[one day you'll get a divine stylers production, the other day you don't !!!!] gms ]@@@[ .__. .___. _____@@@@@_______|_ |___| |___.___. _____ ___.______ | @@@@@ ./ _._/ | | | | |/ . \./ __|__ | | ]@@@@@i | | | | | | | | | _.__/_. ]@@@@@[ |__ l |___|__ l |___|___| |__ l_ | : : W@@@@@@.cRb\____|e^D. \____| |___| \_____| . . @@@[@@@[ _. ______. @@@[Y@@@ ___. / |_._._ |___. __. ___. __.____ ___. . ,@@@[]@@@ / __|___/ ___|_| l_ |/ |___./ __|__\____ \ __|___ ]@@@ @@@[ .\___._ \. | |___._ | | | _.__/|.\._ _/.__._ \. @@@[ Y@@@ |___ l | l | | __|__ l |__ l_ |_| |_ l | @ . ]@@@ '@@@[ \_____|\____|____/ \____| \_____| |____| \_____| @@ @@@P Y@@@ ,mm. @@@. .@@@[ ]@@@ ,@@@@,mm. Trivial Dino 243 Radavi Dash! @@@W W@@@` !@@@[ ,@@@@@@@@@ Orlingo Tommy Dj.Gizmo Vietcong! !@@@b d@@@! @@@[ W@@@@@@@@@________________________________ _ _ _ I@@@ @@@P @@@Wi@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b@b @b @b ]@@@,,@@@[ ]@@@W@@@ @@@A@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b@b`@b `@b `@@@[]@@@` !@@@@@@[ '*f tHE oNLY wAY tO maKE sOMEoNES dAY! @@@[]@@@ Y@@@@@ A@@@@@@A ]@@@@P ]@@@@[ M@@f ]@@@@[ ~` ~*@@*~ ____________________________________ ___ __ _ _ _\ ______ \_ _____ ________| |_ ___________ ________ | __\_____ |__ \_ _/_|__ / \ | _\ / / | _/ _/ \\_ | _ ______._/ / _____| \ \_.___________/ : |________/ \________|lo!/wl! : . what's wrong with me? why is my girlfriend in the USA?! . why are my divine stylers brothers at the party 5 and i'm not?!.. why am I freezing my ass off here in cold sweden?!.. why is it dark outside?!.. why am I writing this crap?!.. why is it beatles on the radio?!.. why is there this big bomb?!.. why not test it in Paris?! why the ocean?!... why do I hate 2 get tha{damn phonebill?! why do we all love ascii?!.. why do we hate those big PC cd-rom rips?!, why is the scene what the scene is 2day!? why don't my girlfriend hold my hand and say something nice 2 me?!... why is she a exchange student?!.. why do I miss her that much?!. why do I call those expencive calls to some fu*k'n BBS insted of calling her?!. why is the calls to the stated so expencive?!, is the calls to the states expencive, when I can talk to her?!. why do u read this bullcrap?!. why is the purple microdots so expencive?! why use dope when there is girls?!.. why is there Angelino Zooty's?! why can't thay give me some money so I can go and see my girlfriend!?. why don't I just shut up and jurk off?!. why isn't there anything cool on the idiot-box?!. why am I supercharged?!. why don't you steal the family jewels?!. why don't you go and shoot some hourse?!. why use dope?!, why is there Vipers?!, why don't drive 2 the town and make whoopee?! why do I miss (c)mt as a ascii artist in ds! so much?! why did you leave us twang?!, why isn't there any cc's?! why don't I quit the scene and become something more than . a ascii artist?!, why should I!?. why is my sterio quiet?! why isn't trivial calling me from tp5 as he said?!, why is . the snow white?!, why am I wondering this?! why do I write : why all the time?!, why was zombie zoo stolen?!, why isn't : this text stopin?!, why doesn't I just quit this crap?! |_ why?!why?!why?!why?!why?!why?!why?!why?!why?!why?!why?!why?! _\ _ _ _ _ ____________________________________________________\ ______ ______ __ ________ _____________________ / _ \_\__ \ __(_/_/ / /__\__ \__ __/ __/__ / \___/ / __/__/ / / / __ / / / ____/_ \____\ /____\_____/_____/\______/__________/____/ \________/dNo .----------------------------------------------------------. | m e s s a g e s | `----------------------------------------------------------| : : ..... : :...:......................................................: : : : : ...Welcome xxx to divine stylers... :................................................. hope you'll enjoy this collection ! : : .....:... :....: : : : ...............................................: : : ** T * R * I * V * I * A * L ** :.................................................... trivial sOOOOOOOOOOrrY that I spelled your name wrong !!!! : can you forgive me?!,. pleease, I'll do anything for you!! : ....(allmost, or, nothing, or, verry little, noo,just kiddin!)...: : I realy thought your ds!