[start of ascii] @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .________ __________ . .___| ___/_____.\ _. /_. , .--'_| | /__ |___ |___/ |_`---, | _\\_ _ |_ ___/___ _//_ | `--. |___/ __\ | / ____| .---' `--- /-------|______|-------' ----'ck "jubii, ferie" / cyberkid @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ._____________________________. | | | 1st note: experimental | | ascii might be found in | | this colly. you should | | extract FATDOTS.COM from | | this colly and run it | | before proceding. unless | | you own a fab. amiga, or | | run shitty 80x50/afs.com. | | | | cyberkid presents for | | katharsis!ascii and dask | | his 23rd ascii-collection. | | | | ..... | .... ... | ...: . : | :. :..... :... |.. :. : :.: | :: . : ::.. :.. |.:. ....: ............. ....| ........ : :.: :.... : : |.: : ...: : :. | : ... :..: :..: :::: : | ...: .......... :......| : ........ :::: :::: : | ..........:::: :::: ... | ..: :::: :::: :::::::: :..| :::: :::::::: :::: : | :::: :::::::: ::::::::......:::: :::::::: :::: :.....|...... .... :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: k i d : :::: ::::::::..:::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: .......|..... : :::: :::: .... :::::::: ::::::::..:::::::: .... : | : ::::..:::: : : ::::::::..::::::::.... ..... :..: | ..:......... : : :::: ......|.................: | :.: .........: :...... : | ... : | :.: .. : : | :...: | :..: | | | seems like its time for | | another little kts!ascii | | production. lots of things | | has happened here the first | | few days of my summer- | | holidays. but, now i'm | | bored, and has nothing | | better to do than drawing | | some ascii. my girlfriend | | is on vacation with her | | parents, my visitors are on | | a 5 days trip to hamburg, | | some other friends are | | having their final exams, | | while yet other i just dont | | feel like hanging out with | | right now. | | | .... ..| | ....: .: ... :| .... | :..::.....:: : :|.... :. : | :.:: .... : ::......:: : .... :......: | : :::: : : : : ::::.... ... | : .... :......: :::: : : ....:::: : | .: :::: ....:::: : : ::::.... : | ... :::::::: :::::::: : : :::::::: : | : :::::::: :::::::: :..: :::::::: : j u b i i f e r i e .......: :::::::: ::::::::......:::::::: : | :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: : .... | :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: : ..: .: | :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: : ........:....:: | ::::::::..:::::::: :::::::::::: :.: .......... : | ....:::: ........ ::::..:::: | :::: ....:::: :::: : | :::: | :::::::: :::: : | :::: .......... | ....:::: :::: :......|.............. :::: :::: ::::..........:::::::: :::: | :::: :::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::: .......|.......... ::::....:::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::: : | :::: :::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::: : ... | :::: :::: :::::::: ::::::::::::..:::: : : : | ....... :::: :::: :::::::: ::::::::::::.... .:...: | : :::: ::::..:::::::: :::::::: .........: .: | : :::: .. ::::.... :::: .... :::: : | ..:......::.............|..: : :::: : | :.: ..:: .| :......:.. | :..| :.: | | | | "jubii, ferie" we'll call | | this colly. translated from | | danish it would be | | something like "whee, | | summer-holidays". please | | note, that there are no | | requests in this colly, | | since i've fucked up my | | requests again again again. | | sorry dudes! | | | | .... | ... | :. : | ... .......:.: ::...|.........: ......:: | ... :.....: : ...........: ........ ....: :...... |............: ..........:::: :..: ........ ......::::......::::...... :.....| .......... :::: ::::::::......:::: :::: :::::::: :::: ::::..........:::: :::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: :::::::: ::::::::......:::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: ::::::::...... :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: ::::..:::::::: :::::::: ::::::::..:::: .... :::: ::::::::..:::::::: :::: ::::..... :::: ::::::::..:::: ..