------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _________ |o o ________ ________ (_________\||l________)|l/ )l/________) `--- ____ |- _ _| ____ ____ ___, (______l_____)(____/|l__,l/____)|/____)(______ ---' ---' `-- ` \ ---' ___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ./ \\ // \../ \\ // \../ \\ // \../ \\ // \../ \\ // \. | _/ \\// \_ || _/ \\// \_ || _/ \\// \_ || _/ \\// \_ || _/ \\// \_ | l_| \/ ©Mt|_jl_| \/ t^|_jl_| \/ dNo|_jl_| \/ orl|_jl_| \/ cG!|_j `-| |-'`-| |-'`-| |-'`-| |-'`-| |-' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_________| |__________| |__________| |__________| |__________| ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ uno dos tres quattro. cinco Before we start; the mumbo jumbo section (c) copyright Divine Stylers 1995 all rights of the owner and of the work represented herein reserved. public performance, commersial use, hiring or rental of this collection is prohibited Our intention in divine stylers is not to ripp styles or to start any quarrels and wars Any simularities to other artist's previous released work * are fully coincidental * There are so many packs released these days that the chance that you have a style that is 100% different from all the others is none. It is also a FACT that artists DO get influenced by others whether they want it or not. If you realize that, you can tell the difference between influenced work and rippoff. Check out if your 'own' style is so fucking extraordinary. Please remember that before you start talking shit If you find the style that mortimer twang represent too much lookalike yours; contact him instead of writing bullshit in your own collections that he probably dont ever get the chance to view. were to reach him can be found in another part of this collection. Besides all that boring mumbo jumbo; feel free to use (if you find any:) ©Mt's asciiwork in your own collections, at your board or whatever as long as the tag remains intact. (and if it is in a collection; full credit of course) 'Oh lOOk tHEy aRE riPPiN dESOtO' 'DS! tOO?' 'nO, oF cOURSe nOt! dESOtOs aSCiis aRE aT lEASt rEAdEBlE' (this is a joke! no misunderstandings please!) ( we give all our luv to desoto ) LUV! LUV! LUV! BiG uP! at least i made a try to do a dottie logo =) . .::: :::::.---------------------------------------. ·::::|..:: ... .·.::.. `::::|:::: ..:· .::: .::·:·::::. ..... ::::|·' . ..:· :::: :·· .::·· ¦ ·:::::::::::. ..::::.. ::::|¸.:: :::· ·::: ..:· .. .::· | ::::::··::::: :::::::::. ::::|:::: :::: :::::::: ::::::· | ::::::: ·::::: ::::.··::::.::::¦::::.::: .::::::: .::::: | ::::::: ·::::¸ ::::. ·:::::::::::::::: ¸::· :::: ::::: ©Mt/dS! .::::::: ·:::: ·:::: ··::::::::::::::. .::· :::::··' | :::::::::.. ·:::: ::::: ::::::·::::·:::::..::·... ·::::¸ |.::: ·::::::::::·· ·:::: ·::: ¦:::· ·::::::::::::::::::. |:::: ·:::: ....... ·:::::::: |·:· · ·:::::::... :::: ·::::.:::: `·::·· .::·· · ·::::::.. :·' ·::::::: .:::·| · ·:::::..| ..::: ·:::· .... ,:::· | .:::· ·:::::¦.::::::: .... ::::::: .:::: ¦. ..· :::: .. · ::::·::::.::::::· ::::::::·· :::: :::· ·:::: .::::::. ..::::: :::::::::::: ::::·::::...:::::. :::· ...:::: .::::::::. ·::::: ::::::: ::::: :::: ·:::: ··:::::::::::· .::::·:::: :::::·::::: ::::: ::::::: ·:::: :::: ::::: ::::· :::: :::: ::::: ::::· ·:::::·:::: ·' :::: ::· ::::· :::: .:::· .:::: .:::: ::::: ::::· ·:::::::::. :::· ...:. ·:::: ...:::::: .:::: .:::: ::::: ::::: `::::::::: :::::·.····::: `::::····:::::::.:::::::.. ::::: ::::...::::..:·'' ·:::: `· ... .:::' .::··::::::: `::::`··:::: :::::::::::: .:::· ··' :::· .::' ···' :::¦:· ... .::: `:::·' ·::::.:::: : .:::.:::' `· | ¸:::.::·· :::::::· ¦ :::::·' | ::··' `:::::· | `·' · : i f f 2 a s c i i · i s · b e t t e r · t h a n · d o t t i e s . · d ¡ v ¡ n e s t y l e r s | | oNE EiGhT sEVEN - dUtCH cOffEE sUPERmARkEt - sYSOP wHIRLWiNd wiLD pALMs - dUtCh hOMEbOYs CLUb - sYSOP rAdAVi sOUThERn cOMfORt - DiViNE oZZiE kOALAbEAR fARM - sYSOP 243 12"iNCh - sOON oNliNE uNiVERSAl +46 aSkEEsTUDiOZ - sYSOP dJ giZMo | | `---------------------------------------' i gUESS tHAt 2% Of tHE viEWERs cOULd rEAD tHAT :) _________ |o o ________ ________ (_________\||l________)|l/ )l/________) `--- ¸a*****mmm. Ø Ø _mw**w,_ ___`# .