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Mb @b ,____ '@[ ,gm@A****@@ms ' Vf~ ~VW. 'MW. ' _gW@W. ,m@*f` 'Ms ,gm@Wmmms. ,We@~ '@i ,g@@@Af~ '~~~V@i i@`@[ @[ ,@P !@. ,@!!A @[ ,@f @[ WP ,Wi @[ ,Wf Mb i@` i@@[ @[ WP ]@ !@. @A g@! @[ gs WP @[ ',_m@f @[ @@[ ,@! ]@___gmW@A*~ @[ M@! dA ~***f~` Mb ,WA` 'Mm_. __WA` ~*M@@@@@@@**` ___gmmmmmmm_. ,_m@***f~~~~~T@@M@m_. V*~ gA~ ~*MWs. gA` 'VMWs ,gm. dA !@@m_ ,mAf~ dA gA` ~*@m_ ,_gWA~ ,Wf Mb ~*@mm__. , __mm@A*f` gA` @[ ~~**M@@@Wmmm@@@@**~~ @[ dA Y@~~~ @[ gA` @[ ,@! WA` @[ ]@ WP @[ @[ WP @[ @[ @[ YW @[ ,@[ !@. YW 4AMb @[ !@. MW. @[ @[ ~ i@` @[ WP 'Ms WP V@s ,Wf V@m_ WP ~*@Wm_ ,Wf '~*@ms_. ,gA` ~V*M@@mmm___gmWAf ~~~***f~` - this is pretty much the way i feel about this ascii collection :) .. and all this eli7e shit.. :) bUT lETS gET oN with it ... .······································································. : o1. lOGO sEZ: bOONDOCS : :......................................................................: ____ ) \_ / / _____________ _____________ / ___/___/\_______________/ \________\__ / / \ ____ \ __ \ __ \_______ \ / / \/ \ \/ \ \/ \ \ \ / /________________\______________\ \______\ \ / <------÷-------------------/_____________________\-dIzY!\_____/---. : : .........: b . O . O . N . d . O . C . K . 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\________/_ / \ / \ /_________\ /________\_______ \___________\_____________\ <------------------÷-------. / \ .-----------÷----------> : `-/_______________\-' : : : : : : h · E · L · L · F · i · R · E : : :............. ______________________ ________________ __________________ : / __________/_______/____) (___) __________ \_ : / _______/ \ \_____/ \____________/_ : /_______\ /_________________\__________\ /______________ \ : <------------------÷------------------------------dIzY!/_______________\: : : :....................................................: .······································································. : o5. lOGO sEZ: niNTENDO [as in conference] : :......................................................................: ___ _______ ____ __________________ ____ ___________ / \___\_____/__/ \__\____ _____/ ___/__/ \________\__ \ __ \ / \ / \ \ / \ ____/_ \ / ___/ \ \/ \ /____\ \ /_______\___\ \ /_______\_____ \___\ /_________\______\ 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:......................................................................: . . . ......... ... .. . . . . ......: ..........: : : : : : ____________________________________________________________________ _\_______ \_ (_ ____ \_ ___/______ _____/__/_ ____/__ ____ \_ / ________/ \___/ \_____/_________ \/ \ \ \_____ \ \_____/_ /________\_______\______ \____ / \______\_______\________\___ \ <---------------------/________\--/______\--------------÷----dIzY!/________\ : : : : : p · R · E · S · T · ¡ · G · E : : : : ..: :.......................................: .······································································. : o8. lOGO sEZ: tHE nORTHERN pALACE : :......................................................................: ..... . . . . . . : ________/\___________ ____ ____________ \______ ______/ _/___)_ \__) ______ \_ / \ ______ \ \_______/_ /__________\______\ /_____\_______ \ <-----------------------÷----dIzY!/__________\----> : : ___ _________________/\__________ ____ ____________________ / \___/__ _ \ \___ _____/ _/__)_ \_/ ____ \_ ( \______ / \ / (/ \ \__/ \ ______ \ \_____/_ \__/ \ / /____\ \ /________\___\(_______\_____\ /_____\_____ \___\___\ \ / ------\___/---------------------------÷-------------/________\----÷--\___/ : ................: : ....... :.........................: : ____________ ______________ __________________: ____________ ) ______ (__\_____ ( /____\_____ ( _____/___) ______ \_ / \_______/ ______ \ / \ _____ \ \ \ \_______/_ /_________\________ ( \_______\___ \ \___________\_______ \ <-----------------/________\--------/________\-------÷--------/_________\ ......: : t·H·E · n·O·R·T·H·E·R·N · p·A·L·A·C·E : : ...........................: . . . . .....: .······································································. : o9. lOGO sEZ: rED sECTOR : :......................................................................: ____________________ ________________ ______________ _) (__\ _________ .\________\_________ .\ / .\________\ \___________/_ ____________/ \\ /______________\ /_____________ ·\_____________________\ - - -- --- ---dIzY!/_____________\--- -- --- - - - [ rED s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······································································. : 1o. lOGO sEZ: tEA tREE : :......................................................................: .............................................................. : · · · ·· · ······.: : :: : .: : : : .: ___________/\____________________________ _______________________ \__________ ___________/ __________ \____\_________________ (_ / \ \____________/_ __________________ \ /_________________\_________ \______________ / \ <---÷----------------------/_______________\------dIzY!/______________\ : : : ·x×X [ t E A t R E E ] X×x· .: : : ___________/\__________________________________________________________ \__________ ___________/ / _________ \_ ________ \_ / \ \____/ \___________/_ \__________/_ /_________________\__________\____________ \_______ \ <-----÷--------------------------------->/_____________\<-->/____________\ : : : : :............................................................: EndPartGreetings: All in Fnuque, all in Depth Melomaniac, Tupac, Tea Trinker, jawlog, ETC ..fuck you all anyway!! :) ... ok, this is what i have to say about this collection... it sucks ok? -But in the making of it, what have really helped me through was: Music: Beatles - Entire "Rubber Soul" album Beatles - Parts of "Revolver" album Beatles - Parts of Anthology 1 & 2 Beatles - Parts of 1967-1970 Oasis - I Am The Walrus Live at Glasgow '94 (which was actually originally written by Lennon/McCartney) Pearl Jam - Alive Slash/GnR - Great guitar solos :)) Food: Pretty much anything not healthy... Drinks: Beer, Cola, Jack Daniels, etc... .. But i suppose that doesn't really matter ... . . . .: .::. .::::. .::::::::. .::::::::::::. .::::::::::::::::. .::::::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::::::: [ t . h . e ] :::::::::::::::::::::: [ e . n . d ] :::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: .:::.:....:·.::·.···:. :··.·..:.:....:·.::.:. . ... . : · .. . . .. . . · .. . . ·. . . . . · . . · ...that was it folks... ...are you still reading this?? still reading?! GET A LIFE!!!! i mean really... GET A LIFE!!! Ok .. Only one person would still be reading... Hello Hexar, how are you doing? @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ dIzY!/RAiN! pRESENTS aN aSC¡¡ cOL @END_FILE_ID.DIZ [====[EOF]===============================================================]