. .oOo. A NEW ­ ASCII - COLLECTION ­ IS ABOUT TO BEGIN .oOo. . ___ ___ _____ _/ /_ ___ _/ /____/_ /__/_ __/ / /____ /_ \ / \_ / / ___ \ / /__/ / _/ ___/ /__/__ __/___/ /____/ /___ / / __/ /mute/ / / /____/_______/____ / /____/..of.trance.inc.../____/ ___/\______/\ _________/\____________ ____/\____ \____, \___ \\_ _____/ ____ _____ \| __/ \_ / ___/ | _/ / _|_ \___ \/ _|_/ \\ \__/ \__/ _/ |/ \/ ' \/ | \_' \ \ \_ \_ \_____|____| \____ \_______/__ \_(____/_____/ |____\ |_____) |_____)mute · . : ¦ : | (_ ¦ - - -- ---- -----------. .--. | | · | | | .--an-asc²-colly--. | _ | : .--|-----|--' `-----called------' ¦ (_) | _¦_¡ __ | | | : _ | | |-.|__; `--' | ¦(_) | l_| |l_________/\____/|____/\ /\______/|__ | | | \__ ____/ _____ \/ _____ __/ | _ | ¦ / __)/ |/ | _/\___ \/ |__ | | (_) | .-da--1st---.: _/ |/ | \/ | \_ : \ ¦---. | _ | `-ascension-'¦ \_____|____|___| \_______/__ \_ | | | (_) | |-----------------¦ |____\ |_____/---' | | | | `----------------' | | | | _ _ __ ___ ______ ______ ______| |) _| ___ ¦___ ___ ___ /_/ ___ /___/ ___ /__/ _____) |___ (_| _/ /___/ /_____/ /___/ /____/ /____ / /_____/__/ /____/ /____| /______ \ ____ _ __ \ ____ \ ___ \/ ____ /_/_ __ \ ___ \ _/ __ / /_ /__/ /___/ __/___/ / /___ /__/ __/ / / / /_ /__ / __ / \__ / / / /__/ ___ / \ /_ / /__/ ___/ /_______/___ / /_____/_______/ / /_____ /_/ /______/ |/ / | /_____/ /____/mute_____/ /____/ | ¦ | (_) | | | _ | | | (_)| | | ¦ | | _ : | | (_) ¦ | | | -------------' ¦ _ | : ) ¦ . : . look out for spelling mistakes !!! @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ /\_____/\___/\_____________________ / /___, \ ____ _ ___ /_ __ /_ /__/ /__/ ___/ _/ \ / / /__/__/__/ / /__ _ \ _ / / / / / / / /___ /__/ /_/ /_/ /___ /___ / /__/ /__/ /__/ /___\ /__/ /___/ - - -- --- ---------[mute]---- -- - the updated version of first ascension (after a few stupid mistakes) -made by- mute (ex.prodigy) of trance inc. ..enjoy?.. @END_FILE_ID.DIZ . ¦ /)_(\ | : \. ./----| ¦ \ /_____| | .--------------Y || || | ¦ | ¯¯ ¯¯ .--|--+--. pip! pip! | | | ¦ | | | `--+--' | - - -- ------|-----¦--------------' | | `-----' ________________________________________________ /..chapta.. \ < < <<-----< nUMBa tWOo° / nUMmeR zWe¡ >-------. \________________________________________________/ ¦ || | `|--. - -- ----- -- - - | `--: .-' ____/\ ___/|_ ___ ____/\_______________ ____/\_____/\_____ | \_ \\____ \\_ \| __/ \_ _______ \| __/ \_ ___/ ¦ ._____/ |__/_/ | \/ \\ \__/ \__/ _|___/ \\ \__/ \__/__ \___; ¦ _/ ¦ \/ : \_ \ \_ \_ ' \/ \ \_ \_ | \_ | \_____ \________/_(____/_____/____ \___(____/_____/_______/ | |_____/mute .---------|_____)----.......... ¦ | . ... ... : - - -- ---- -------------' one..:the presentation . ··.:.··.:.·· ¦ two..:table of contents . | three..:preface to t.w.o.t. . .. .··..··. .. ¦ four..:list of groups included . . .... ... . . | ..the main part..:åßk²'$ . . .. .. .. . | six..:creds . .. . .. . .. | seven..:addies . (i s a l i v e) | eight..:messys . ¦ nine..:epilog .......... | `---- -- - - - - P ­ S ­ A ­ L ­ M 6 ­ 9 - THE WAY TO SUCCEED, AND THE WAY TO SUCK EGGS ! - - Ministry ______________________________ / \ .--------------< nUMBa tHre£ / derde. >----------------. ¦ :. . \______________________________/ ¦ | : | | ¦ | | ___/\_______/\ ___________/\____/|_ ____/\ _________ | | \_____, \___ \\_ _____\_ _______ \ \_ \\_ _____/ .--' | / ____/ | _/ / _|_ / __)/ _| \/ |__/ / _|_ | | _/ |_/ \/ ' \/ |/ \_ \_ ¦ \/ ' \ | `---\_____|\____| \____ \____| |____/__ \____ \----¦ mute|____\ |_____/ \_____| |_____/ |_____) | | | | :--------+---------------------' | ¦ .about | .