Æ*"¯ °m ¸p¤"¯¯¯"°#µ _/° _# Æ~ ]#µÆE__µæµµææر° ¬^ma___agæÑPÑÆ_ ¯¬*ç ¯¯ æ° °Ñm,__ _J/ ¬¶w________# ¬"°°°""¯ ¯~°¤°~¯ ____ |- _ _| ____ ____ ___, ©Mt&t^ (______l_____)(____/|l__,l/____)|/____)(______ ---' ---' `-- ` \ ---' ---------------------------------------------- f e a t u r i n g : ¸µµm_ ------------- -- - ____µµµµµµµµµµµµ___ - -- ---- -- - ÆØØØ# - -- --------- __æÑØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØÑæµ__ Ø#WØØØ®____ æØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØm_ æØØØØØØØØØP~ ,ÆØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØL æØØØØØØØØØP jØØ##ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ _ØØØØØØØØØ" ¶ØØØØØØØØØØØÑ@@@@@@@ÑÑØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ# ,ØØØØØ@¶ÑØØ#" JØØØØØF _ÆØØ mØ ¤ÑØØØØØØ ¸ØØØ#" ,ØP¯¬# #ØØØØØ4_ ¶ØØØØØ@ ØØØØ ¬ÑMØF ÆØØ# _µØ@ æ" ¬WØØØØØØQ ¬"" ¯¯ _Ø*´ÆØØØbµµ*M¶¶¶µÆwwe ¶ØØØØØØ#µæ# ¸æ° JØØØØØ° ¸# ¬#mµ_µm_ _µæ##wm#ØL__ ,mmmmmææ _Æ# ,ÆØØØØ" µ° _µm¶°¯ ¶ç __µæw**¶°" "¶E5¶#w__ÑØP"¯__µÆ#¶F ,ØØØØØÞ J _æP"'_æÆØØæm®N__m¸ ¶¶Nµ__ ""°¶*wQM^maæØ°¯ #_æØ#Z°°¶Ñ_ æW__Æ"__æØØØØØØØØØØ@¶° ¶F"¶° ¬°¶*w# Øm_F°¶#µ# ¬¶¤° °¨2ØØØØØØØØØ@" æ ©Mt ¶KØ __Ø" ¯"°#ØØ#° F ,µ* 0@w ¶¶*mµµ*°¶*mwµ___æ~ ° _K f¶k ¬# ' _ µÆ""" a*" # ¶L `#_ _µw^" _J° ¬L ¶K ¬Ñw _æØ° ¢*=¢mwµµ___ ¶_¬Øk ¶NØ# ¬¶ØØØm_ ¬""°¶¶Ñ#__ ¶Øb_ ØØØØ# " ¶ØØæw mORtiMEr tWANg/dS!^rYL --- -- - _ØØØ@" - -- --- ---- ------------------------------------------------ _Ø@° ____ _______________________________(________)____ ___ ___________________ | \/ | | ___ | | | \/ | ___ | ___ | |_ |__ | |__ | __|____ __|__ |__ |__ \____|__ | __| `---\/-----`-------`--`-------'----` `-------`---\/-----`---------`--`----- _______________________________________________________ | | /\ |________ | | _______/ |____ ___|__ | _____ |__ | |__ \__ /F@nK! '----` `---/\---`------`-----`--|------`--------' ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ l_ _____ l/______)l/______)l/______)(_______l/______)l/ )l______,(_______ ` ` \ `-- --'`--- --' _|______ . ______________________ _______________ ____________ l_____________,|(____________________/|l/_______________)l/____________) ------'`-------- ` \ _______ _|______ _| _________ (__________l_____________,(_________________/|l____________,l/_________) ---' ------' `----- | ________ | ______________-. l/________)l__________,(______________\| | ______ | ____________-. l/______)l________,(____________\| Hello! Fuck, my last collie wasn't too cool exactly. The quality sucked bigtime in "wu twang · <- tHE nAME wAS clan". i was sort of pissed on the burglar that : cOOl tHOUgh! stole Slurry's computer. Of course he did take ¦ Zombie zo with im. (clever, ©Mt, really bright | thinkinthere !) I appologize for that lousy | collection. Therefor i decided to make it up to ¦ you. So i made that boardstyle so many have : requested. Here it is, maceos. Of course all ¦ sysops who didnt request it can use these logos too. ¦ I made them for you!. | .----------------------------------' | One annoying thing (for some people, the ¦ requesters!) is that my collies have very different : quality. For example my "wu twang clan" was the ¦ worst i have ever made so far. Hope you find this ¡ one descent enough to view. `----------------------------------------. Shit, I feel sad when i think of our ozzie memba, | 243. I hope you dont feel too lonenly down there. | Take care of the Divine Styler Koalafarm for us. | But who will look after them when you come to visit | us in sweden? ¦ I hope that a trader with a heart reads this and : upload it on southern comfort. I am broke *sob*. · And poeople usually dont throw cards at you these days (hahaha, ©Mt, bright, fuckin A ). .------------------------ ---- --- -- - - - | If you have requested logos that werent included `-----. in the "wu twang clan" collection, i will release .---' them in the next collection. This one is dedicated | to everyone :). `--------------------------------------------------. Is there anyone who leeched that big and ugly 'Ill .---' Disco; junglistic selection' project? Hopefully ¡ some junglist did. Hope you enjoyed them traxx. We ¦ will release more musicprojects later on as soon as : we find a coder that can make a neat music selector · orso... I made a descision, just minutes after : releasing the last askeecollection, to do the ¦ wailing diva project afterall struggle. the only | difference is that it will be full size modules. I ¦ have some of them finished already. But i will make : alternative remixes on some themes. By the way, Do · YOU know any coder who is willing to do us that : favour. Contact any DS! member right now! You ¦ don't want to use amigaguide format forever do you? | .