-----.txt was cooooool, keep goin! : hope you and that one night stand get 2gether or something : (you called me from some train station now!!! I guess you : call me everytime I'm doing a new ascii collection, luv!!! : :......** A * S * C * I * I ** B * R * O * T * H * E * R **.... : : : : __. _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ : / | _______\__ \___./ \________.__\____)_./ /_\__ \__./ __/_:___./___| / --- | \ | / / / |----- : |dNo_ `----------------|_____\ /------'--------/___/-----------'-------:---'\__) \/ : ****************************************************************************** aMi wELCOME tO diViNE sTYLERS aS tRiViAL'S gIRLFRIEND aND aS dS! piN-uP giRL : -***- pLEEEEEEEEASE dO mE aN dINO lOGO! -***- : .......................: aND sTOP pLAYiNG aROUND wITH tRIVIAL'S dICKIE wHEN I tALK wiTH hIM iN dA pHONE.. hE cAN'T cONCENTRATE hiMSELFE wHEN yOU aRE aLL oVER hIM :) hAhA! aNYwAY bE a nICE giRL aND tAKE cAiR oF triViAL fOR uS, yOU aRE tHE oNLY oNE iN dS! tHAT kNOW tRiViAL fROM tHE iNSiDE [i gUESS]... : tAKE:cAiR / diNO ****************************************************************************** : : .............................: : : : *** m O R T I M E R t W A N G *** : : i like your ascii style! (with german accent) : ............................ :.your 2 disk ascii collection from the party 95 : was just 2 much.... you are a hell of a ascii : artist, keep going!. i'm w8ing for more house, : trip hop, swingdinghopplasvejsan music from you! : : : .............................: : : : : : all ascii artists : hi hoooolaa booh! : make some logos for me okay?! you know that you are the best anyway, so I don't have to write alot of luv crap here! : :........ ...............: :....... : : : ...................:................... : : : : d I V A S : : :............................: : cool that (c)Mt, t^ and you girls : found each other on tp5.. respects!! : : : : ...................: : : : : : kru5ty : yUk - yUk - yUk - yUk - yUk - yUk y come back to the ascii scene!.y U : U k ascii god's can't just stop!! k yUk - yUk - yUk - yUk - yUk - yUk : : : : : : all in divine stylers : well, ehh.: hello! :) : ......:...... : :.....: : : ..: ..: ..: : :.. :.. :.....rEl!Ef...... :.. :.. :.. hope that you aren't angry or so bcoz I missed you in one greeting?! : big respect to you ! : : and from t^ too :) :) : : : . . . . . . ,gmm. Copyright (c) Divine Stylers inc. 1996 ,_g@f~~ V@A*@@mms_ all rights of the owner and of the work represented ,Wf ~~V*@m_ herein reserved. public performance, commersial use, gA` ~*@s hiring or rental of this collection is prohibited! ,Wf V@s Our intention in divine stylers is not to ripp ,Wf VW. styles or to start any quarrels and wars! gA` iW 'Ms Any simularities to other artist's previous dA ]@ 'Ms released work * are fully coincidental * gA` ,____.@[ Mb There are so many packs released these days i@` ,gWA****M@! '@i that the chance that you have a style that @[ gAf` !@. is 100% different from all the others is ]@ dA Mb none. It is also a FACT that artists DO @[ @[ '@i get influenced by others whether they i@` ]@ YW want it or not. If you realize that, you ]@ MW_ ,__gmm@@- '@i can tell the difference between @[ ~*@@@@A**f~~ Mb influenced work and rippoff. Check out !@. ]@ if your 'own' style is so fucking VW. @@ extraordinary. Please remember that !@. ]@ before you start talking bullshit! 'MW_ ]@ If you find the style that dino (dNo) '*@m_. WP represent too much lookalike yours; ~*MWm__ dA contact him instead of writing bullshit '~**@@mms__ ,__gWA in your own collections that he probably ~~V**@@@@@A-vC! dont ever get the chance to view. feel free to use (if you find any:) diNO's asciiwork in your own collections, at your board or whatever as long as the tag remains intact. (and if it is in a collection; full credit of course) ok, here we go! logos for all known ascii groups coming up! e n j o y ! _________ ______ ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 / __/_____. / __/______. .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... / \_ | i D D E N M E S S A G E S r U L E .__\___ | .