-----' - - -- ----|--------' thank you for reading my newest asc² | | collection, called The first ascension. after | | a half year of delays i finally finished my | | second asciicolly. i thought of releasing it a | | a bit later, but i wasn't patient enough. i've | | already begun on the next one. that's unusual | - ------| for me... i hope you wount hate it, rather the |------ - | oposite. The style i've used in this colly is | | very common, but i've done something that it | | doesn't look too like the ones i've seen.. But | | in the next colly you will meet the style i've | | used for "mute" and "ascen.." ! and also some | | others will support me with their ascii's for | | the headlines. i guess it'll be snuffy/ex.scx | | and terminal silence/session... that's all !! | ¦ .please enjoy.. and feel free to abuse. ¦ : : `------------------------------------mute'1995---' Once I liked Ace of Base, Felix and 2 Unlimited. Now I hate them more than ever ! I'm sitting back with four sigles and a album. For buying, write to me !! . : ¦ . | .-----|---. :-----+---. ¦ | | | |---+-----. | `---¦-----. __¦__ | | \¯¯¯/ |-----| \ / `-----' Y ¦ : . ________________________________ · / \ : - - -- ----------< nUMßå fOu® / nUM£Ro qÅt®£ >---------+---. . \________________________________/ ¦ | . · . .-------------+---' : . / | ¦ ____/\______/\___/|_ ___|\____/\__/\_____ | - ---+--- -__ \_ ______ \____ \ \_ | ______, \ ___/ ¦ ¦ /\ \ . / |__/ / | _/ | \/ ¦ \/ ___/__ \ | : / \ \ _/ ( \/ \ : \_ : \_ | | \_ | . . / i \ \\_____ \___| \_______/______/__|________/ ¦ \ n \ \ |_____\ |____\ mute/ ¦ | . \ c \ \ (_________; | \ l \ \ ¦ .--------\ u \ \-.-------------------------------------------:--. |.the. \ d \ \| -+=> artcore andromeda balance bomb . | |.following\ e \_\ complex decnite defiance desrie digital | --'.groups 'n.\ d / / dreamdeales essence freezers lingo mystic | ..boards are.. \ / /| polka brothers ram jam razor 1911 rebels | ..included..\/_/-|-. sanity scoopex scope session spaceballs | : | | speedy stellar trsi virtual dreams `--. ¦ - - -- ----+-' -+=> raw fusion basic instinct checkpoint | | | hardcore genetic whaste every ware pitstop | | `--phantom zone--flashback--undercover--bodycount-' | | `--------------------------------------------------------------' "Soon discovered that tihs Rock-thing was true. Jerry Lee Louis was the devil ! Jesus was architect, previews to his career as a profet ! All of the suddon I found my self in love with the world. So there was only one thing I could do, was to DINGE DING DANG MY DANGE LONG LING LONG !" - Ministry, "Jesus buildt my hotrod". _________________________________ / \ --------------------< nUMBa f¡v£ / nUM£®ø ç¡nÇ° >--------------------- | \_________________________________/ | | | ______ | | ______ | ||| ___/|_ /\________/\ /|__/|__/\_____ ||| | |______||| \____ \/ _____ \/ __/ __ ___/ |||______| | / _| \___ \/ |__/ |/ | \___ \ | | _/ \_ \ ' \_ | \ | |_/ ' \_ | | \____| \_____/__ \_|___|\________/ | | |_____/ |_____/mute | | | |___________________________________________________| | | | nE宣¥ ¡N 壶hAßet¡Ç ø®ÐeR ! | |___________________________________________________| . . . . : : ¦ : /\ : ¦ |( ) ¦ / \ ¦ ( )| .---.------| |------------- - \------------| |---- -- - - ¦ ¦ | _ | \ | _ | : | | (_)| -GROUPS- \ |(_) | . `------| | \ | | | _ | twenty-seven \ | _ | . |(_) | asc²'s \ | (_)| - - - -- ---| |---------------- -- - \------| |--- -- - - - | | / \ | ¦ ¦ ( )¦ /____________________\ ¦( ) : . : : . . . · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².1. | | artcore----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ___/|_ _____/\__/|______/\__/|_______/\________ \____ \\____ \_ ____ \___ ______ \ _____/ / _| \/ | _/ |__/ |__/ | \/ | _/ _|_ / \_ \_ \ ¦ \ ¦ \ : \_ \ ' \ _/ |____/_| \___ \__ \______/_| \__ \ \_____|-mute-|____\|____/_____\ |____\_____) · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².2. | | andromeda----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ____|\ ___ ______/\ _____/\ ___/|_ ____|\ __________/\ ____|\ \____ \\_ \| _____ \\____ \\____ \\__ | \\_ _______ \\____ \ / | \/ \\ \/ |\ \/ | _/ / | \/ \/ _|_/ |\ \/ _| \ _/ _ \ \ \_·/ \ \/ : \_\_/ \_' \ ·/ \ \_ \ \____| \_(____/_____/__| \________/_|____/__ \_____/__| \_ |_____/ |____\ mute|_____) |_____/ · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².3. | | balance----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ____/\ ___/|_ /| ____|\ ___ _______/\_________ \____ \\____ \ / | \____ \\_ \| ____ \_ _____/ / '_/ / _| \/ |__/ _| \/ \\ \/ |__// _|_ _/ _ \/ \_ \ : \_\_ \ \ \_ ¦ \ ' \ \____' \___| \_____/_| \_(____/__ \___ \ |_____\ |_____/ |_____/ mute/_____/|_____) · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².4. | | bomb----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ____/\____/|_ /|______/\ \____ ______ \ / | ______ \ / '_/ / ¦ \/ \/ '_/ _/ _ \/ : \_\_/ \_ _ \ \____' \________/_|____/_' \_ |_____/-mute- |_____/ · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².5. | | compelx----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ____/\ ___/|_ _ _____/\__ _ ___________ __ \_ \\____ \ / V ______, \/ | \_ ______ V \ / ¦__/ / | \/ · \/ ___/ |__/ _|_ \_ ¦ _/ _/ | \/ : \_\_/ \_ |/ : \_' \/ | \_ \_____ \________/_|____/__|________/__ \__A___/ |_____/ -mute-|_____) · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².6. | | decnite----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ____/\ ___________/\__ ____ /|_/\_____________ \___ \\_ ______ \ \| __// _/ \_ _____/ / |\ \/ _|_/ ¦__/ \\ \/ |__/ \__/ _|_ _/ ·/ \ ' \ | \ \ \_ |_/ \_ ' \ \________/___ \__ \_(____/_|\______/____ \ |_____)_____/mute |_____) · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².7. | | defiance---+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ____/\ _________/\___/|___/|_ ___ _______/\ _________ \___ \\_ _____ ____/ ______ \\_ \| ____ \\_ _____/ / |\ \/ _|_/ _)/ | / _| \/ \\ \/ ¦__/ / _|_ _/ ·/ \ ' \ |/ |/ \_ \ \ \_ | \/ ' \ \________/___ \_|____|____| \_(____/__ \____ \ |_____) |_____/-mute-|_____/ |_____) · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².8. | | desire----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ____/\ _________/\_____ /|_____/\ _________ \___ \\_ _____/ ___// ______ \\_ _____/ / |\ \/ _|_ \___ \/ | / | _/ / _|_ _/ ·/ \ ' \/ | \_ |/ \/ ' \ \________/___ \_______/_|____| \____ \ |_____) mute|____\ |_____) · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².9. | | digital----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ____/\ /|____/\ /|_/\_______/|_ _. \___ \ / ___ \/ _/ \____ \ / | / |\ \/ |/ |__/ |__/ \__/ _| \/ |__ _/ ·/ \ | ( \ |_/ \_ \_ \ : \_ \________/__|____ \_|\______/___| \_____/ |_____\ mute|_____/ · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².10. | | dream dealers----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ____/\ _____/\ _________/|_ _|\___ \___ \\____ \\_ ________ \ / | __/ / |\ \/ | _/ / _|_/ _| \/ \ _/ ·/ \ \/ ' \ \_ \ \_/ \_ \________/__| \____ \_| \_|____/ mute|____\ |_____)|_____/ - D E A L E R S - · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².11. | | essence----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' _________/\____/\______________ _______/\__________ \_ ______ ___ ____ _______ \| ____ ___ _____/ / _|_ \___ \___ \/ _|_ / \\ \/ |__/ / _|_ _/ ' \/ | \_' \_' \/ \ \_ | \/ ' \ \_____ \_______/_____/__ \___(____/__ \____ \ |_____) |_____) -mute- |_____/ |_____) · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².12. | | freezers----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ___/\_____/\ ___________________/\__________/\ /\_____ \_ ______ \\_ _____/__________ \ ________ \/ ___/ / _) | _/ / _|_/ _|_ / ___/ _|_/ | _/\___ \ _/ | \/ \ \_/ ' \_ \ \/ | \_ \_____|___| \____ \__ \_______/__ \_| \_______/ |____/ |_____)_____/--mute-|_____)|____\ · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².13. | | lingo----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' /|__|\____ _______/\__/|_ / ____ ___ \| ____ ____ \ / |__| \/ \\ \/ |__/ | \ _/ | \_ \_ \ \_ |_ \ : \_ \________/___/_(____/__ \______/ -mute/_____/ · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².14. | | mystic----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ____|\ /\.___/\_____/\____ /|___/\ \__ : \/ | __ ___/ \_/ __ \ / \___ \___ \__/ \__/ | |__/ _/ \_/ \_| \_ ' \_ \_ | : \ \____|____/_____/_____/_____/___|___ \_ /_____| -mute|_____/ · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².15. | | polka brothers----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ___/\_____/|_ /|_ /|_______|\ \_____, ____ \ / _/ / | ______ \ / ____/ | \/ |__/ | _/ / _| \ _/ |_/ : \_ ¦ \_ \/ \_ \ \_____|\_________/_____/_| \___| \_ |____/ |_____/ ____/\ _____/\ ___/|_ /\________|\ ___________/\ /\_____ \____ \\____ \\____ \_/ \__ | \\_ ________ \/ ___/ / '_/ / | _/ / | \__/ \__/ _| \/ _|_/ | _/\___ \ _/ _ \/ \/ : \_ \_ \__ \_' \ \/ | \_ \____' \___| \________/_____/___|____/__ \_| \_______/ |_____\ |____\ (mute)_____)|____\ · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².16. | | ram jam----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' _____/\ ___/|_ ____|\ ________|\_____|\ \____ \\____ \\__ | \ \_ ______ ____ | \ / | _/ / _| \/ · \ __| \/ _| \/ · \ _/ \/ \_ \ \_/ \_ / | \_\_ \_\_/ \_ \____| \___| \_|____/ / ______/_|____/_|____/ |____\ |_____/ /_____|*mute* · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².17. | | razor 1911----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' _____/\ ___/|_______/\__/|_______/\ \____ \\____ _____ ____ ______ \ / | _/ / _| \/ ___/ | \/ | _/ _/ \/ \_ \ | \_ : \_ \ \____| \___| \_____/______/_| \ mute|____\ |_____/ 1911 |____\ · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².18. | | rebels----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' _____/\ _____________/\ ___________/| /\_____ \____ \\_ __________ \\_ ________ | / ___/ / | _/ / _|_ / ' _/ / _|_ / |__ \___ \ _/ \/ ' \/ _ \/ ' \/ : \/ ` \_ \____| \____ \___' \____ \_____ \_______/ |____\ |_____)|______\ |_____) |____/-mute · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².19. | | sanity----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ___/\______/|_____ ____ /|__/|____/\.____ \\__ _______ ___ \| __// ___ _____ | __// \___ \/ _| \/ \\ \/ |/ |__ \___ \ _/ | \_\_ \_ \ \_ | : \/ | \_ \________/_|____/_(____/_|_____ \_ _____/ -mute-|____/__| · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².20. | | scoopex----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' /\________/\ ___/|_____/|_____/\___________/|__ / _____ \\____ ______ ______, \ ______ | \ \___ \/ |__/ / | \/ | \/ ___/ _|_ \_ | _/ _/ ` \_ : \/ : \_ : \_ |_ \/ \ \________/__ \________/______/__|_____ \__| \_ |_____/ +mute+|_____) |____/ · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².21. | | scope----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' /\________/\ ___/|_ ___/\__________ / _____ \\____ \\____, \ _____/ \___ \/ |__/ / | \/ ___/ _|_ _/ | \_ : \/ : \_ |_ \ \________/__ \________/__|_____ \ |_____/ mute|_____) · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².22. | | session----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' /\____________/\____/\______/|__/|_____ ____ / ____ ______ ___ _____ _____ ___ \| __/ \___ \/ _|_ \___ \___ \/ |/ | \/ \\ \ _/ | \_' \/ ` \_` \_ | : \_ \ \_ \________/__ \_______/_____/_|________/_(____/ `-----|_____)-mute---------' · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².23. | | spaceballs----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' /\______/\____/|_ ____/\ __________/\__/|_ /|_ /|__/\_____ / _______, \___ \ \_ \\_ ________ ____ \ / _/ / ___ ___/ \___ \/ ___/ _| \/ |__/ / _|_/ '_/ _| \/ |__/ |_\___ \ _/ ` \_ |/ \_ \_ : \/ ' \ _ \ \_ \_ : \ : \ ` \_ \________/__| |____/__ \____ \_' \_|____/__ \__ \_____/ \_____| |_____/ |_____)____\-mute-|_____/_____/ · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².24. | | speedy----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' /\______/\________________/\_ /\.___ .---/ _______, \ _____ _______ \/ | _/----. | \___ \/ ___/ _|_/ _|_/ |\ \___ \ | | _/ ` \_ |_ ' \ ' \ ·/ \_| \_ | | \________/__|_____ \__ \______/_____/ | `--------------mute|_____)_____/-/_____|------' · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².25. | | stellar----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' /\_____/\_____________/|_ /|____/|_ _____/\ / ___/ \_ _____/ _/ / _______ \\____ \ \___ \__/ \__/ _|_/ |__/ |__/ _| \/ | _/ _/ | \_ \_ | \ : \ : \ \_ \ \ \________/_____/____ \__ \__ \_| \_| \ mute|_____)_____/_____/|_____/|____\ · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².26. | | trsi----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' /\_________/\ /\______/|_ _/ \____ \/ _____ _/ \__/ \__/ | _/\___ \/ | _/ \_ \/ | \_ | \______/___| \_______/_| |____\mute · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².27. | | virtual dreams---+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' __/|_____/|____/\__/|_____|\ ___/|_ __/| \_ | ____ _____ \_ _____ | \\____ \ \_ | / ¦ \/ |/ | _/ |__/ ¦ \/ _| \/ |__ _/ : \_ | \ : \ : \_\_ \ : \ \_________/_|___| \__ \______/_| \__ \_ ·-D-R-E-A-M-S-·|____\_____/ `mute'|_____/_____/ . . . . : : ¦ : /\ : ¦ |( ) ¦ / \ ¦ ( )| .---.------| |------------- - \------------| |---- -- - - ¦ ¦ | _ | \ | _ | : | | (_)| \ |(_) | . `------| | BOArds \ | | | _ | \ | _ | . |(_) | eleven ascii's \ | (_)| - - - -- ---| |---------------- -- - \------| |--- -- - - - | | / \ | ¦ ¦ ( )¦ /____________________\ ¦( ) : . : : . . . · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².28. | | raw fusion----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' _____/\ ___/|____/| ____ \____ \\____ \__ | | __/ / | _/ / _| \ |_| \ _/ \/ \_ \_| | \_ \____| \___|____/_______/ |____\mute ___/\___/|_ /\______/|__/|_ ___ ____ \_ ____ | \/ _____ _____ \\_ \| __/ / __) ¦ \___ \/ |/ | \/ \\ \ _/ | : \_| \_ | : \_ \ \_ \_____|________/_____/_|________/_(____/ · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².29. | | basic instinct---+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ____/\ ___/|_ /\______/|____/\ \____ \\____ \/ _____ ___ \ / '_/ / _| \___ \/ |/ |__/ _/ _ \/ \_ \ ` \_ | : \ \____' \___| \_____/_|____ \_ |_____/ |_____/ |_____/ /|__ ___/\______/|__ /|__ _______/\__/|__ / __ \| __ _____ __/ / __ \| ____ \_ __/ / |/ \\ \___ \/ |__/ |/ \\ \/ |__/ |__ _/ | \ \_| \_ : \ | \ \_ : \ : \ \____|___(____/_____/__ \_|___(____/__ \__ \_ |_____/ mute|_____/_____/ · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².30. | | checkpoint----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ____/\ /|_____________/\__/|______/\___/|_ /|__ _____/|__ \_ \/ | ___ ______ __ | ______, ___ \ / __ \| ____ __/ / |__/ _| \/ _|_/ |__/ | _/ / ___/ | \/ |/ \\ \/ |__ _/ : \ \_ \ ' \ : \ _ \/ | : \_ | \ \_ : \ \_____ \_| \__ \__ \_| \____|________/_|___(____/__ \_ |_____\|_____/_____)_____/|____/ |_____/ · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².31. | | hardcore----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' /|_____/|_ _____/\__/\_ ____/\ ___/|_ _____/\ _________ / | ______ \\____ \__ \ \_ \\____ \\____ \\_ _____/ / _| \/ _| \/ | _/ |\ \/ |__/ / | \/ | _/ / _|_ _/ \__ \ \_ \_ \ ·/ \_ : \/ : \_ \/ ' \ \____| \_|____/_| \______/__ \________/_| \____ \ |_____/ |____\ |_____/ mute|____\ |_____) · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².32. | | genetic whaste---+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' _____/\ _________ ___________/|__ /|____/\ \__ \\_ _____ \| ___ ______ __/ / ___ \ / |__/ / _|_/ \\ \/ _|_/ |__/ |/ |__/ _/ | \/ ' \ \ \_' \ : \ | : \ \_____ \____ \_(____/__ \__ \_|____ \ /_____/ |_____) |_____/_____/mute_____\ ___/| _____/|_____/|_ /\______/|__________ \__ | | ____ | ______ \/ _____ ____ _____/ / |-| \/ _| \/ _| \___ \/ |__/ _|_ _/ ¦ : \_\__ \_\_ \ | \_ : \ | \ \___________/_|____/_| \_____/__ \__ \ |_____/ |_____/_____) · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².33. | | every ware----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' __________ _____________/\ /\.____ ___/| _____/|_ _____/\________ \_ ______ V ___ ________ \/ | __/ \__ | | ______ \\____ \ _____/ / _|_/ | \/ _|_/ | _/\___ \ / |-| \/ _| \/ | _/ _|_ _/ ' \ : \_' \ \/ | \_ _/ : ¦ \_\_ \_ \ ' \ \_____ \______/__ \_| \ _____/ \___________/ |____/_| \__ \ |_____) |_____)|____\__| \_____||____\_____) · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².34. | | pitstop----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ___/\__ /|__/|__/\_____/\_______/|_ ___/\__ \____, \/ ___ ___ ___/ \____ \\____, \ / ___/ |/ |_\___ \__/ \__/ | \/ ___/ _/ |/ | : \ | \_ \_ : \_ | \_____|____|____ \_____/_____/________/__| |_____/mute · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².35. | | phantom zone----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ___/\__/|_____/|_ ___ _____/|____/|_ /|____ \\____, \| ______ \\_ \| ____ _______ \ / | __// / ___/| \/ _| \/ \\ \/ |__/ | \/ · \ _/ | \_ \_\_ \_ \ \_ : \ : \_\_/ \_ \\_____|__|____/_|____/_(____/__ \______/_|____// [mute]_____/ _ _____/\__/|_ ___ ___________ \_\____ ____ \\_ \| ___ _____/ / / ___/ | \/ \\ \/ _|_ _/_/ | \_ : \_ \ \_' \ \_\________/______/_(____/__ \ |_|_____) · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².36. | | flashback---+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ___/\____/|____/|_ /\______/|_ ____/\___|\ ____/\__/|____ \_ _____________ \/ _____ | \\____ \___ \ \_ __ | / / __)/ |__/ _| \___ \/ _| \/ '_/ _| \/ |__/ | _/ _/ |/ : \_\_ \_| \_\_ \_ _ \ \_ \_ : \ _ \ \_____|________/_|____/_____/_|____/_' \_|____/__ \_| \_ |_____\-mute-|_____/|____/ · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².37. | | undercover----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ____|\ ___ _____/\_ ___________/\____/\__/|_ ____ _____________/\ \__ | \\_ \| _____ \\_ ________ \_ \___ \\__ V ___ ________ \ / ¦ \/ \\ \/ |\ \/ _|_/ | _/ |__/ | \/ ¦ \/ _|_/ | _/ _/ : \_ \ \_·/ \_' \ \ : \ : \_ : \_' \ \ \_________/_(____/______/__ \_| \__ \______/______/__ \_| \ |_____)|____/_____/ |_____)|____\ · : ¦ | _ _ __ _________ __ _ _ .-----------' `----. | | `-------------------------. | asc².38. | | bodycount----+----' | <- <-- <-- <-------------------------------' ____/\__/|_ ___/\_ /\._______/\__/|_ ____|\ ___ _____/|__ \____ \___ \\___ \/ | ____ \___ \\__ | \\_ \| ____ __/ / '_/ | \/ |\ \___ \/ |__/ | \/ ¦ \/ \\ \/ |__ _/ _ \ : \_·/ \_| \_ : \ : \_ : \_ \ \_ : \ \____' \______/______/_____/__ \______/______/_(____/__ \_ |_____\ /_____[mute]_____/ |_____/ ________________________________ / \ .-----------------< nUMBa 2¡× / zE$Ðe >--------- --- -- - - : orig · \________________________________/ · .----. ¦ version : | : | | |released ¦ |-----------------+--' | | at |____/\_____/\__________/\ /|__/\____/\_____ | | | --.--.