----------------------------------------' | Another sad thing is that our Whq is closed | forever. Not due to a bust or anything like that. ¦ No, worse, there was some smart assholes who stole : Slurry's computer. A nice computer too (030 and · lots of mem). We will startup a newboard soon : called 12"inch. until that we have moved our ascii ¦ universal askee studios too Wild Palms located in | holland. .-------------------. `-------------' | an unusual request: .-----------------' `-------------------------. Do you make triphop or any music based on hipbeats | or whatever? Please contact me. I know that there ¦ MUST be at least someone. Contact me on any board : where you have seen me. Also contact me if you HAVE · modules in this style im talking about. If you want · an mortimer twang piece of your own, leave me a mess : or order thru orderdoors or something at any board ¦ where you have seen me. Where to find me and so on | can be found at the end of this collection. | ¦ .----------------------. ¡ | mACEo mORTiMER tWANg `--------' `--------------------. | ¦ : · _____ _____ __(___/_______________________( _/____________________ _______ / | \ _ / _ \ \/ / (_________|___\_________)____________(_ _________/_____/\______\ `----' ·¢· amiga ·¢· amiga elite ·¢· new user ·¢· pumpin wares ·¢· download ·¢· ·¢· upload ·¢· bulls ·¢· confs ·¢· files ·¢· ascii ·¢· console ·¢· modules ·¢· ·¢· last 10 ·¢· weektop ·¢· goodbye ·¢· compo ·¢· request ·¢· welcome ·¢· ·¢· syspw ·¢· doors ·¢· oldskool ·¢· menu ·¢· private ·¢· comment ·¢· ·¢· todays uploads ·¢· pc·¢· _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ a m i g a : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' _ _____ _______ ©Mt _ _____ __________ /_, _______________(______/ __________ ___________ /_, ./ _______ |----' ___ ¦ \| ___`---. _______ | `---------------'-----\__/________|---------\---------____j---------------' _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ a m i g a e l i t e : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' _ _____ _______ ©Mt _ _____ __________ /_, _______________(______/ __________ ___________ /_, ./ _______ |----' ___ ¦ \| ___`---. _______ | `---------------'-----\__/________|---------\---------____j---------------' _ __ ______________________ _______ _ __ _____ _____________ __ _ ____: ___ / :/__(______:_ _/___ ___ / \ __________/| | \_| /\ __________/_ \ ______________l______/`-----------l______/ ___________ ©Mt \/ _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ n e w u s e r : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' .------------. | ¦ ___________:-----__________ ______________ .---. | |-----\ ¦ __________|----\ | |©Mt| ¦ `------\_________|-------------'`----/\___________|---' `--- ¦ /---------. ___/------________ :-----_______________________ : / l_\ \________ \¦ __________| ______| · `------------------------------.|-------------'`--------' · _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ p u m p i n w a r e s : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' /-------. ___ _________________ ______ _________. ___________/___ l_\ \ ___________|__ ____ /(_____/-----\ | | ____ /---------¦---' ___ ¦ __\--------¦ \------\_______¦ ¦ \-------' `----\__/________| `--------\ ©Mt/dS! : : · · · _ ____________¦ :-----__________ : ¦-'--\ | _______ ______________| __________|------________ ¦ `----/\__________|__________ /_| ______|-------------/_________ \| / _______ |--------' `--------------' `---------------' _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ d o w n l o a d : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' · : __ ________________ ____________: ¦ __________\ ¦__ ______ _) ____________¦-----\ ¦ |/ ___\ |`------------¦-'--\ |------\__________| |-----------------' `----/\__________| ¦ | _________, ___________ /_, __ ©Mt ¦ | /_______________/ _______ |__________\ ¦ ¦ `---| /__ ______ _)---------------/ ___\ |----' l______/ `------------¦-' `-----------------' _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ u p l o a d : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' _________________ | ____ / /---------. __¦ __\--------' ©Mt _ ______ · / l_\ \_________, ___________ /_, __ : `---------------| /_______________/ _______ |__________\ ¦ | /__ ______ _)---------------/ ___\ | l______/ `--------------' `-----------------' _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ b u l l s : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' ___________ ______ _ __ ____________ __________|_ /_______ /___________ /------) \|__ / /( ___/__________ _ \____________________\\/ /________/__________ __________________\ l_________/_ ©Mt\ ____________ -------------------------------------------------- \---------` _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ c o n f s : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' ______ _______ ________________ ____________ _______________:__(_____/_____( ___/_______ \ _______l_/ ¬\--' _ ___ ____/________ / \______________/______________\---\____________l_________\ _________/ ----------------------------------------------------\--------- ©Mt _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ f i l e s : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' ______ ___________________ _________ _______, __ __(_____/______(_______| /__( _____/_____( ___/_________ ___ _ _ ____/ \| /______ ____________________ \\_/ l_________\ l__________\__________,_____________\ ____________\©Mt - -- --------\--------------------------------------\ ---------` - -- ------ _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ a s c i i : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' ©Mt _ _____ _______ ___________ /_ _______ _____________ _ __________(______/ / _______ |_(_ ___/___________/ ________.__(______/| \ /__________________________ /________________| \ l_________\ \ __________/ l_________\ \---------` : _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ c o n s o l e : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' _______________ __________________/ ¬\ ____________________, \ _________/_________________\---'_ ___ \_________________/ `------\_______________/ _______ _____________, ©Mt (_ ___/___________ / _________ __________ /________________| /___( _____/______ __ /\\ __________/ ¬\________________ _____________\\/ \---------` /___________________\ \______________/ _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ m o d u l e s : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' _ _ ___ _________________ ____ ___ _ |___________________/ \__________\ __ _ ÷--'_ _ /___________________\ _\ \ `---\______\_________/ /___________________\ ____________, ©Mt _______ _ __ ___________ | / __________ (_ ___/________ ___ _ /------) \| /__( _____/________________ \ /___________________\_________,____ ____________ __________\ l _______________/ \---------` _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ l a s t t e n : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' _________ ____ _______ _:_____________ __________ | /____\___)_____(______/_________ __\ _________| __ | l_______/ __ __________ /l_________/ --. |__________| ©Mt /____________\ _________/ |______| \----------\ _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ w e e k t o p : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' ______, ______, ____ __ ______________( ___/____ ___( ___/__________l _/_____©Mt_ __ __ /---\ \ _________| _________| _/ \ l__)(__)|__) -----/\_________\------------ `------------ `--\____________\ ` OH nO ! (kinky jazzmusic starts) nOt oNe Of tHOS£ cOMMERSiAl bREAk pERFoRMEd WhiLE uSiNG aLCOhOLiC DRiNKs --------- ---- --------------------------. .--------------------------- ---- --- - - - --- ---' `------------------ ---- - _______ _______ ._________\ /__________\ /_________________ | __ | \___/| | | \___/| | ___ / |__ / |__ |__ | |__ |__ | |__ \___/| `-------`-------`--------`-------`--'----`------' _amm_ _a*" ^q _m*¤°°°°^^m, ,¢¯ ©Mt `_ ,¤¯ ¬\_ J # 1 ¬w´ F à # J ¬w Æ F °m,_ ___µµµØæw ," ___ZMmwµÆØØØØØØØØØÞ __aµw*#==va.__ ,*"¯ ÆØØØØØØØØØØ#W*°°"¯ "w /" 0ØØØØØØØØØØ@ F # ¬@ÑØØØP°" ¬¾_ _¤ # æ0 ¶@m,_ _/ # _æ' f à ¬"^====*^°" \aaam*° Q 0 ¶¸ 0 °,_ _¹ ¬^-< aaa/~ .___________________________. ._________________________. | ____| | |_ | |__| ___ | __ | ____| |_____ |___ __|____/ |__ | |__ \___/|__ | __/|_____ | `-------'----` `--------`------`--------`-'------`-----' F@nK! o l d s k o o l f l a v o u r f l o w a z b i r d s a n d t r e e s --------- ---- --------------------------. .