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : aRCLiTE : `--------'\_____| `---------------' ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : hello legends! hope u like it : n u m b e r o u n o `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: hello hello helloooo trivial! it was cool with the hidden messages in your collection so I made one 2... .... ..:..: .::^uMn, , gEm, SyK, kRm, dZG, e, sc, Mo! ^::. _____ ______: _________ ______ ____ _____ ______ ______\__ \__\__ )____/ / /dNo /_____\___)_/ /_. / __/__. / --- / ...: / _____/_/ / / __|__/ ____|_ `-----------/-----\_____/`----------`----------^------`---------/`----------/ .....:......... :........: ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : Art : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : let's open a ascii gallery :) : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: .......... ______ ____________ ____________ .... : ______________\__ \____\_____ )________/ /___...:..: : / --- / / ____|__:___ : `--------------------/------------\__________/`-------------------:--/dNo : ... :....... :.....:.: rS! - eNf - rAt - tTx - fCKW - rIP! :.................... ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : cONtRa : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : nice logo right?! :) : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: .............................................................................. : __________ ________ ______ _______ ______ : :/ / _________ / / / /_. __\__ )__________\__ \: / _____/_/ --- \/ ___ /------/ ___|_/ / --- / :-----------'----------^-----\_______/dNo--------`-----\_______/------------/: : : `[H2o][2F][mSs][sYz][rpd!][st!]' ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : cAStLE oF iLLUSiON : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : i'M sATISFIED wiTH tHAT oNE! ;): `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... : :.....: :.....: :.....: :.....: :.....: :.....: : : : : ppX bDh nMr -j.j- [M!] vRs : :________ _____ ______ _____ ______ _______ : / / _____\_ \_/ --------/ /_. / /____/ ___/__. : / ___/___/ --- /_____ / ___|__/ / ______|__: `-----------`----------/ `--------`----------`----------`------------/dNo : ______ _ : : (____/ /_____ : ____ _____ _____ / ______ ____ ______ : (__/___/ /____/ /______________/ -------(__/______________/ / : / / / / / /_____ / / ---- / /-----/ `-----`---------`---------`---------' `--------`-----`----------`---\______/ ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : cAUSTIC dESIGN : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : iSN't iT cOOL wiTH cIRCLE lOGOS?: `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: . ______ . o () / __/_____ o _ ___ ___ __\____ | _____ () (_) . o / | |`-------------'/ /_. . _ . _ . _______/ | / ___|__ _____ (_) _ o (_) ____\__ |`--------' `----------'/ | o (_) ______ / -- | / | ______ h i d d e n m e s s a g e t o / __/___`----------' `-----'/ __/___. / | / | c a u s t i c d e s i g n `----------' `----------' _______ c a u s t i c d e s i g n _____ __\____ \___ __\___ \______ I realy like this logo.. / / | ______ zd! - f! - sMA - sF! ________ / / \ / `------------'/ __/__. / ___/__.`----/_______/ so I hope you'll greet me and ds! for it ?! :) / _____|_ / \__ | `-----------'______ _____ `-----------|dNo / __/______ / | __\_____ | / | `--------------' `------' ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : dEStiNY : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : hOPE yOU lIKE iT.. : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: ______ _____ _____ ____ __ ____ ______ __\___ \_./ __/__.dNo/ __/____./ /__._(__)_./ \----/ /____ .-/ / | _____|_._\__ | ___| | \_____/`------- /___ | `----------'----------'-----------'------'`------'----' ------/___/ `---------------[cL!]-[rAPe]-[dFkT]-[k!d]-[s!p]-[pTC]-[sox]----------------' ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : dEZiGN : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : well, ehh. don't know what 2 say: `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: ______ ______ _____ ___ ______ ____ ____________. __\___ \_./ __/__dNo____\__ \ ._(__/_./ ___/___./ \----/ | / / | _____|_| __/_| | \_ | \_____/ D! sc Sk!n | `----------'-----------'-----------'------'----------'----' | mR aBn! rD! | |______________| ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : diGitAL gRAFitti : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : hope you lite it :) : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: ______ ___ ______ ___ _____ _____ ____ __\___ \_._\__)_./ ___/___._\__)_./ /__.