ SIO/VSIO/VX00 Problem Report ------ This form should be used to report suspected problems with the communications drivers SIO/VSIO to the author, Ray Gwinn. Please provide as much information as possible on your problem. Feel free to add additional space, or remove sections of the form that are not relevant to your problem. CONTACT PERSON (Name and mailing address): __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Your Email addresses (if any): __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ PHONE NUMBERS: Days: (____) ____-______ x_____ Evening: (____) ____-______ x_____ FAX: (____) ____-______ Modem: (____) ____-______ SIO/VSIO version and Internal Update __________________ Note: Internal update displayed at boot time. CONFIG.SYS - What are the exact lines (DEVICE=) lines that you use to load SIO/VSIO/VX00? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF THE SIO PROBLEM (as many lines as necessary): _________________________________________________________________ Have you commented (REMed) out or removed COM/VCOM from CONFIG.SYS? (Y/N) _______ OS/2 OPERATING SYSTEM SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION: OS/2 Version 2.n .........: ____ CSD Level: _______ MODEM: Manufacturer _____________ Model ___________________ Modem Init string ____________________________________ Modem configuration dump (see your modem manual): ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Communications application program that demonstrates the problem? Program: _________________________ Version: _______ Author or vendor: ________________ Have you reported your problem to the program provider? Y _ N _ HARDWARE CONFIGURATION (provide as much as possible): Microprocessor: Intel _ Other (specify) _______________ Type: 386SX _ 386 _ 486SX _ 486 _ Speed: ___ MHz Total RAM ....: ___ MB File System: FAT _ HPFS _ Type: IDE _ SCSI _ MFM _ RLL _ Unknown _ Manufacturer and model # of video adapter: __________________________ PLEASE REVIEW ALL OF THIS PROBLEM REPORT BEFORE SENDING. When you are ready to send this SIO Problem Report, send the form as a file, message or a FAX to Ray Gwinn at one of the following addresses: CompuServe 71154,575 Internet p00321@psilink.com US Mail Raymond L. Gwinn 12469 Cavalier Drive Woodbridge, VA 22192