@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ . ____| ____ . | dESTINY sTARRING : · | :____ | | .ø( «·cLONE!·» )ø. | | | ---| pROUDLY pRESENT : ----- -----· |.ø( «·cONVERSE·» )ø. ------------------· ( 950328 22:27 ) ==) dESTINY, fATE lIES bEFORE uS (==== @END_FILE_ID.DIZ g. @[ @[ @[ @[ @WmWmms _m@P~~~~Mb i@*~@[ ]@ ` @[ ]@ ,. gWW. iW ,m. @[ ]@ VMs ,s gA\@[ ]@ . ,@P @[ ]@ YW.]@ @WWA ]@@@@@@A ]@__. @[ ]@ YWWA @P~ Wi!@[ ~**@. @[ ]@ ~@[ @[ @[ @[ @[ @[ ,g@[ @[ @[ @[ @[ ,_mmm@! 4@@@@Af~ @[ !@mm@! @[ M*~~~ @[ @[ '~~` V` @[ ,@! @[ ]@ @[ ]@ @[ ]@ V` dA gmmms @[ WP~~Y@ @b , i@` _d@ @[ g. gm. @[ ]@ dA*` ' @[,Wf~ @[ ]@WA @b@! -@i @[ ]@~ ,s ,_@@f YW.@[ ]@ g@f M*@[ V@@[ !@mW@A` @[ . '@[ ~~ @[ ,WA @[ @b_WA @[ gm@@M@*~ @[ '*~ ]@ ,s @[ ]@ i@` @[ '@igA` @[ @@f @[ Mf @[ ]@ 'f VERY HEAVY METAL JUST CALL IT: DYERS EYE 20.30 - 08.00 For all kids under 25 ! NO 2400 PLEASE! MORE 1200 PLEASE! THIS IS SUCKY!, FUNKK! 145424 Plus,fortysix,bracket,zero,bracket,nineteen,hundredandfortyfivethousandfourhund- -redandtwentyfour or in normal numbers: +46(0)19 145424 This is the longest bbs-add known to mankind!... Fucks goes to: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE! +++ATH KO WHAT? OK!, I mean That's OK! Fatal Error #123 WHAT? ...........End of commercial «· cLONE! pRESENTS a mICROCOLLECTION cALLED: ·» .::::::::::::::::::::::::. .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. |::_________________________________ _____ ___________ __________ |. |:+\_ __ ___ _ ___ _ _ ___ ¬|______ \_ _______ \_____ ¬\_ | . |·:/ /_____/ / ¬| ¬\ | ¬\/ | _/ / ___/______ _ _/ | . |_/ _/ ¬\/ | \_ | \_ | ¬\_/ \_ ¬/ | ¬| | : |\____ cL! \____ /__|dSY / | \___ / /_____| | | : | /__________\ /________/ | /\ | / / / / | | | : | l____/ \_______/ /_________/ |_____| | : ------------. __________ ______________ .--------------------------- . : ............| _/ _________ \__ ________ | .: ::: | \_______ ¬\ / ____/______ |...............................: ::: | _/¬ / K \ ACs ¬/::| ·::::| \____ / \___ \ /:+:::......... . . . | /___________\ /________/::::. --------------------------------- .................................. aND i'M dOING tHIS jOB fOR: _ _ \ _ + ___ / ___ ___ _/_ _ _ / / / / /__//__ / / /\/ \/ /___/ /__ ___/ /_ / / / / aND oFCåZ: .::::::::::. .::::::::. ::: :::: ::: ::: .::::::. ::: :::: ::: ::..... :::::::::::: ::: ::: ... ::: ::: :::: ·::::::::· :::..::: wICH dOESN't MEAN AnabolCaS(?) wELL!, tHIS iS jUST a REQUEST-cOLL sPECIAL 4, cONVERSE.. hEEEHhm.. .--------------------------------.---------------------------------. . . .:::::::::::. | ·::::::| ________ _________ ____ _________________________ ________ :__________ _/ _______\\_ _ ¬\_\_ ¬\__ /_ _____/\_ ¬|\_____ ¬\_\_ ______/ \____ ¬\ | |) // || ¬|__/ | ___/ / |/ _ _// __/___ _/ \ \| ___// || | | ¬| /cL! | | ¬\ \_ ¬\ \______ \ \ |::_/dSY || | | | _/ |____|ACs \___ \ |________\__|::\_______||___| |____| \_______| | \ |_______\ ::. |_______\ ·:::::::::::::::::::::... . . . .:::::| ---------------------------------- Or, as the spanish gay said: Buenos diaz!, Porr gejjvor .---------------------------------. .::::::::::::::::. | ______ :::. | \ dSY |_____ _____________________ ____ ____ .:::::::::::::. \_ | _/ \_ _ /\_ ______/ \_ \/ _/ .:::::::: :::: ::::: / \ | |___/ / ___/___ / \/ \ :::: ::::··········· / |ACs \ | | _/ \_ \ || \::::::: ::::......:::::/cL! |______\| | \____ \___|| \::: ·············/_______| ::::|___| \_________\ |______\::::::::. ·:::::::::::::... . . . | _____. immmmmm. ,mm ims | @@@@@@@[ ,@@*****` ]@@ ]@@ --------.]