____\__ \_./ /_____. / / | | \_ | | ___| -- | | `----------'------'----------'------'-------'`-----------'----------' [2o!] [m!] ______ ______ _____ _____ ___ ____ ____ ___ / ___/___._\__ )______\__ \_./ __/__._\__)_ / /__./ /__._\__)_. / \_ | .____/ -- | ____| | ___| ___| | `----------'----' `-----------'----' `------'-----' `-----' `----dNo ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : diViNE sTYLERS : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : dS! bRoTHERS aLL aROUND dA gLOBE: `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: .-------c-o-n-t-a-c-t---------. d i v i n e s t y l e r s ______ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ _____ `-f-o-r---b-e-s-t---s-t-u-f-f-' __\___ \_._\__)_\ \/ /(__/_./ \----/ __/__. / / | |\______/ | \_____/ _____|_ divine stylers^recordz inc. .---------`----------'------' `------'----' `----------'---------. dS_recz@algonet.se | _____ ____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ | | / __/____./ /__.\ \---./ /_____./ __/__. _\__ )___ / __/____| divine stylers inc. |_\__ | ___|_\___ | | _____|_/ .____/_\__ dNo| 1: dS!@exmandato.se |-----------'------'`---------'----------'----------'----' `-----------| 2: d_stylers@swexs.se `-----------------(t^)-(orl)-(dNo)-(vC!)-(st^)-(cG!)-(&mORE:)-------------' 3: divine@algonet.se ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : ePSiLON dESiGN : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : tAKE cAiR oF t0! fOR uS! :) : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: _____ ______ _____ ___ ____ ____ / __/__. __\__ \ / __/____._\__)_./ /_____._________./ \----, __/ _____|_/ .___/_\__ | | | --- | \_____/ _\_\----------'----' `-----------'------'----------'---------'----' /_/_ \_\__ ______ ______ ____ ___ ______ ____ __/_/ \_\__\___ \_./ __/__ / __/_____._\__)_./ ___/___./ \----/_/dNo / / | _____|_._\__ | | \_ | \_____/ `----------'-----------'-----------'------'----------'----' fTL - HrP - fRM - cRb - s% - cDr - t0! - nb ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : gROtEStiCLE : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : cOOL nAME! hOPE u lIKE thE lOGO!: `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: ____ ____ ___ ____ _____ ___ ___ _____ _. ____ / _/__._\_ )________./ /_./ __/_. / __/__./ /_._\_/_./ / / |/ __/_. / \_ | .___/ -- | __| ____|.\__ | __| | __/_/ | ____|. |-------'---' `------'----'`-------'--------'----'`-----'------'--'-------| `------------[gm]------[mGz]------[St!]------[nUp]------[acid]-------------' ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : hONEY : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : well,..... hi! :) : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: _______ ______ ______ _____ / __/_____.____________./ \-----/ __/__. \ \-----, / \_ | ---- | \______/ _____|__\__ / `-------\_____|------------'------' `-----------'-------dNo gZ! + pAd + uMn + sTw + dK! ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : hOUSE oF sTYLE : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : sTYLE tAKES tIME, riGHT!? :) : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: _____ _____ _____ / __/____.________.____ ____. / __/___./ __/__. / \_ | -- | | |_\__ | _____|_. .--`-----\____|--------'---------'----------'----------| | ______ :_/\_ _______|/ __/__. (nK) (rN!) (ab) (WhW!) (Mt) .--\__/--. / --- | _____| `-kINGS!-' `-------|----' _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ : | / __/___./ /__. \ \---./ /___ / __/__. | `-----._\__ | ___|__\__ | | _____|_| `----------'------'`---------'--------'----------' ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : iNFERNO gRAFitti : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : hope u like it.. : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: ___ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ._\__)_./ \----/ __/_./ __/_. _\__ )__/ \----,_______. | | \_____/ ____| ____|_./ .