|.......: :.......... ::::.... ...... :::: ............. :::: ..........: |.. ..:........|.: . :..... :.. ..:......: ..:: | : e k s a m e n :.: | :.::. : :.: :.|.: | : | | ..: | | | whee, exams are over, and | | holidays can begin. no | | school, no homework, just | | fun, beers and trippin'. | | | | | | .... | ..... .... | : .: :.. | ....: ..: .. :. : | : : ... | :. ::.........:...... :....|... : :::: :.........: .. | .. ... ..........: .......... :.. | :...: ::::.......... ..: |..:..........: : ...... :::: :::::::: :::: .... :::::::: :::: :.....| .......... . :::: ..: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: ::::..........:::: :::: : :::: : :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: : :::: :. :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: ::::......:::: ::::..::..::..:::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: ::::::::..:::::::: ::::::::..:::: ::::::::..:::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: ::::::::.... :::: :::: :::: ::::::::.... :::: ::::::::...... :::: :::: :::: :::: | :::: :::: ::::..:::: ....:::: ::::..:::: :::: | :::: :::: | :::: ....:::: s e x y l e g s .... | | :::: | + f r i e n d s | .......... .... | .......... :::: | :::: ::::..........::::..........:::: :::: ::::.......... :::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: :::: . :::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::: ::::......:::::::: :::: :... :::: :::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::: :::::::: ::::::::...... .... ::::::::::::.... :::: :::::::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: | :::: : .: :::: :::: .... :::: :::::::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: | :::: : ...... :::: : : :::: ::::::::::::..:::::::: :::::::: :::: | :::: : : :::: :.. :::: .... ::::::::.... :::: :::::::: :::: |....:::: : : :::: . :..... : : :::: |... .. ..... ::::..:::: |.........:.. ..:......: ......: :......|. :....:....: :............| :.: :.: : ... .|: .. ::.. | :...: | :..: | | | | sexylegs and barbarian took | | the early flight to visit | | little me in stupidh europe | | much luv to you dudes! | _________ | we're gonna spend next week | \ \ | in a hut (hut? :) near the | \ _____ \_____________________________________________| \ \____\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | \ \ (_) (_) _(_)___(_)___(_)_ (_) (_) |____\___ \__________________\________________\___ \ | \_________________\ | beach, where i | | hope to get a sun-tan that | | doesnt make me look too | | stupid when i'm going to | | visit them in their ghetto | | later next month. | | | ..... | | : ..: :. .... | | : :.......:..: | | : :::: : | .... | ....: ::::....:::: : ..: |... :. : ... | :. : :::::::::::: : : | :.....: : : | .....: ::::....:::: :..: :::: .... ..: | : ......::::::::::::......:::: :::: : | : :::: :::::::::::: :::::::: :::: : | ...: :::: :::::::::::: :::::::: :::: :....................|......... :::: ::::::::::::......:::: :::: | :::: :::::::::::: :::::::: :::: d i k u & | ::::..:::::::::::: ::::::::..:::: | :::::::: :::: | | :::: :::: | | :::::::: | .......... | :::::::: | :::: :::: | ::::::::........ :::: :::: | :::::::::::: ........ :::: :::: | ......:::::::::::: :::: :::: :::: | :::: :::::::::::: :::: :::::::: :::: | d i s c o :::: :::::::::::: :::: :::::::: :::: | ............. :::: :::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: :::: |.............. : :::: ::::::::.... :::::::: ::::::::..:::: | : ::::..::::::::::::..:::::::: :::: ...........| ...:.......... :::: .|...... ::::..:::: :. | :..: ..:: .. : :::: :| ..:............ : .. | :..: :......:|. :.: ..: :..: | :|: | | sexylegs and barbarian | | wanted to check out copen- | | hagen, so we went on a 2 | | days trip there, where i | | visited some friends, went | | in tivoli and on "bakken", | | and even met my old gf at | | some disco. hoped to trick | | barbarian into beating up | | her new boyfriend, but he | | wouldnt. oh damn :) | | friends studied at diku.dk, | | thats why! | |... | ......|:.: | ... : |: ... ... | ... : : : ::::|: .....: : : | ....... ....: :...: ::::|:.: .: .......:: | ...: :.: ..........::::....:::: : : .... : | .... ..........:::: :::::::::::::::: :..: :::: :.. | :. : :::: :::::::: ::::::::....::::.... .... . : | : :::: :::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::: : | .....: :::: :::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::: :..........|...... ... :::: :::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::: | ....: :::: :::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::: p o l i t i ...... :::: :::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::: ...........|.......... : :::: :::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::: : | : :::: ::::::::..::::::::::::::::..:::::::: : | : ::::..:::: ........ :::::::: ........ :::: : | : :::: ......: : :::: ....:.. : :::: :.. | ..:......... .. : ::::|: :.: :........ | :.: ..: :..: ....|: ..: | :.. | | | the day before my brother | | crashed my parents car, | | i get a ticket for speeding.| | duh! have the feeling it | | was a fixed 'bust', because | | the cop said to me ".. and | | this was for cheating my | | kid for all those 3l337 | | wAreZ.." (hej mox :). guess | | i'll haveto skip some few | | beers this summer to save | | some money for that bummer. | | btw, "politi" is police in | | danish. | | | | .. | ..... | ::.......: |...: . : ::....... .... | : : |: :: :.: : : ... :. : ..|. : :::: : | ::.....:: .: :::: :.. :.......:... :.|: : :::: : .. ... | : .... : ... ::::.......... : ..: .......|: : :::: :..: : ...........|: : :::: : : : :::::::: :::: :......: ..........:::: :......: .......... |..: :::: :... ...: :::::::: ::::..........:::: :::::::: ........:::: ::::......:::: .. ... :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: ::::::::......:::::::: :::::::: :::: : : :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :. : :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: .... ..: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: : .. :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: : : ::::::::..::::::::..:::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::..:::: : : ::::::::.... ::::::::..:::::::::::: :::::::: :::: |.........:.. : :::: ........:: ....:::: .... ... ::::::::..:::: ..........| :.: : :::: :.. :...........: ..|: : :::: ..........:.. | ..:....... : |. :......: :.: | :.: .: l e g o l a n d |..:: ... | | :...: | | robin and chris wanted to | | check out legoland too. | | awgh, i hate legoland. lots | | of stupidh tourists, very | | expencive food, and no beer.| | well, at least we had fun | | trashing some cars for 4-10 | | years kids. "whee" and they | | are probably still whining. | | good thing is that the bus | | was only $2, and the kiosk | | only 500m away sold beers | | on sundays. | | | ....| | : .:| | ... ...:...|.. ::....... | :.:..... .....:: : : .... : : : .. | .......: :.. : ...: :::: :..: :::: :.:.............::| .: ......::::...... :...: ...::::......::::... : .......... : | ... :::: :::: ::::..........:::: ....:::: ....:::: :::: : | : : :::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :.|......... ..: :::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: | .. :::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: m e t t e : :::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: ..|.. : :::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: ::::::::..:::: : | : :::: :::: ::::::::..::::::::..:::::::: ::::::::.... ..:.| ..:...... :::: ... ::::.... ....|..... ::::..:::: ........: :.