-- |\_ \____ \_ _______ \ / __/ \_ ___/ `-------| | |/ |__/ | _/ _|_/ |\ \/ |\__/ \__/_ \ | | _/ | \ \ ' \ ·/ \ | _/ \_ | \_ | | \_____ \__| \___ \_____/__| \______/______/ | __| | |_____/ |____\|_____\mute | | \___________¦ | | `----------¦ ¦ ¦ \ | | | `-------------------' : \ | |__| all asc²'s and design by |___________________; \ | | | \ \ ¦ | mute of trance inc. | \ \ : | | spread site.... \ \ . | moral support by | .basic instinct.\ \ | snuffy/ex.scx + vegard/melon d.| call it ! \ \ | | +47 63828335 \ \ | musical inspiratio by... | /\_______\_ _ _ \ _____ | The future sound of london | / _________ _ _ \| / | biosphere mike oldfield | progs used.. \ \__ | / | moby nrk-p3 vegard/melon dez| .ced-pro³·5. /_ / | / ¦ several others good (amiga) ¦ .died.... _ __ ___\ \________| / `----musicians out there!--------' |/ . : ¦ . | .-----|---. :-----+---. ¦ | | | |---+-----. | `---¦-----. __¦__ | | \¯¯¯/ |-----| \ / `-----' Y ¦ : . ________________________________ / \ ---------------------< nUMBa $£VeN / NµmM£® $jµ >--------------------- \________________________________/ |\ ___/|_ ____/\ ____/\_____/\ _________/\____/\____________/\_____ /| .-| \ \____ \\___ \\___ \____ \\_ _____ ___ ____ _____ ___/ / |-. | \ / _| \/ |\ \/ |\ \ | _/ / _|_ \___ \___ \/ _|_ \___ \ / | | /_/ \_ \ ·/ \ :/ \ \/ ' \/ | \_' \_' \/ | \_\ | `-| / \____| \_____/______/_| \____ \_______/_____/__ \_______/ \ |-' |/ |_____/mute |____\ |_____) |_____) \| for elite, friendship and/or ascii swapping, write a LETTER (not note!) to the following address: mute/trance inc Carsten Engh, Groosevn.246, N-4890 Grimstad, Norway ! mostly serious letters will be answered.. but be patient... you can also mail letters to Snuffy/ex.Scoopex for ascii (or gfx) orders at: Øyvind Opland, Solveien 12, N-4890 Grimstad, Norway! for music orders, write a caotic postcard to: Vegard!/Melon Dezign Vegard Wolf Dyvik, Hommedalskogen 59, N-4890 Grimstad, Norway! and you can reach us all here: ___ . / / ___ ___ ______ / /_____/ /______/ /_____/__/ /___ : / /__ _\_____ \_ ____ /_/_ __ \ a1200 030 50mhz ¦ / / __/__ / _/___ /__/ __/ /___/_ 10mb ram 1.4 gig | /___ / / / _ _ / \ /__ / ___/ 28.8 - v.34 | /______/________/____ /_/ /_____/ | - - -- ---[mute]----/_____/---- -- - - - - - - -- ---|-------> sYSOp : | acid/afpha flight & grt ¦ node-1 | cO-SYs | +47 63 82 83 35 | shade/trsi&pse grimlock/grt | node-2 | baffle/sta&edg stratos/scx | +47 commin' soon | - - -- --- -----------------' ___ | ___ _______ ___ _/ /_ ______ ___ |_/ /_ /___/ /____ _/ /____/_ __/ /__/ /_____/ /___/_ __/ _____/ ___ \ /_ ____ / / ___/_ __ \_ __ \ / /_ ___ / /_/___ /__/ /___/_ __ / / /___/ /_____ / /____/ _/__ / \_ /_ __//____/ _/_ / __ /_ __/ /___/ / ____/____ /_______/_/ / ____/_____/_______/ /____/ /_____/ /____/ ________________________________ / \ .-.------------------< nUMBa åT£ / Nµm£®ø hµ¡T >------------- -- - - | ¦ \________________________________/ | | `-+-------. ____/\______/\ _________________/\____/\_____ | | \_ ______ \\_ _______ _____/ \_ ___/ · | | / |__/ / | _/ / _|_ / _|_\__/ \__/_ \ : | | _/ ( \/ \/ ' \/ ' \_/ \_ | \_ ¦ | `----\_____ \___| \____ \____ \______/______/---' | |_____\ |____\ |_____) |_____)-mute- | | ­-­ A -­- N -­- D ­-­ | | ! M ­ E - S ­ S - A ­ G - E ­ S ! | ________________________________ ¦ / \ `------------------< Nµm£®Ø kåhУK0aN >--------- --- -- - - \________________________________/ to Snuffy: Hei hei.... Se nå prøver jeg å være aktiv igjen.. Hurra for meg ! Men ellers trenger vi gratis telefonlinje, ikke sant ? Jaja... Gleder meg til å se din neste ascii-colly... Og en ting til: En dag skal jeg ta deg igjen med antall ascii- collyer... Ehhh......... to Terminal S.: Yup... Nå har du endelig fått noen brev av meg... Du er heldig of Session... du. Hva synes du om historien min ? Lurer på om du henter denne ned med modem