z - E N T E R T A I N M E N T i N C a N D d O - D I Z p R O D U C T I O N p R E S E N T S a N a S C I I - C O L L E C T I O N b A S E D o N i D E A S f R O M c - R E A L l A D I E S a N D g E N T L E M E N w E L C O M E t O : --- - +--- - -- - -- - - - ---- - --- - - - | µrP ¡ | _w*wµ_ JØr | | _#" ØØr ØØ ¦ | æ@ ¯ _w*wµ_ _w*wµ_ JØr ¦ ! JØ@ µP ØØr µP ØØr ÆrE ¡ ÆØ' Æ@*MSW*@@ Æ@ *@@ @ÝØ | . JØ# dØ dØ *MH 0Ø¿ · ¦ ØØ #ØK _w #ØK _wÆ* #½¿ · ¦ JØ °#ØÑææ#° °#ØÑææ#° Æ*¿ Æ#Ø : ¿--¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯  ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ M = Y S = t = O = R = Y r e a l -> M · Y S · t · O · R · Y <- ¯=¯=¯=¯=¯=¯=¦=¯=¯=¯=¯=¯=¯ .- - ····· ···    · · · · ' · First of all, I would like you to understand, that I'm not very · used to write Ascii-collections. If fact, this is my first time. : One may ask him/her-self why I even bother putting so much time : in doing something that probably will be deleted one month after download. Well, that's a good one, really. Unfortanutelly I don't know the answer myself, but one thing could be the fact that you : are reading this; the fact that you're sitting infront of your : computer reading this. `--- - - - - - - - - - -- - -. .- --- --- - - ---- -- -- ---- -- ' : As I started my career on the amiga-scene, I found out that this was the right place for me. Me, Eagle-eye as I called myself then, . and a friend called Adept had some great moments trying to manage : Red Sectors "Demo-maker"; a great program, perfect for two : youngsters trying to make our very own intro. I took care of the | grafx and the music, and Adept did the "coding". Together we started the group "Delta", and against all odds, Adept managed to | do an intro. `------------ - --------- ---------- ------ -- - - - - -- -. Time passed us by, and Adept was to become the most enthusiastic| about the idea of becoming real elite. Therefor he and a friend | called Zool, decided to start a BBS. The result of their work: : "Zoomed Reality". As their rumor started to spread round Europe,¡ they were desperate to hide their back-ground. They joined groups as Equinox, 2000 AD, and others, and to be sure that no-one would recognice them, they changed groups frequently. They also | changed handles. Zool became [Fuze], and the most famous of them| Adept, changed to the handle he's under today; V-Cut / Classic. | .------------- ------------- --- -- - -- ------ - - --- -------' : So now you know two of my oldest Ami-pals. Then, what about me? Well, I continued on my music, made some modem-rounds in Sweden and Denmark, mostly under the name "Z-rox", but nothing serious. ¡ But now it's time to face the facts, that MY work, is to become | spread around the globe by all you elite-swappers. `--- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . If you want more information about me as a ascii-artist and | musician, then be sure to download my second ascii-collection, ! release-date not yet set. .- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --' Greetings and contactaddrss and number will be given in the end | of this text. Bless you all; see you in another production.. | ¦ Signed [c-rEal / z-entertainment inc] `----------- - -- ---------- ---- --. ÷÷^÷÷ \ / Y ¦ p A R T one: s Y S T E M - l O G O S ¯°¯°¯°¯°¯°¯°¯°¯°¯°¯°¯°¯°¯°¯°¯°¯°¯°¯°¯ 1. a C E S h I G H 2. a R M S V E T T 3. a S S E M B L Y h A L L 4. f L A S H B A C K 5. t H E l A S T i N N 6. p L A N E T x 7. s L I M E W O R L D 8. s P E E D : t `---. H : .