--------------------------- ---- --- - - - --- ---' `------------------ ---- - · · : ¦ | | | .------------------------------' `------------ ----- ---- --- -- - ---. | ¦ : · Oh bAby aLL tHAt i WANtEd wAS , yOU 2 hOL@!$°Åª ¬Ð|ÐÆ*®°Å%$®&¥Þ® ........ ... .. . : : nO mORE Of *tHat* sHit mACEOs, tHiS bOARd iS sTRiCtlY fOr uNdERgROUNd : hOMiEs. nO mORE cOMMERSiAL sHiT! nO mORE diSKmAGmUSiC. : sUPPORts: jUNGliStiC dRUM n' bASe , hiP hOP, bEAts, hOUSe, tRANCe : gOA, MiNiMAliStiC aNd iNtELLiGENt PlUs mORe Of tHAt : sERiOUSlY uNdErEStiMAtEd mUSiC. :.... ________ : _____, __________ _____, _\ _ __ ___ ________________( ______| / _________ ___( ______ _/----\ \ ________| /----\_ \ _______ ---------`-----/\__________\----------- `------/-______________\---------- ________ ______ ©Mt ___(_______/ ____________________________ /___________ | \------/ __/ ________ _ \ `----------\----/_____________\______________`--/______________\ jUNGliSt aND jUNGlEttE sTAff: dJ giZMO, mACdADDY mORtiMEr tWANg, qUEEN lA fAYEttE, dUBsCiENtiSt tOMMy, cLUBhOPPEr tBM aNd Of cOURSe mACEo dASh! -·- aMiGA 0 dAYS -·- bANk oF ASkEE -·- uNdERgROUNd mUSiC -·- -·- cLUbPARty n' rAVE iNfo -·- t0! & ©Mt's cHiPMUSiC -·- -·- hOME oF hOt oR nOt -·- -·- fREE lEEChEs On rOYAL,d¡V¡Ne sTYLAz aNd aLOts Of oTHEr wAREz -·- · ¦ | .-----------' `---------------------------------------------------. .---------------------------------------' | ¦ : · . . · · (aah! kinky jazz music fades out) _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ g o o d b y e : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' _________________ ________________/ ____ ¬\ __________________ ____ ___ _ / _____ /___________________\ ____ /__________\ __ /_____________ / \_________________/ _\ \ /_________/ /____________________\ _ ______ ©Mt _ __ _ _______ _____________ __ /__________ / /___ ___( _________/______ _ / /_ \/____________ / ( _ __ _________//\\\ /____________________\ _ _______\________________. _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ c o m p o : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' _______________ _ __________________ _ ___________/ ___ \ __________________ _ /_________ _ _______/_________________\-'_ _ __ /___________/ ___ _ ____________/ `----\_____\_________/______\ /___________©Mt -----. | cOMPO tiME aGAiN blA bLA bLA cOMPO tiME aGAiN blA bLA bLA | cOMPO tiME aGAiN blA bLA bLA cOMPO tiME aGAiN blA bLA bLA | cOMPO tiME aGAiN blA bLA bLA cOMPO tiME aGAiN blA bLA bLA `------------------------------------------------. | 1 pLACE WiNs 200 Mb | 2. pLACE WiNs 100 Mb | 3. pLACE WiNs 50 Mb | | ------------------------------------------------------' _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ r e q u e s t : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' ________, _______________( _____/_______ .-----------------------------------------. | ____ _ ___________| | If yOu nEED sUMthIN uRGENtlY!!!! | l_________\ `--/_________, `-----------------------------------------' ©Mt __ __________ _______ ________________/------) \ _______ (_ ___/________________________ \ _ /____________________( ____/____________ \__ ____/ \__________ /_ ____ ___________ _________l_________\ /________ l _______________\--------` _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ w e l c o m e : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' ____________, __ ________________( _________/____.___________, /------\ \ _______________| / ..................... --------/\___________\------------------ l____________ ____________,:©Mt : _____________ ___________________ _____________________( ______ /_:__. :./ ________l__\ /-'_ _ ____ _______________| /_________________\_______________/---\_____\____________/___________, This iS a pRIVATE sYSTEM fOR tHE eXCLUSIVE uSE oF vALIDATED mEMBERS. aNY aTTEMPT aT iLLEGAL eNTRY, hACKING oR uNAOTHORIZED aCCESSING iS a vIOLATION oF mEMBERS' rIGHTS oF pRIVACY, fREE sPEECH aND oTHER lAWFUL rEGULATIONS. IN aCCESSING tHIS sYSTEM yOU aGREE tO aLL tERMS sTATED hEREIN. YOU aLSO aGREES tO fOLLOW tHE rULES aND mANNERS wHICH cOMES wITH tHIS bULLETIN bOARD sYSTEM. NO pERSON iS tO vIOLATE cOPYRIGHT rEGULATIONS oR tHE rIGHT tO hAVE yOUR oWN oPINION. ALL pROGRAMS rECIEVED iS aSSUMES wITHIN