| :.: .. :......: :...........:.. | : ...........: | :..::. :.: | :.. ..: | ,_ | | ___/_____, | roller-nip would be a more | ,____\ , (______, | suitable name for this | _) _____________ /_ | logo. i had just bought | ,_\_ ( . . ) __/ | some new rollerskates, and | /_ \____,____/_(_, | were looking forward to try | ____ /_ | _\ ____ | them out. then i met mette, | (___ \//(_ | _)\\/ ___) | who had just | .______ \_/______|____\_/ __________. crashed several | | ) | ( | times on her roller-| | _/_______|_____\_ | skates. whee. no | | .\________|______/. | more rollerskating | __|___ | | | | | | / _|_________|_______|_ ______|________ | | /_ (_)(_)(_)(_) (_(_(_(_) __\ | | | | for me. blood and | |___________________________________| stuff aint really | | me :). will prolly | | need some extensive | | rollerskating-course before | | i dare hitting the road on | | my - still unused - skates. | | | | ..... | .... ::....... | ..: . : | : .: : : .. | ......:: :.: | ...:........: :::: :.....: | ::.....: :.....::| : : ........ ::::...... ........|........: ......::::...... : | ...: :::: :::: ::::.......... ........:::: :::: :::: : | ::::......:::: :::::::: ::::......:::::::: :::: :::: :.|............. ::::::::......:::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: | :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: | :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: | :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: | :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: :::: | ::::..:::: :::: |::::..:::: .... | | :::: | | ..........:::: | ......::::......:::: :::::::: s k r a m m e l :::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: | :::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: | :::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: | .............. :::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: .............|............... : :::: :::: ::::::::..:::::::: : | : :::: :::: ::::::::.... :::: : | :............ :::: ........ :::: : | :.:: .. ..:...|..: : :::: : | :..: :.: | :.:......:.. | | :. :.: | | | | "skrammel" was a linux-box | | i helped setting up for a | | friend on a trip to grenaa. | | promished to do a skrammel | | login logo, so here goes: | | | .__________________. | | | | _____ ___ _______ | _______ _____ | _____ ________ ______ _( ___/__---/ _/_ __ )_(___ /__/ /__ __/ /__ _ )( / /_____ / _ /_ _/ _/__ _/ /_ _ _ /_ _ _ /_ / __/ /__ ------/---/______)-\_____/-/_____/-/___/____)-/___/____)--------------- . . | | " skrammel " | | |__________________| | . | | not a very handy one, but | | hope it'll do until i get | | hold of a better font :) | | | .... | | ....: .: | | : .::.....:: | | :.:: : | | : :::: : | .....:: | .............:: : :::: : ::...|....... : ... | : .......... :.... : :::: : : .......... :.........:.: | : :::: :::: :..: :::: : : :::: ::::.......... : | :::: :::::::: :::: : : :::: :::::::: :::: : | .... :::: :::::::: :::::::: :..: :::: :::::::: :::: : ..|.: .: :::: :::::::: ::::::::......:::: :::::::: :::: : :.|::......:: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :..........|: :... :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: .......... |: :::: : :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: :::: |..:::::::: :. :::: :::::::: ::::::::..::::::::..:::::::: :::: :::: :::: | ::::::::.. ::::.. ::::..:::: ::::.... :::: :::: :::: :::: | :::::::: :::: | :::: :::: :::: | :::::::: :::: .......... :::: :::: | :::::::: ::::..........:::: ::::....:::: :::: :::: | :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::: :::: | :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: ::::....:::: ....:::: | :::::::: .......... :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: ....:::::::::::::::: : :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::: :::: : :::::::: :::::::: ::::::::::::...... | :::: : :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::: | : :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::: c y b e r l o g i k : :::::::: ::::::::..:::::::::::: :::: .......