____/ \_____/ -- | .---`------'----' `---' `---------'----' `----' `--------'-----. | Sn - mute - gOd | |_______ ______ _____ _____ ___ ____ ____ _______| / ___/___._\__ )______\__ \_./ __/__._\__)_ / /__./ /__._\__)_. / \_ | .____/ -- | ____| | ___| ___| | `----------'----' `-----------'----'dNo`------'-----' `-----' `------' ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : jEDI aRTS : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : rANX mAKE sOME diNO lOGOS 4 ME?!: `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: P R I V A T E A S C I I R E Q U E S T T O R A N X __ _____ _____ ___ .----------------------------------------------------------. ______/ \_./ __/__. __\__ \_._\__)_. -sg *%* rX *%* mXm *%* r! | could you make me an diNO & euphoria logo?! | / / | _____|_/ / | | ____ _____ ____ _____ | whould be grate! thanks m8... | `-----------'----------'---------'------'____\_ \_._\__ )__/ /_. / __/__. | I realy love your ascii style! | / -- | .___/ __|_\__ | | | `----------'----' `-----'`---------' | the divine stylers logo you made is fantastic! | `----------------------------------------------------------' ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : mEGA sTYLE : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : hope u like it... : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: _____ _____ _____ ___ ____ ____ / __/__. / __/__ ____\__ \_. ___ /__/\ / \/ |/ _____|_/ \_ | -- | /\__\ \__\/ `----\/----'`----------'--------'-----------' \/__/ _____ ___ ____ ____ _____ aQua - sPS - lzd / __/__./ /__.\ \---./ /__ / __/__. _\__ | ___|_\__ | | _____|_. `---------'-----'`--------'-------'----------' ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : mO'sOULS : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : cOOL nAME... uSE thE lOGO! :) : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: __ _____ ____ _____ __ _______ \_) / __/__.______.____ ____ / /__. / __/__. .----\/----./ --- | _\__ | -- | | | |_\__ | `----\/----'`-------' `---------'------'---------'-------'---------' dto mR! tS vnz ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : piONEER dESiGN : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : hope you will use it sometimes. : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: ______ ____ ____ _____ _____ ______ _\__ \_\__/_.______./ \----/ __/__. / __/__dNo_\__ )___ / .__/ | -- | \_____/ _____|_/ _____|_/ ._____/ `----' `------'------'----' `----------'----------'----' cRL n$O ______ _____ _____ ___ _____ ____ _\___ \_./ __/__. / __/___._\__)_./ __/___./ \----/ / / | _____|_ _\__ | | \ | \_____/ `---------'----------'----------'------'---------'----' ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : fILE_iD.dIZ : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : fOR tHE dESCRIPTiON oN BBS's! : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .--[asc2]-- a -[ dVNE sTYLERs ]-. | ________. | *# E Mt g# F #浵____ : L # 毬w mr ___WF #w --'" ""K________.## |---p-r-o-u-d-l-y---p-r-e-s-e-n-t-s---| | pURpLEMiCrOdOtS - sTARING: diNO/dS! | cOSTARING: sc,lo!,cRb,Mt,rX,vC!,t^ | `-------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : sAVE oUR sOULS : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : cOOL dISKmAG xCz! : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: ______ _____ ____ _________ / __/___.____\__ \_\ \/ / __/__. ._________._\__ | -- |\______/ _____|_.________. | `-----------'-----------' `----------' | | xCz $LA ______ bHm pSS | | ________.____ ____._\__ )___ | xcluziwe keep going with you'r magazine ! | tK! czar / -- | | | ._____/ wBr | I need the information for my | `--------'---------'----' | school work thing... you know! |____________ _____ _______________| / __/___.________.____ ____./ /___./ __/___. ._\__ | -- | | | |\__ | `-----------'--------'---------'---------'----------'dNo ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : sTYLE : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : hope u like it! : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: _____ ____ ____ ____ ______ .