tHE pUBLIC dOMAIN. wHILE eVERY eFFORT iS mADE tO iNSURE lEGAL pRIVACY, wE cANNOT bE hELD rESPONSIBLE fOR mATERIAL tHAT iS pASSED tHROUGH tHIS sYSTEM. ENTER >ok< aT tHE pROMPT iF yOU fULLY aGREE wITH tHESE sIMPLE rULES. _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ s y s t e m p a s s w o r d : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' s y s t e m p a s s w o r d _______ _ _ _______ _______ (_ ___/________ / /_____(_ ___/___________ __________ \/____________ / _/________ /- -- ------------. \ _________l _ _______\ __________/ | \--------` \--÷----` ©Mt ¦ · :__________________ : ThiS bOARd iS a pRiVAtE sYStEM! ·¦ _ / _______ _ · __ eNtEr yOUr sECURiTY cOdE oR hANg | /___________/------\ · \ uP nOW! |______\ --------/\___________\ /diE sTAff! | ----------------------------------------' _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ a m i e x p r e s s d o o r s : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' a m i e x p r e s s ____ ___ ______________ _____________ _______ ________\ ___ ___ ¬\ ________________| _____( ___/________ __\ \/_______________\ ___ .________\________ ________________\ \______________/ \ ___________ \--÷-------\ ©Mt _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ o l d s k o o l : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' ___________ ___ __________________|_ / __________\ ___ _ \ __ / / / __\ \ \________________/----------/____________________\ fiND tHe gOLdEN oLDiEz! _______ ©Mt _____________ (_ ___/___________ ______ __________________/ __ \__________ ________ /_____l _/____\ __ /_______________\ / __________/ _/ \______________/ | / --÷----` `--\_______________\ o L d S k O ° L l_______/__ _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ m e n u : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' ___________, ©Mt ___________________( ________/____. __________________ ___________ .---'_ _ __ ______________|--'_ /-----) \ `----\____\_________/----------------- `---\______________/__________________\ [u] UPLOAd! aLL yOU nEEd tO kNOW [g] gO oFF hOOk aNd gET mOre tO uPlOAd _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ p r i v a t e : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' _____________ _______ _ __ ___ ____ _______, _ /_________(______/ _________ /____\___)__:________(______/____ /________/ ____|_ \/----) \ __ __ ____ _________ ____\ ._______\ `-------/_______________\___________\l_______\ -------©Mt- This iS a pRIVATE sYSTEM fOR tHE eXCLUSIVE uSE oF vALIDATED mEMBERS. aNY aTTEMPT aT iLLEGAL eNTRY, hACKING oR uNAOTHORIZED aCCESSING iS a vIOLATION oF mEMBERS' rIGHTS oF pRIVACY, fREE sPEECH aND oTHER lAWFUL rEGULATIONS. IN aCCESSING tHIS sYSTEM yOU aGREE tO aLL tERMS sTATED hEREIN. YOU aLSO aGREES tO fOLLOW tHE rULES aND mANNERS wHICH cOMES wITH tHIS bULLETIN bOARD sYSTEM. NO pERSON iS tO vIOLATE cOPYRIGHT rEGULATIONS oR tHE rIGHT tO hAVE yOUR oWN oPINION. ALL pROGRAMS rECIEVED iS aSSUMES wITHIN tHE pUBLIC dOMAIN. wHILE eVERY eFFORT iS mADE tO iNSURE lEGAL pRIVACY, wE cANNOT bE hELD rESPONSIBLE fOR mATERIAL tHAT iS pASSED tHROUGH tHIS sYSTEM. ENTER >ok< aT tHE pROMPT iF yOU fULLY aGREE wITH tHESE sIMPLE rULES. _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ c o m m e n t : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' _______, ___________________ ____________, ___________(______/_____________:__________ _____/ ___ \-'_ _ _`-'_ _ _ _______ _ _ ____ _________/__________\-\__\______/---\__\_______/________\-\_______/l______/©Mt _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ t o d a y ' s u p l o a d s : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' .--------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ t o d a y s ¦ :___ ___________ ___________ _____ __ __ _ _;___, _ ______ _ /______/ __ __\___\____)________\ _ (____/____ /---) \ /_____:_/ /__________\__\ __ / __\ \________ ___________\___\ l_______/_ \___________/_____________\ _____ ¦ \--÷--\©Mt : DS!-FLYG.TXT DS!-KRAM.TXT DS!-GRAB.TXT DS!-ILL1.LHA ¡ · DS!-LOVA.TXT DS!-WHOS.TXT ¦ : DS!-HOPP.TXT DS!-ILL1.NFO DS!-DESC.TXT DS!-GIRL.TXT : ¦ DS!-DESC.TXT DS!-GIRL.TXT DS!-DOPE.TXT · | : | ¦ | | `--------------.------------------------------.----------------' .------------^--------------. .