|............. : :::::::: :::: ....::::::::::::...... : | : ::::::::..:::: .|...... :::::::: :::: : 3 . 1 1 : :::: ..........:|. : :::::::: :::: : | : :::: : .. :|: :.... :::: :::: : | : :::: :..: | ....... :::: : | ..:....... | .: :......:.. | :.: .: | :.: | | | | just got hold of myself and | | ordered the cyberlogik 3.11 | | cd that i was missing in my | | collection. 74mins of leato | | drum'n'bass and some trance | | by my favorite scene | | artists. mp3s available on | | request when i get it :) | | | ..... | | : . : ...|. | ...: :.: : :|.....:: | ... : ::...........:: :| :....... ... | :.:.........: .......... :......:|::::...... :........:.: | ... : ..........:::: ::::........ |:::: ::::.......... :.......|...: : :::: :::::::: :::::::: |:::: :::::::: ::::.......... ..... : :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: : . : : :::: :::::::: :::::::: ::::::::......:::: :::::::: :::: : :.: ..: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: : :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :........... :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: ::::::::..:::::::: :::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: ::::::::.... :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::::::..:::: :::: :::: | r o c k e r ::::..:::: _ ____ | .__________ ____/ /___ _________________. d r i v e - b y | _ ___) /____ | | _ _ _|____._ _\_____________ _/__ | | _ / | (__( - - )_\ \ | | __ / | _\___,_____/__ _ \ | | _ _ / | _/ _ | _ (._( )___. | | _ ________/_________|___) /____|_____\ | __ - |___ ___|_______| _ / | _/_/ \|_______|--' \ / ___ |(__/ \__|(_) ___ \ /____( o )___________|____________________ |_| ____( o )_________\ ___ | | | |_______________________________________| | | :::: .... .... :::: | ::::..........:::::::: ::::.......... :::: :::: :::::::: ::::....:::: :::::::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ..... ......:::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::::::......:::: :::: : .. :::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::: :::: : : :::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::: :::: .. :::: ::::::::..:::: : : :::: :::::::: .... ::::::::..::::::::..:::: :: :::: :::: |... :::: : : ::::..:::: ....: : :::: ....|... ::::.... ..:: ::::..:::: | : :::: : .. ..:............:. ..:......: | :..........:..:............| : :::: :..: :.: .: :.:: ... | :.: | :....... :...: | | ..: | finally! the first actual | | drive-by shooting in | | denmark. some banditos | | rockers killed one | | hellsangel rocker, and | | messed 3 more up badly with | | a quick uzi-drive-by. they | | used no black limo though, | | dissapoints me a bit. hope | | there will be some amateur- | | video from their next | | "event". | | | | | | ...:: .|.. ..... | ...... : :| : : . :... | : :.............|.: :.: ::...|.....:: : :::: :: .......... |.... ..: ........ : : :::: :: :::: :::: | . : ::.........: ......:::: : : ::::....:::: :::: | :.: : ..........:::: :::: : : :::::::::::: :::: | : :::: :::::::: :::: : : ::::....:::: :::: | ........: :::: :::::::: :::: :..: :::::::::::: :::: | ................ :::: :::::::: ::::......:::::::::::: :::: |............. : :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::: | ..........: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::: | r a d i o .... :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: :::: |....... : :::: :::::::: :::::::: ::::::::::::..:::: |... : :::: .... :::: ::::::::..:::::::: ..........|. ..:......: : ::::..:::: ........ :::: : .|: :.: :......|.....: : :::: : | :.:: .. | ..: .....: | :..: | ..: | | | | we received our first free | | radio-modems, and wanted to | | establish a link between | | our block, and another | | block just 250m away. we | | even worked hard 2 days to | | make it work, but it just | | wouldnt. well, fuck it! | | think we're settling for | | a long guirilla ethercable | | down the road instead. kept | | the modems since they were | | free though, and they works | | fine the 2m from my | | stationary, to my laptop in | | bed. | | | |... | ....