----------------------. dNo / __/____./ /__.\ \---./ /____./ __/__| sTZ zS! cP | ._\__ | ___|_\__ | | _____|_ | `-----------'------'`--------'---------'---------|-' qTZ kiD | `----------------------' ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : tWiStED : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : hELLO aSCii gODS ! :) : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: ____ ___ _____ ____ _____ ______ / /__. dNo _\__)_./ __/____./ /__./ __/__. _\___ \__. / ___|----/\----./ |\__ | ___| _____|_/ / | .-`------'`----------'`------'----------'------'`----------'----------'-. | HTW - tG - rLf - sCf - sAL1 - pR!De - dV$ | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------' ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : uNiqUE aRt : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : mY girlfriend called from USA : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. so I feel real good now! :) : :.: _____ ___ ______. _____ _____ _____./ \----,_\__)_./ __ |_____ _____./ __/__. ./ | | \_____/ |\__/ | | | _____|_. |`-----------'-----' `-------dNo/____|-----------'----------| | RcL _____ _______ _____ dRS | | pO! ______\__ \_._\__ )___/ /__. | | WLK / -- | .______/ ___| v!r | `-------------`-------------'----' `-------'`-------------' ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : uNitED aSCII aRtiStS : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : hope u like it!.. (hi rLf!) : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: ____ __ ____ _____ ______ ___ ___./ \---,_\_)_./ /__./ __/__._\___ \__. / | | \____/ | ___| _____| / | `-------'----' `------'------'`---------'---------' _____ _____ ______ ___ ___ M@! ___\__ \_./ __/___./ /._\__)_._(__/_. rLf / -- |\__ | __/_| | | `----------'---------'-------'------'------' _____ ______ ____ ___ ______ ____ _____ ___\__ \_._\__ )___/ /__._\__)_./ __/___./ /__./ __/___. / -- | ._____/ ___| |\__ | ___|\__ | `----------'----' dNo `------'`------'----------'------'`---------' ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : uPPERcLASS : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : cOOOOOOOL nAME dUDES! : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __. ____ ____ ____ ___ ___._\__ \_\__ \/ __/_dNo\__ )__/ / / |___\__ \_./ __/__./ __/__. / | | .__/ .__/ ____|/ .___/ __/_/ | -- |\__ |\__ | `-------'---' `---' `--------'----' `------'---'---------'-------'-------' Mb 7M kAM mAZ OEP SP ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : wHALE : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : hOPE yOU lIKE it! : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: _/\_ _____ _____ _____ _____ .------\__/------. dNo/ __/____.___\__ \_./ /____./ __/__. | uMn c0! -DtN | .----/\----./ \_ | -- | | _____|_. | adk! lc! | `----------'`----/_____|----------'----------'----------' `----------------' ........................... ... _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96 .. ...... : :.:...\__/........................... .... .::: :::: ...:::. : logo says : wiLD sTYLE : ::: .:::: `::::::::::: : comment : hOPE yOU lIKE it! : `:::::::' ...:::' :...............:.. : :.: ___ ____ _____ _\__)_./ /___._\__ \__. .----/\----./ | | / | `----------'`------'--------'---------' _____ dNo! ____ ____ ____ ______ / __/____./ /__.\ \---./ /____./ __/__. ._\__ | ___|_\__ | | _____|_. |-----------'------'`--------'---------'-----------| `-----------[**-cOLa-tsar1-COCa-wBGR-**]-----------' g r e e t i n g s _____ _____. ____ _____ / .__/__ ___________/ _ |_________| \| /____ _______ s_/ l_ /__\ / _ / _}--|_ ._ : \ / ._/__\ _/___s c\_______/ / _/ _)_/_ _____|/ |/ _|___7____/ l_ /\_ /c .--------. / \__)_____ _ / l____|.