------------^--------------. | | | | `---------------------------' `---------------------------' _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ ------ - - _, - --- - _, -- --- ---------. _\ \ \ / / /_ : ______ | _(__ _____ _(__ ______ _____¡ \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / ¦ (____(_\|l____\(____(_\l____\l/)_____)l/)_____) \\ .\\ // // : ____ `--- ¡©Mt ( |\\\///| ) ¦ ____, l_ ____ ____ / / _____ _____ ___!_, (_||\ /||_) ! (__(___l__)___(___(_|/___/l/)____)l/)____(___(___ .----\ `-· ·-' /-----÷- - ----' --' `--- ` ----'. ||_ ( ·· ) ¡ p c : | `------\_ O /-------÷- - - -- ----÷---' )___/ `-------------- --- - - --- ---- -----' _ __ ___ ___________________________ _ /______________________ ___ __ _ ©Mt /_______________________/ _______________________ _ __ _______\ /______________________________________\ ¦ : : p E E c E E ¦ `-----------------------------------------------------' · . · . · : ¦ | .----------------------------------------------' `--------------------------------------------------- --- -- - - - Clumsy me, i visited my neighbour for a couple of hours after performing these askeez. Fuck, we had too many drinks and shit had some fat cigarrs and shit. Jeez, thank god that i almost had had made the collection in advance before i visited him.. sigh, im soooo tired. hope you like this collection. If there are any spelling errors they are just because of those whiskey's...            / mORtiMER tWANg 12h l8er - kRAPUlA! ______________ _______ \ ________/ ___________ ___\ /______ ______________\ \_________\____ \__\_____ ______/___________ \ _________ \ \ _______/____ \______/ \ \ ______/ \ \ / \___\ ____/_ / \ \ \ \_____ \ \_____/ /_______\ \ \_________/ \_______/ ________\ / \ \_____/ \ /__________\ / \nK ------- /_________\ ---------- /_______\ ------------------ /________\ ------ Main art: M o r t i m e r T . / d i v i n e s t y l e r s borrowed art: W i s h b r i n g e r courtecy of House Van Style F u n k i indiependent(?) c h r o m b a c h e r courtecy of Epsilon Design indiependant N i k e courtecy of House Van Style T r i v i a l courtecy of divine stylers S h a p e c h a n g e r courtecy of SUB and dezign r a m o n (?) ... i took this... _ __ __ _ _\\_\ /_//_ from 'HOS-PIC.TXT' and i suppose _\ \ \ / / /_ that it is ramon's art :) isnt't it? \ _(\ _\/_ /)_ / Its's great work, whoever made it.. \\ .\\ // // I hope that the artists i have borrowed ( |\\\///| ) art from dont go crazy for this (_||\ /||_) .----\ `-· ·-' /---- ||_ ( ·· ) `------\_ O /------ )___/ size: f a r t o o b i g lines: f a r t o o m a n y releasedate: t o d a y . 95-11-03 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ / you can leave l__ (__) \/ -letters, asciirequests, callingcards or simply a hello to me on these boards: Sweden: "UnderCover" and "Phoenix II" Holland: "Wild Palms", "One Eight Seven", "Undiscovered" and "Back Fire" Germany: "Apocalypse Now" and "Homeless" ______ _______ ________ . ______ ___ _______ ___\ /__ ____| _ )(__ ___/ o. ___\ /__ / /_ | _ )wB! \ \_ / (_ . ) (/ /_ / | _(_) \ \_ / (__( /__)_! (/ /_ ..\___//____/____/___\___)(___:.!___\..\___//____ _:_/_____)___\___).. _______! ! (__ ___/ ¦ / | : B i G u P t o: | . ..(___:.(_). ¦ ! C¡TRUZ · tRiViAL · dJ giZMO : | SpiTe · cRiLLA · dEMAx · ! oRLiNGo · wHiRLWiNd · fUNki · | gAStoN · kROME · rAMOn · tBm . ! sTYLEwARs · aPOLLO · dELitE | aLL wHo uSEd tO cALL zOMbiE zOO ! dORA mAE · siMPEN · tOMMY | · sAtANS FIRe · rELiEf · ! · xCLuZiWE · diNO · rAdAVi · · | WiShBRiNGEr · sLiME & sAK · : ! : | aNd eVERYoNE i kNOW. ¦ :________________________________| .___ _ _ _____________ ._____ ______.______ _____| |___ ._______ _ _ _ _ ___ / ___/__| ___/__\___ |_ ___/__/ ____|_. __/___| ___/___ _ _ | _/ /_.\____/_____ |__/ / \____/__ \ | \_ |_____ | __.cRb|__\_____|_______/______¦\____/_________/______|_______|________|e^D.__ _ _______µµµ-- °°""-a_ w-°£ØÑM°°"""""° ·-w_ ¶Þ _Æ#K" ¶w ¬Q µKµ# __aw*mwµ_ ¬K # dK ØK aP" ¬°W_ # Ø ÆQ g# ,ÆK ¶Ø_ 0ÞØ /K aØ~ Ø" ¶Q ¶L¶Þ _/~ Ø# JØ # 0ÆQ `¸ ÆØ JØ Ø ¬Ø® __ ØØK___ÆØWµµµµ__________°b__ ¶ØWæm" ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØÑѶM¶ØL ¬#" Æ JØM#ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ#_ ãØ °--gP æç_Æ# ¬¶ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ#_ aØ#~ Ø `ØØØ´ ¬#ØØØØØØM""°ÑØØØØØ#ÆØ" _Ø´ _wa__ ¬## ¶ØØM" ¬¶ØØØM¶Ø¹ µP Æ~ ¬"¶w °*w_ ¬#Ø_ ° µ# _æP~ Jf ¶L ÆØÑØØ#Ñ#_µµµµµµ _µØØZØØƵ, ¬K_ __ ¶_ # " ¶ØWZ"°°° _ÆØP" ØMØF "*p°¶f 0 #¸ " """°^*Ñ" ØWM^ ØØØF JF wØbw_ tHe JØ# Ø°~#_ 0Þ ØØ aSKeEE JØÞ __¸¸___ Øm-°¶wÆÞ ØØ rESPECtS: ,__ØØ am """"""" """"""°¶æ_ _µæP ¬Ñ_ _ØK 0ØØ@ Ø ¬ØÞ ¬Q°Q__ __ãØÞ _ ØØ wE iN diViNE 0MÆF Æ´ JØ~ ,Æ#w.