| .: | : .:|...... | ... .... :.::| : | :.:............. : : :::: :....:: | : .......... : :.......:: : :::: .... : | : :::: ::::.......... : : :::: :::: : | : :::: :::::::: :::: : : :::: :::: : | : :::: :::::::: :::: :..: :::: :::: : | : :::: :::::::: ::::......:::: :::: :..................|............ ....: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: | :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: e n d | ...... :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: ...................|.... : ::::..:::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: :.. | : ::::.... :::: ::::::::..:::: :::: ..... | ..:.......... :::: :::: ....|.... :::: : | :.: .. :............:.. | : .... : | :..:: .. :.: | : :::: : | :..: | :..... : | | ...: | | | | g r e e t i n g s : | | | | robin and chris for leaving | | me alone for an hour or two.| | posk, tinyz and rest of the | | kts!a crew, most of remorse,| | especially hiro and whod, | | klan, dask, especially the | | two new members, kwest!asc, | | friends in #dkscene, semi- | | greet to birgitte too (i | | wanna goto greece too!). | | | | i n s p i r a t i o n : | | | | sharp/urace, mortimer/hos, | | mhz/remorse, relief/-t, | | acid/dgs and #ascii in | | general :) | | | | m - s u p p o r t : | | | | x2/trsi, hannibal&jerry | | soundtrack, misc bobmarley, | | halluciogen, acid raid, | | spice girls video :), misc | | hiphop tracks. | | | | c o n t a c t : | | | | bbs: northern palace, | | skytower or | | mystery land. | | irc: as ck- or cyberk1d | | in #ascii or #klan or | | #dkscene on efnet. | | e : cyberkid@lin01.vejlehs.dk | ^^real email, please | | send requests/luv/etc. | | s : nah, i want no snail. | | | | c o m i n g u p : | | | | had some iff2ascii work for | | this colly, but because my | | ami is at a friends place, | | i didnt get it into this | | one, so the next one will | | prolly be iff2ascii mania. | | | |_____________________________| ° ° ._°___________________________. | ° | | leato, my first newschooler | | ever. suppose i gotta stick | | with oldschool :) | | ° | ,_ _,,·,,_ | l$$g,_ ,d$¼ý"~"ý¼$b. | ;$$$$ý~ ,d$',d$$°$$b `$b. | ° ° $¼ý$$b·_° °°° $$' $°$°°°$°$,`$$ °°°°°°°° ° ° | ' "ý$$b·_ :$' $$$$$$$$$; $$ | . . 7$$$' `' ~"ý°ý"~_,$$' _,g#S#g, | . . . ,$$P' ' ;#%#$$S¼ý ,$$$Sý"ý$$b,| _,g$$ . _,g . ,$$P' _, l$$$ ,l$$P' `Y$$| ~ý¼$$$ . l$$$. . ,$$$,g#$$$ ,$$$l $$$' $$b, ,g$'ý$ $$$$ :$$$: . _,l$$$$S7$$$ $$$$l$$$l$$$$$$$$$$ ;$$$ $$$$$$$ `¼S$g$S¼' $$$ .$$$l,g#$$$¼ý"~_ l$$S _,· l$$$ ________ l$$l | .,d$$$$¼ý~,gS$$$; $$$l $$; $$$l $$$$$$$~ _.,· $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$S$$ _,g$$$l$$$: S$$$$$$$ ;$$$; $$ ;$$$; $$$$$$$ ;$$$$ ____________ $$$; `$$¼ý~ $$$l $$$$$$$$ l$$$ ;$; l$$$ ;$$$$$$$; $$$$; $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$l ' l$$$ ;$$$$$$; $$$l ý'~ ¼$$l $$$$$$$$$ ;$$$$ ;$$$$$$$$$$$$$ l$$$ :$$$: l$$$$$ ;$$$;,g#S#g,';° ¼ý""ý¼¼$$ $$$$; $$$$$$$$$$$$$ ;$$$; $$$l ;$$$$$ l$$$;$ `$$: ,g#S$$S#g,_ ;$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$; $$$l g°°ggggg ý'~ gggggg $$$l`$g, ;$$ ¼ý"~ ~"ý¼S$$$$$$ gggggggggggggg l$$$ gg°°g ;$$$; _,g$$' ° ;$S#g | . ;$$$; . l$$$$gS$$S¼~ | ° l$$$$ |_,gg$$$$l . ,$$$$¼ý"' | $$$$; ___,,··gg#SS$$$$S¼¼¼""' . ,$$¼" | ° $$$$$$$$SS¼¼¼ýýý"""~~~ . . ,$" | `~~~~ | . . katharsis ascii nineteen-ninety-seven | | | tinyz - posk - hiro - sparr | | redd - motion man - shock-g | | sliver - k-spiff - cyberkid | | | | -kts-forever- | |_____________________________| ._____________________________. | | | b o n u s - p a r t :) | begin 644 fatdots.com MM`FZ40'-(8S(NS$!N3H`Z`T`C,B[00&Y+@#H`@#-(([`N``1B^N[`!"+T;D! 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