------/________/________/-----. | `-/_____|---------------/_____|-----' | | | | trivial, mortimer twang, dj gizmo, slurry, zync, radavi, orlingo, | | vietcong, ranx, lea, rickz, princip, aerosoul, u-man, count0, | | nup, tango, kestrel, bea\/is, simpen, xcluziwe, dora mae, | | dash, jucke, stezothic, relief, c-real, nike/hos, taste, | | agressor, scroud, nero, 243, divas, la fayette, bobo, | | killaraven, kru5ty, satans fire, hotwire, tommy, | | juan, phase, demax, cluster, mogue, delite, | | dondog, data/pdx, hifi, madboy, xXx, tRz, | : fatal, whirlwind, and all other I know! | . | and all the friendly dudes I missed and luv so much! | and ofcoz to everyone that vote for me and ds! in art^mag! | | - - - --------------------------------------------------' & OFCOZ A BIG HELLO 2 EVERYONE AT THE PARTY 95 !!! HOPE YOU ALL ARE HAVEING A GOOD TIME... ): SORRY THAT I COULDN'T COME! :( ...respects 2 everyone... ______ . ____ . ________ / . /sc ___ _|_ _\_ \___ _|_ ______\ _/__ _/ |__/_ ______/ _ | / \ |_ __/\_ / 'tHE cREDiTS' \______ _ _ / _)__:_ ______/ |/ |/________/ <------. / / /________ _ .-\_____/ |-------------------------------> `-/ \__}-------------' \_______| /____| [ (c) by : dino ] [ releazed in : divine stylers ] [ releaze date : 95-12-26 ] [ releaze time : 10.00 pm ] [ hardware : peze 486 66mhz & large HD ] [ software : ms-dos editor + amiga font ] [ wether : snow, snow, & more snow ] [ guest stars : mortimer twang - dS! logo ] [ : scapechanger - credz, greetz] [ : lord chaos - intro ] [ : Chrombacher - ds! intro logo] [ : ranx - divine stylers ] [ : VietCong - (c) iff2ascii ] [ : Trivial - don't remember :) ] [ luv of my life: Lea Topan & trivial :) ] [ best artist - : t^, rLf, yUk, uMn, sc, vC!, ] [ at the moment : Mt, rX, mo!, nK, & more.. ] [ written in : pure assembler ] [ best feliee : dS! home vidio (tm) ] [ dope : purple microdots ] [ viper : mortimer twang & trivial ] [ up first on : interchange - sweden ] [ : uzi suicide - usa ] [ : wild palms - holland ] [ message 1 : cru5ty - ascii gods don't ] [ : just end's doing ascii's ] [ : bcoz thay bought a peezee.. ] [ : t^ and me got pc's.. and we ] [ : are doing ascii's (or what ] [ : you might call it :)) but ] [ : comeon and join ds! pc asc2 ] [ : force.. we need you !! ] [ message 2 : Mt & t^ hope you enjoy the ] [ : time in denmark, sorry that ] [ : I couldn't come. but you ] [ : maybe know how hard life ] [ : could be 2 you!? ] [ new y. promice: zippo! I can't keep them ] [ : anyway.. ] [ music : local radio station ] [ : twangs old gr8 house tunes ] [ modem speed : usr 28k8 v34 ] [ food : BLT, Adam & Eve on a raft ] `----------------------------------------------' _________________________________:________ | | _ / : d i v i n e - : \/ _____________._____ ______ -___________:___________ \_ _ / | / / | _ ./ _ | | / / | / / | ./ / /____| |________/|______|\________/| |____|_____/|________/ |_____| _____________________ _____________ ____________________ __________ \ _ /____ / |/ / /_./ _ | _ /_\ _ /__ _\_ \/ |/ / / _/ / | /____| / |\_ \/ | |_________|_______/|________|__________|________/ |_____\_____|___________| ____ . . rX/jA! \ _/ : s t y l e r s : \______|_________________________________| : - Available from Divine Records: Recorded in MTV live studio's New York. (c) Divine Records^Stylers '95 PVC - PVC AFFAIR [- tOPQ hARDtRANCE - 179 Sek -] TRANCED OUT - 777! [- vERY niCE tRANCE - 179 Sek -] e-mail: dS_recz@algonet.se Fanclub Email: DS!@Exmandato.Se : Divine@Algonet.se : D_stylers@swexs.se Fanclub snailmail: diNO / Divine Stylers Po box 7143 Nieuwegein Holland divine stylers inc. merchandise warehouse c/O Trivial Vassgatan 7 644 35 Torshalla Sweden. Divine Stylers Stocks. 14.53 $ / Each Send Money To Divine Stylers^Bank Of Zrich 7381-21-06558 __ _________ |o o ________ ________ .-------\/-----(_________\||l________)|l/ )l/________)----------. | `--- | | | _| iNTERCHANGE wORLD HOOFDKWARTIER mANNE: pRINCIP | \_ wILD PALMS nEDERLANDS hOOFDKWARTIER mANNE: rADAVi |_ _ | oNE eIGHT sEVEN nEDERLANDS hOOFDKWARTIER mANNE: wHIRLwIND _/// | cLUBLAND mERCHANdiSE hOOFDKWARTIER mANNE: tRiViAL | | sWiTCHBACK sWEDISH hOOFDKWARTIER mANNE: riCKZ | | sOUTHERN cOMFORT aUSTRALiAN hOOFDKWARTIER mANNE: 243 |_ | vIRITUAL tHEATHRE gERMAN hOOFDKWARTIER mANNE: rAMIREZ _// | | | ____ |- _ _| ____ ____ ___, | | (______l_____)(____/|l__,l/____)|/____)(______ | | ---' ---' `-- ` \ ---' | | | `----------------------------------------------------------------------' I guess I have 2 zip along now.. see you! [one day you'll get a divine stylers production, the other day you don't !!!!] [eOF]-------------------------------------------------------------[aDDS r' US]