---' : E `---. : .---' : s `---. H : .---' : O `---. W : .---' : `---. h : .---' : A `---. S : .---' : `---. b : .---' : E `---. G : .---' : U :---. : N : `---' ¦ --. .-------------------------+------------+-----------------------. ¦ nAME¦ ·> aCES hIGH <· ¦ lOGO #1 ¦ oRDERED bY¦ ·> nONE ¦ `-------------------------^------------^-----------------------' .········ ·· · ··  ·   ·   ·   ···· ·. : /\___________/\____ ____ : : // ___ \\ __// ___// __/ ¡ : // ___) \\/ _/___) /\_ \ | : \\___||__/ \/ \\ \/\____/ - +-- : \\_____/\\___/ | ¡ ! | .::::: : ! /\____ .::::/\_______!_/\ · : // | \:::::// ___\\ ¦ \ · : // .:::::·// \ \\ \ : \\___!::::· \\_______/_!____/ : :::::· [<-®eal] `·· ····  ···· ···     ··· ·· · · · · ¦ --. .-------------------------+------------+-----------------------. ¦ nAME¦ ·> aRMSVETT <· ¦ lOGO #2 ¦ oRDERED bY¦ ·> xTC ¦ `-------------------------^------------^-----------------------' .-------- - ----- --- -- - - + : ____________ ________ ________________. : ______\\______ /___ ___.____\\___\\ \___\\ /. ¡ //____________// / \// _¡||_______/\\ \ __\\ / YY| \\ / : | // \\ __ \¦| __/\\__ //|__\\ \\ // / __)\/|| ||| |\/ : // ¡| ¦| \\ \ \\ // || \\ \\ / \//\ || ||| | . | //_____!|____¦|__|\\__\ |\// ||_______\\ / // / || ||| | ¡ ! 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"hTTP://www.real.zent.se" iS oUT oF oRDER !!!B.o G R E E T I N G S T O F O L L O W I N G P E R S O N S ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ..aNNIKA....: I do love you, a bit... ..aRAGON....: kidnix say's hello ..bLOCKMAN..: keep on workin' ..dIXY......: keepin' contact ..dR cLAY...: who the fuck are you? ..kIDNIX....: good luck with your system bro' ..lASERMAN..: remember me?!?!? ..fUZE......: done painting yet?? ..mOSQUITO..: keep up the good work ..mR yO.....: respect... ..nERO......: thanx for storing my mods.. ..nORAD.....: thanx for your help ..nUKEMAN...: knew you'd dl this.. ..oRBIT.....: Ingelsta sucks... ..oXIDY.....: german movies sucks.. ..rECALL....: got your licence yet??? ..v-CUT.....: say hi to Marie from me.. no respect at all ..sNAFU.....: respect... ..tOPFLIGHT.: you're a hell of a guy.. ..xTC.......: ever tried deodorant??? r E L E A S E - f A C T S ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ -> rELEASE-dATE.....: 7tH oF jULY 1995 -> mADE iN..........: hÖKÖPINGE -> mADE oN..........: aMIGA 600 -> pROGRAMS uSED....: cYGNUSeD v3.5 & aMI-eD v2.0 -> fIRST rELEASE oN.: aCES hIGH -> aLL tEXT & aSCII.: c-REAL m O R E c - R E A L p R O D U C T I O N S ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ -> wORK iN pROGRESS <- -> tWO aSCII-cOLLECTIONS -> iNTERNET-cONNECTION -> rEMIXES oF sEVERAL mUSIC-hITS -> fINISH a dEMO-tAPE -> dISCJOCKEY-rENTAL -> bE sURE tO fOLLOW c-REAL'S CAREER iN tHE fUTURE.. =t=H=E=e=N=D=t=H=E=e=N=D=t=H=E=e=N=D=t=H=E=e=N=D=t=H=E=e=N=D= @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ.------------------------------------------. : _w*wµ_ C-Real gives you JØr : : _#" ØØr ØØ : : æ@ ¯ _w*wµ_ _w*wµ_ JØr .··' : JØ@ µP ØØr µP ØØr ÆrE :... : ÆØ' Æ@*MSW*@@ Æ@ *@@ @ÝØ : : JØ# dØ dØ *MH 0Ø¿ ...: : ØØ #ØK _w #ØK _wÆ* #½¿ : : JØ °#ØÑææ#° °#ØÑææ#° Æ*¿ Æ#Ø `··. : M = Y S = t = O = R = Y : :aSCII-cOLLECTION fROM a nEW sWEDISH aRTIST: ·------------------------------------------·@END_FILE_ID.DIZ