Many artists would be inspired to join the ASCII art scene and come out with a pack, only to be pulled into a prominent group or never be heard from again. These single releases stand alone, portfolios by people waiting to be recognized and accepted.

Description of the File
am-prmen.txt [?] 39959
Premiere Menus: A BBS ASCII Collection by Captain Caveman of Art-Mania (1995)
apt-pnt3.txt [?] 112621
Enter the Bermuda Triangle, by Point of Apathy (May 28, 1997)
ascii.txt [?] 25395
The Boyz, 26 Nice Guys, by BC of eMt/SPiX (November 18, 1995)
bk-art.txt [?] 55225
An ASCII Collection by Reti of Bad Karma
car_cool_unr.txt [?] 7329
Unreal Presents the First ASCII Collection and Unreal ASCII by Cardinal
cc-asc.txt [?] 45809
Ascii Description Logos No.5 by Crocat and Cray (1993)
cmx-umpp.txt [?] 7954
The Uplift Mofo Party Plan, by Comax of Zcandaler of Comax
cs!-botd.txt [?] 84159
Caustique: Bowels of The Devil, by Zaphod (1996)
csc-asc2.txt 36221
ASCII Collection by Dirk! of Conspiracy: Volume #2 (April, 1994)
cte-asc.txt [?] 15575
Second ASCII Collection by Cateye of Insane
d!_bthm.txt [?] 52165
Beneath the Mask, by Dual (May 22, 1995)
dg-lsd.txt [?] 14659
The LSD Experience by Zorro (ZO) (January 22, 1995)
dsk-lgti.txt [?] 97851
Let's Go to India, by Flower (1998)
ext-sabo.txt [?] 26596
Except Presents: Industrial Sabotage, by dDay (May 7, 1995)
flexible.txt [?] 59490
Flexible Exstacy, a Collection by Crypth of Reflex
flp-mon1.txt [?] 20806
Zenon: Moonstone #1, by Filip (September 1, 1995)
fs.bye.txt [?] 18260
Foss, Ex of Vinci, Wishes a Goodbye to the ASCII Scene (1994)
gen-taoa.txt [?] 85963
Gen Presents The Art of Art: Collection #2
jubil.txt [?] 19169
The First ASCII Collection by Vega of RamJam (October 15, 1995)
lsc-no1.txt [?] 9646
These Are My Friends, by Buzz Wipe of Lisenge
mafasc.txt [?] 14764
Adept: The Cyberdreams ASCII Collection #1 by Maffia
nds-jul.txt [?] 55025
Nine Design Presents: Julmust by Hasslan (December 21, 1995)
no_ascm4.txt [?] 90074
ASCII Collection 4.21 from Mindex of New Order (NO) (January 21, 1995)
nop-koko.txt 76807
nOp's First ASCII Collection: KoKo (May, 1999)
nsa!-crz.txt 51832
X-Ray Presents His Section ASCII Collection: Crazy! (January 24, 1996)
ntw-rimm.txt [?] 24000
Nettwerk Presents: Resonance in My Mind: ASCII Logos by TB-303 (May 25, 1997)
od!-atti.txt 7993
Zorn and Odium Present Attitude: Collection #3 (October 10, 95)
omn-asci.txt [?] 15358
Omen: ASCII Collection, by Lumme
omn-opus.txt [?] 83077
Time Out! The Opus, by Menace of The Omen (April 11, 1995)
r-terra.txt 40647
Necromancer Presents: Terra Cotta, "Scorched Earth"
rick-vw.txt [?] 82957
My First ASCII Collection, by Rick of LSD (Ryszard Pyka)
sos-fh.txt [?] 56036
Fuckin' Heroin by Maf! of Slammin' Original Style (SOS) (1996)
uff!¦mrf.txt [?] 32462
Uff: The Second ASCII Collection by Mr. Fish and His Friend (1995)
w^S-sd01.txt 52850
wd-space.asc [?] 35337
Zagax Presents His First ASCII Collection: Space (November 13, 1994)
wr-year.txt 108388
Windrider's ASCII Collection: A Year in the Life (December, 1997)
zb-grass.txt [?] 36292
Grass: An ASCII Collection by Zabora (Tomasz Zaborowski) (December 14, 1996)
zok2.txt [?] 3277
Arse, a Collection by Zok

There are 38 files for a total of 1,702,028 bytes.