¬""""ã#¶¶#°"°¶K , ### sTYLERs rESPECt 0MØÞ _æ°~ ©Mt/dS! æ#" ¶F ¶L _ÆÞ ¸# ÆØ_ØÞ eVERy dOOdE aNd 0MØÞ_Æ~ _Æ jØ# | ÆL ¶K__ # jF WfJ# dOOdiNa wHO tRiEs ÆÞ#Þ¶L _Ø"jw---wa¸_ ÆØÞ | Ø_ "° -wÆF Ø JØ ÆÞ tO dEVElOP aNd JLJK ¬¶wæ° µM "^---*w*ÑM | Ø ãb_ _µP" ÆÞ # cREAtE sOMEthING ¶#¬# _Ø~ ¦ Ø ÆK"ØK~ J#QJ# fRESh aNd iNNoV8ite # #Þ # : Ø JF 0b_ ØÞ¬ÆF !! ¬K¬Þ Ø~ . 0 JF 0~°WÆP JØÞ wE cANt nAME yOU aLL # Ø~ ¶L ¬Q JL ° ØØ hERE, bUt yOU sHOUld # Æ´ · #¸ # # dÑ# kNOW fOR sURe tHat- Ø_ gK . ¶_ # ¶L #Jf U aT lEASt hAVe 0"°° ]&_ ÆÞ 0_ JfJÞ aLL thE rESPECt yOU _ÆÞ _ ___ · _Æ ¶L _*° ¬K 0Þ0Þ nEEd fROM diViNE ¶ØÞ-----------------/----. J#*a __ ° µØµ#_0Þ sTYLErs pOSSE! ØÞ mORtiMEr tWANg / dS! | · °*w _¬"°-----_"_æ#"¬VÞ --w. __ pEACe! 0Þ---------------/------' """"""""" ""°--w. __ _Æ* . ¬"""" · · · _____ ____ . . ________ · \_ \/ sc|_____ _|_ _____ _______ _ _|_ ___ _________| ___/___ : _/ | _ | ___/__ __/__ ______| __/____ _ |____ / ¦ \____\/ : _}--:___ /____ /_\__ | \_ / _}--:_________/ | .--------.|____l_______l_______/_______/ _/ |_______/_______|.-----------' | `-------------------------. _/ |____|.---------------' | `-\_____|-----' | ¦ Funki: I am drunk at this very moment but i really like your style, man! ¦ could you plee do me a ' 12"inch ' logo too, pleez? You really ¦  have a wierd style. I also 'edited' the the devine stylers logo | made by you into 'divine stylers'. Hope you dont get to upset. | Ill send you the MESZ and SPACid logos + mens in a funky mess | to you attached in a mess at wil palms. CYA at tP5 ¡ : Xcluziwe: Maceo, synd. Om du har gjorde 'boardstyle' i onödan... nu är jag : totalt stenad alltså.. inte alls bra... har ingen koll på · tangentjävlarna... kämpar för att stava rätt alltså. ( full 8-/ ) · respekt, broder, från DS! · +31 rOYAL: Me and t^ are coming from sweden to visit *you*. Pleese get some · extra cheese and food for us. We also need somewhere to sleep drop me some mail at 187 or wild palms or undiscovered if you have a heart. You dont want us to sleep in the streets do you? :) · Trivial: Hej du, Fan varför köpte du pecee? var det nödvändigt? jag ringer · dej våjzåfåånic när jag e nyktrare.. ålrajt? Delite: Know my brother, Know my sister can i get hip to this? Fuck I am far too drunk to remember the lyrics, homeboy. Drop me a mess with numbers and nup to your board, brother and I will call your board from our school (for free=) dJ gizmo: Vi får ta och dricka gravMartini nästa gång jag kommer till linköping.... Slurry: Hoppas du får ut pengar på försäkringen... du har mitt stöd, bro Satans Fire: Is the art mag ever gonna be released within the dedline? :) Citruz: Ann Nicole Smith is Fat ugly and give me the creepz. hahahha Dino: Måste du väcka mej när jag lider som mest? :) d ¡ v ¡ n e s t y l e r s ___, ______ ______ ______\ .__(_____/_____ ___________(_____/ _______________________ / __\ | \ \) ) \---\ (___)_______) ----------^-------\_______\------'---------\---\_________|-\.----- _______ _ __,----/ ________ ©Mt _______ __\ ____/______ /_______ ___l /___________ ________ __\ ____/_____ `________ | _/ (_ / /( __)_______) _ _)__________ / -------- l____`--------___/`-------\.----- `---\________\ --------/ ' ___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ./ \\ // \../ \\ // \../ \\ // \../ \\ // \../ \\ // \. | _/ \\// \_ || _/ \\// \_ || _/ \\// \_ || _/ \\// \_ || _/ \\// \_ | l_| \/ ©Mt|_jl_| \/ t^|_jl_| \/ dNo|_jl_| \/ orl|_jl_| \/ cG!|_j `-| |-'`-| |-'`-| |-'`-| |-'`-| |-' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_________| |__________| |__________| |__________| |__________| ' oNE EiGhT sEVEN - dUtCH cOffEE sUPERmARkEt - sYSOP wHIRLWiNd wiLD pALMs - dUtCh hOMEbOYs CLUb - sYSOP rAdAVi sOUThERn cOMfORt - DiViNE oZZiE kOALAbEAR fARM - sYSOP 243 12"iNCh - sOON oNliNE uNiVERSAl +46 aSkEEsTUDiOZ - sYSOP dJ giZMo ·¢· mORtiMEr tWANg ·¢· tRiViAL ·¢· diNO ·¢· oRLiNGo ·¢· ·¢· dJ GiZMO ·¢· rAdAVi ·¢· oRLiNGo ·¢· tOMMy ·¢· cYbERgOd! ·¢· [%] fAN cLUb/mERChANdiSe [%] diViNE sTYLERs pO bOX 7143 nIEUwEGEiN hOLLANd [%] hAahAa, sURE, tHEy aRE fUNNy aRENt tHEy? 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