TAINTED HIREZ www.wasted.nu/tainted WOE Hirez started out in 1996 and all our hirez were released in the WOE Chronicles Packs. We proud ourself in doing quality hirez and our last WOE Chronicles hirez pack were released in December 1998. In the year 2000, WOE Hirez started up again. We had finally started to build up our hi-resolution department once again, after beeing offline for years. WOE Hirez finally showed off what they could do and released great quality packs from May 2000 and till January 2001. Tainted were managed by Def, until sometime in 2000 when Def decided to quit doing hirez regulary. Ey51 and Evirion were selected to be president and vice president of Tainted. Sometime in September 2000, WOE decided on giving a name to WOE Hirez and our hirez department changed name to Tainted. 3 hirez packs were released under our Tainted Label and on January 9th, 2001, we merged Tainted with Koalesce (a totaly new group, runned by Def). Our artists joined as what you do in a merge and they have released their work in the Koalesce packs from that time and until present In the year 2002 Tainted has started up again, with new life and blood. The Tainted head is now Thaione from Sweden.