| |
The Welcome Screen was the first image presented to a caller when they connected to a BBS. Sometimes, a user could get a good idea of what to expect from the BBS just by looking at these screens; no doubt a sudden disconnect after looking at the welcome screen gave the user's decision to a sysop who was watching callers come in. These screens range from info-filled artworks to simple logos that were then followed by a request for the user's name and password. Occasionally ANSI artists would hire themselves out for access to these BBS, and would sign their work; others seem to have been done by the Sysops themselves. The quality goes in all directions here.
Filename |
Size |
Description of the File |
786welcc.ans [?]
4401 | LOGIN: Chicago 786 BBS
| acad09.ans [?]
| 3658 | BBS LOGIN: Goodbye Screen for P-80 Systems (Castle)
| add.ans [?]
| 4293 | BBS LOGIN: The Klone Xone BBS
| ans_0010.ans [?]
| 2988 | BBS LOGIN: The Aztec BBS, by Bennett Griffin
| ans_0011.ans [?]
| 3886 | BBS LOGIN: Channel One BBS, Sysop Brian Miller
| ans_0012.ans [?]
| 3877 | BBS LOGIN: The Escape Hatch BBS
| ans_0014.ans [?]
| 2991 | BBS LOGIN: Infoquest Advantage BBS, Sysops Tim Christofferson and David W. Terry
| ans_0017.ans [?]
| 3226 | BBS LOGIN: Northwest Ohio Information and Software Exchange (NOISE) BBS
| ans_0018.ans [?]
| 3876 | BBS LOGIN: National Board
| ans_0021.ans [?]
| 3331 | BBS LOGIN: Underdog's Mini-Net Super-System, Sal Manaro Sysop
| ans_0022.ans [?]
| 3745 | BBS LOGIN: Underdog's MiniNet, by Crater Rim Software (1988)
| ans_0049.ans [?]
| 3385 | BBS LOGIN: Hobe Sound BBS, John Slavin Sysop
| ans_0056.ans [?]
| 6040 | BBS LOGIN: The Big Top BBS, Sysop Bill Gaynor
| atlantis.ans [?]
| 2472 | BBS LOGIN: Atlantis BBS
| baby1.ans [?]
| 1221 |
| backchan.ans [?]
| 2330 |
| backfenc.ans [?]
| 4072 |
| badgers.ans [?]
| 1421 |
| barister.ans [?]
| 2679 |
| batesart.ans [?]
| 3076 | BBS LOGIN: The Bates Motel BBS, by Master Bates
| batwing.ans [?]
| 1697 |
| bbnewhat.ans [?]
| 2126 |
| bbs.ans [?]
| 37675 |
| bbs_town.ans [?]
| 5182 |
| bbsadd.ans [?]
| 3722 |
| bbsdmo.ans [?]
| 1187 |
| bbstown.ans [?]
| 4755 |
| bcp1.ans [?]
| 2107 |
| bdwalk_m.ans [?]
| 4729 |
| beggers.ans [?]
| 4401 | BBS LOGIN: The Beggers Board, by Johnny Pulliam
| beta.ans [?]
| 3379 | BBS LOGIN: The Beta Projections RBBS, by Darshan Jesrani
| biggles.ans [?]
| 2484 | BBS LOGIN: Mr. Biggles Neighborhood
| biggmixx.ans [?]
| 2399 |
| billsbd.ans [?]
| 1899 | BBS LOGIN: Bill's Board BBS (1989)
| blacklit.ans [?]
| 5147 |
| board03.ans [?]
| 6434 | BBS LOGIN: The Boardwalk BBS, by Jim Lane
| board1.ans [?]
| 1860 |
| boat.ans [?]
| 2978 |
| boombox.ans [?]
| 3204 |
| bordwalk.ans [?]
| 2788 | BBS LOGIN: The Boardwalk BBS, by Jim Lane
| brdwalk.ans [?]
| 2513 |
| brew.ans [?]
| 3787 | BBS LOGIN: The Brew BBS, by Pressed Rat
| brigbbs.ans [?]
| 3090 |
| brodcast.ans [?]
| 3338 |
| brokrose.ans [?]
| 1424 |
| brooksie.ans [?]
| 2377 |
| buccsden.ans [?]
| 1898 |
| buena.ans [?]
| 6574 |
| burger.ans [?]
| 2953 |
| burger6.ans [?]
| 6112 |
| burgerad.ans [?]
| 22477 |
| burnwolf.ans [?]
| 6311 |
| buterfly.ans [?]
| 3333 |
| butrfly.ans [?]
| 3501 |
| buttnest.ans [?]
| 3857 |
| bwtrek.ans [?]
| 11992 | BBS LOGIN: The Boardwalk BBS, by Jim Lane
| byebye.ans [?]
| 3231 |
| byto1.ans [?]
| 4453 |
| cablecom.ans [?]
| 3474 | BBS LOGIN: Cablecomm BBS, by Gary Kohan
| campusg.ans [?]
| 2013 | BBS LOGIN: Campus Antics BBS
| cat08c.ans [?]
| 1247 | BBS LOGIN: The Scratch N' Post BBS
| certxmas.ans [?]
| 3680 | BBS LOGIN: Merry Christmas from Cerritos Premium BBS
| channel1.ans [?]
| 1479 | BBS LOGIN: Channel 1 BBS, by Brian Miller and Tess Heder
| colbyscr.ans [?]
| 1603 | BBS LOGIN: The Stillwaters BBS by Colby Jordan
| computer.ans [?]
| 2743 | BBS LOGIN: Welcome to PC-DOS BBS
| copbye.ans [?]
| 3365 | BBS LOGIN: The Cop Shop BBS
| cove.ans [?]
| 3759 | BBS LOGIN: The Pirate's Cove BBS, by Drew Olbrich
| cove2.ans [?]
| 3715 | BBS LOGIN: The Pirate's Cover BBS, by Drew Olbrich
| critical.ans [?]
| 1528 | BBS LOGIN: Critical Condition BBS, by A A A
| criticl2.ans [?]
| 1470 | BBS LOGIN: Critical Condition BBS, by The Zapper
| crossrd.ans [?]
| 3281 | BBS LOGIN: CrossRoads BBS, by Rodent
| ctsalogo.ans [?]
| 2944 | BBS LOGIN: The CTSA BBS
| cybrpunk.ans [?]
| 1258 | BBS LOGIN: The Crystal Palace BBS
| data.ans [?]
| 3475 | BBS LOGIN: Logical Data BBS
| denlogo.ans [?]
| 936 | BBS LOGIN: Daniel's Den of Iniquity
| desantis.ans [?]
| 1245 | BBS LOGIN: Winning Poken and Gambling Systems, by John DeSantis
| dillo.ans [?]
| 2176 | BBS LOGIN: The Armadillo BBS, by Jaime Tamez
| dillonew.ans [?]
| 2648 | BBS LOGIN: The Armadillo BBS, by Jaime Tamez
| diskdriv.ans [?]
| 2635 | BBS LOGIN: The Disk Driver's BBS
| dktower.ans [?]
| 8836 | BBS LOGIN: The Dark Tower BBS by Phantom Phlem
| draglair.ans [?]
| 3284 | BBS LOGIN: Dragon's Lair BBS by Bahamut
| emporium.ans [?]
| 1632 | BBS LOGIN: The Emporium BBS
| entropy.ans [?]
| 1834 | BBS LOGIN: Entropy Tango BBS
| epoch.ans [?]
| 4500 | |