eller får den i posten... Øyvind synes du er den eneste ascii-guden i Norge... Tenker du likte det ja.. Men nå kan du sikkert utnytte han. Ikke seksuelt altså, for da blir jeg sjalu.... Men psykisk......... Eller gjør du det allerede ? Hav vet jeg, og hva vet han... Acid/Afl & Grt: Jaja.... Så kan Grimlock lage asciier... Det jeg hadde sett av han før var dritt, men den "basic"-ascii'en du bruker er vel en liten bamsemoms verdt, eller hva? Men men... Håper du likte det jeg hadde om basic Instinct... Håper du bruker noe av det. Liksom sånn for gøy altså.. Men ellers så er 2 unlimited og basic element heltene mine. Sorry for å ha løyet... ehhhhmm... Kanskje ikke det nei.... Substance/Ils: Haba haba... Hva synes du ? Ikke sant du forguder meg ? Bare bøy deg i støvet og kyss mine army boots... Ja om jeg bare hadde noen da. Dilemma... Jeg unskylder så meget for å ha glemt å holde deg med live-sex på fønen. Håper du er så gudommelig slik at du tilgir meg for mine synder.. Det var meg som slapp ut gass i Tokyo. Gulrøtter vet du ! Vegard!/Melon: Yikes.... Melonstrations ahead... Nå er det ingen generasjoner dezign i nerleiken lenger. Men (c)hippiene er kule... Jeg bøyer meg i syltetøyglasset for deg.. Bare å innramme det... håper music- disken du har prøvd å få i snart to år kommer snart da... Det er vel på tide.. Ighvertfall for Ole Saus.... I suppose that was the messages.. Not many, but it was difficould enough though my lazyness. Ehh... Strawberry-flavoured socks to: Splatterhead, 2Fast, Mike, Nightmare, Mindphaser, Substance, Adonis?, TfT, Vegard!, Trash Head, Bird, LFO, Qwerty?, Terminal Silence, Butthead, Xman, QBA, BirdEye, Godfather, Snuffy (duttebassen), Slam, and all trance'ers !! world-wide !! did i forget anyone ?..... "?" means: where are you ? .---------. ________________________________ | | / \ .---+---------¦-< nUMBa n¡N£ / Nµm£®ø Nµ£Ve >-----------. | | | \________________________________/ | `---|---------|-------. .---. | | | ___| _ _ | | | | | ___) \/ |____|\ __/|_ .--/ |-------+---' | | | \_ \ ______ \ \___ \| / | | | | | / ____/ | / | \ / | \/ |___ `-------' | |/ __) |/ | \/ \ | \ | / | | | \ ¦ \ : \ | \_____|____|____| \ |____/___ \ | | | |_____/__|mute |_____/ .--------' | ¦ | | `-------' `----------------------. | .----. /\______________ ____/\_______________ _______/\________ | | | | / ____ _______ \| __/ \_ _______ \| ____ \ _____/ | `--|----' \___ \/ _|_ / \\ \__/ \__/ _|_ / \\ \/ |__/ _|_ | | _/ | \_ \/ \ \_ \_ ' \/ \ \_ ¦ \ ' \ | `-----\________/__ \___(____/_____/____ \___(____/__ \__ \ ¦ (_ | |_____) |_____) |_____/_____): ¦ ¦ | because of my possition, i, carsten engh, sentence you | ( ) ¦ to READ this and then to death by eletric shock on the | _ | place you'll rather not think of. your toes.... ¦ (_) | let's leave the poetic-corner and enter the so called : _ | reality... some of you have might read everything in this . (_) | text file. i really feel sorry for you. but me, i've _ | written all this.. i'll suffer of paranoia in the rest of · _ (_)| my life. well i did that before too, so forget this... ¦ (_) | but the important is that you liked what you have seen in : | this text-file... if not this was all a whaste of time... . | if any of you wonder how i found the name, then look in a _ | dictionary. because i really can't remeber how i found it !· (_) | i think it has something to do with a song-name, but i : | can't remember where from i took "ascension" ! strannge.. . _ | anyway. look out for my next ascii-collection with a name (_) | that hasn't been invented, or something. I asked if | terminal silence could find any, so i'm courious to see · _ | his reply...... (_) | Mute - june/july'95 ¦ ( ) : . ( . . end of a magnifisent file - a pitty isn't it :)