@@` Y@@ ]@[ ]@@ ]@@ immmmm |]@@ ]@@ mmmmmi ]@[ ]@@ ]@@ _@@**M@b.|]@@ ]@@ d@A***! ]@[ ]@@s__W@@ @@[ @@[|]@@ ]@@ @@L ]@[ ]@@@@@@@@ @@[ @@[|]@@ ]@@ ]@@@@@b. ]@[ ]@@` Y@@ @@W__g@@[|]@@ ]@@ ****M@b ]@[ ]@@ ]@@ @@@@@@@@[|]@@ ]@@ ]@@ ]@W ]@@ ]@@ @@[ @@[|'@@Wmm@@P ]@@ M@@@@@@i ]@@ ]@@ @@[ @@[: ~*****f` ]@@ '~~~~~~ ~~ '~` @@[ @@[. W@@ M@[ @@[ W@@@@@@[ ~ '~ . '~~~~~` Fulla tyskar kan man lita på.... / Nietsche Hihihi, det var det inte alls!... Fniss .---------------------. ____ ____ _______ |________ ____| ¬| _________ ________ \_ ¬|___ \_ _ ¬||\_ _ ¬| \_ ¬| | \_ ______| \_ _ ¬| .::::| | ¬|| | || |____|| __.| __/___ | _|) | | |cL!|| |ACs||dSY| ¬|| | ¬|| l ¬|| | | |____ ||___ ||___ ||____| ||____ ||___ | ::.l___|. l____|| l_____| l___| l_____| l____| ······· ::::::. -------------------------------. .: . .: .::::::::::::::. _________ _________ ______________________________ ::::: \_ _ ¬\ \_____ ¬\_ \_ ______/\__ _____/\__ ¬/ .::::· / _| \/ _ _/ / \__ ¬\/ __/__ | |__/ .:::::·_/ \_ \ | ¬\/ | \_ \ ¬\ | | .::::: \_______| \___| \_____ /__ \ \| : ::::::· :| \ |______\ \_____/ \_______\___. |________\ | | : . The final breath is always the last one... /cLONE! .------------------. .------------------. ·::::_______ | .::::::::::. ________ ::\ | ______________________ ______ _/ \:::\ |_____ _/ _________/\__ / _/ _ \_ .:::::::. \_ _| \::|\__ | __/ \_ ___/_____ | |__/ \_ _ _/:::: .::: / \_ \:|/ _ \ / \ \ | | / __| \::: .::: / | \/ | \ \ \| | / \ \: .::: /_______|cL! \_____|ACs \_______ \ : /______\dSY \.:::: |_________\ |______\ |_________\ . \______\::: . . .:::::::::::| ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ .-------------------------------. |:::··· | | Abnormal GreetZ.:.: | .-------------------------------· | cHROMBACHER,fATAL,xCUZ,sTASH | | zAGAx,mANTA,sPLAT,hEMLIGE- | | -aRNE,nURGLE,gOOLUM,cK-dEATH | | jUNIOR,kILLERWOLF,cLONE!#1, | cLONE!#2,cLONE!#3, cLONE#4, | cLONE!#5,cLONE!#5,cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5 cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5 cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5 cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5 cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5cLONE!#5 ...oops.. forgot to release the macro.... what the hell......... Pseudo-support by: Bzzzzzzzzz ( Harddrive-fläkt ) Blablablabl ( Tv in backround ) Swoooooshhh ( Freeway far away) Tip,tap,tap ( My keyboard... ) Tok,tok,tok ( My diskdrive ) Kneek,kneek ( My chair... ) LAAAAAAAAA! ( Arne singing in the shower.... ??????? ) .::: sHOW yOUR aPPRECIATION BY: Sending 2000:- cash to me.... or, make a logo in your next colly... logo: cLONE! 3. Where's 1 and 2?? _g@@@@@@Ws_. ,W@@@@@@@@@@@@s W@@@AfY@@@M@@@@b ,____ @@@[ ]@@@ V@@@b ,W@@@@@@@s. V@A` !@@@[ V@@A i@@@@@@@@@@@s @@@[ '~ gm. d@@@~` 'VM@@@[ @@@[ gm. ]@@@ @@@A V@A` @@@[ ]@@@ ]@@@ @@@[ @@@[ ]@@@ ]@@@ @@@Wmmms ,@@@[ ]@@@mmW@@@ @@@@@@@@[ _. ]@@@` ]@@@@@@@@@i @@@A***f W@@i ,W@@@ ]@@@***@@@[ i@@@[ @@@[ g@@@@f ]@@@ @@@[ !@@@[ ,@@@[ M@@A` ]@@@ @@@[ M@@@m___gm@@@@` ~~ ]@@@ @@@[ 'M@@@@@@@@@@@! V*` @@@[ V*@@@@@A*f` '*f ,W@mmms__. !@@@@@@@@@W. ,_gmmmm_ '***M@@@@@@i g@@@@@@@@Ws gm. 'M@@@. ]@@@@@@@@@@@W. ]@@@ gm. '@@@b W@@@~` 'VM@@@[ gmm_. @@@@ W@@@ Y@@@ @@@A V@A` d@@@@@i @@@[ @@@P !@@@[ @@@[ @@@@@@@. @@@[ @@@[ @@@[ @@@@@@@W. @@@PM@@@s@@@[ @@@[ @@@[ @@@@@@@@[ ,ms @@@[ Y@@@@@@[ '*f @@@[ @@@A***f @@@[ ,@@@[ @@@@@@[ ___mm@@@[ ]@@@[ @@@[ ]@@@` !@@@@@! g@@@@@@@@@@A` !@@@b g@@@[ ]@@@ 'M@@f d@@@@@@@@**~ M@@@@mmmW@@@@@`,@@@@ @@@A~~` 'M@@@@@@@@@@@! !@@@! @@@[ V*@@@@@A*f` '~` @@@[ @@@[ @@@b Y@@@ V*` Bigtime!................