--- bbs ads before this line ----------------------------------------------- ORTHEX (previous vizier) presents his 1st ascii colly called _____ /_____________ .__\ \\/ /__. | | -hzn- ________ _ ________ ._______ ________ .______ ________ .__\\_ /_\ _ __\\_ /___|_ /__\\_ / .____| /__\\______/ | /____/ \\/. /____/. )____/. /____/. | __ /. _/ |_____| | ___|__________| ________|__________| |___\(_____| ___| \/ \\/ \\/ | | ._______ _______ ._____ ________ .___|_ /___\\_ /____| /___\\_ / | )____/. __ /. | /_. /____/. | ________|___\(_____|____\ |__________| \\/ \____| | | | piece o' cake | |___ ___| /___________________\ _ _____. .... .... ._____/.___________________\ |________ :::. .::: | | _ __ _ | _/__::: ::: | | / \/ / | _/ :::.::: sw. |______|____/ /\___________|__________/::· ·::. .-------------\______\------------------- - ::: ::: · - ------------------. | .::: :::. | | i n d e x | `----------------------------------------------------------------------------' o1. logical progression o2. crossfire o3. haciend el bananas o4. kala apajat o5. ascii o6. compo o7. neochrome o8. pwp dist o9. son moro 10. stratosphere 11. artificial insemination 12. trooper 13. head 14. serial 15. greets 16. paging 17. newu 18. ppe 19. heb 20. woom \ \ i n t r o \ / \ / hello folks. so this is my first ascii colly. not too big but sooo what. i hope you like my first works and so on. god, now i know why everyone hates doing these intro texts. i'm doing this independent, even if i first was against it. this is a very tiny colly but what the heck. \ / \ / - irc : #ascii / #booze \/ - e-mail : montra@sci.fi /\ - my board : +358-3-7813095 / \ / \ \ \ _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 1 / logo: ((_ \\ logical progression // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// _________ _________ .___\ \\ /___. | | .---------,_________ _________ _____ _______ | ________.---------, | _ ///.\ ____/___\\___//.\ _/___.--\ _ /// / |_____///|____(/__________)/ ______________) _____(/__________/// `---/// `--/// _______________________________ _________ _________________ _______ .\ _ _ ///.\ ___/___\ .___/____\___---`---. | (/___/| /___/|____(/__________)/ /___/|_____) _________/// `--/// `-/// `---///`-/// `--/// _______ | _____ _____________________ .\___---`--- \\___//.\ _ /// _ / |________///|____________(/________(/ / `-/// | · lOGICAL pROGRESSION · oX. |___ ___| /_________//________\ _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 2 / logo: ((_ \\ crossfire // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// ______________________________ \ / \ - c r o s s f i r e - // ._________ _________________________ _________ _________ | __/____.\ _ ///.\_____---`----\_____---`---. |______| |___///______(/_________________///__________/// `----///------' \ // .________________ _ _____________________ oX. | _____ _ __///.\ .____/______. | __/|________ |___///|______) / `---/// `-----' `----/// \ // \ // \ // \ / \/ _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 3 / logo: ((_ \\ haciend el bananas // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// ________________________________ \ / oX. \ · hACIEND eL bANANAS / .----.____ _______________ ._____________ .____________//----. | _ '-\ _ .__/__| .____/__| _ _ | |___(/ /|___(/________| ____//|____( ____(/ /\\__\)___| `--// `---// `---// `--// _______ ._____ / .\ .___/__| /----, / |____( _________/ / `---// \ / ,----\\___ _________________ _________________ _______ ______ | _ '-\ _ _ '-\ _ _ '-\ _ /.\___--`---, |___(/__//|___(/_______(/ /|___(/_______(/ /|___(/____________// `--// `--// \ / \/ _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 4 / logo: ((_ \\ kala apajat // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// ._____ ______ __________.---------, __________ | )/ _/--\ _ ///| /--\ _ ///. | \|_____(/_____|_____///|_____(/_____| oX. `-----\\\----\ __________ _____________ __________ _______ ______________________ .--\ _ ///.\ _ /--\ _ ///.-----\ ///.--\ ///. _/ |_____(/_____| (/____/|_____(/_____|____________|_____(/_____|\_____/// `---/// _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 5 / logo: ((_ \\ ascii // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// __________ _________ _________ .___________________ oX. .---\\\ _ /.\_____---`----.\ __/_____| /// /// ----+ |______(/______|___________///|______) /________/|_______/ +---- `-----/// _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 6 / logo: ((_ \\ compo // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// .________ ____________ _____ _____ _________________________ oX. | __/____\ _ ///.\ \/ ///.\ __ .\ _ ///. +==== |_____) /____(/_____|_____(/_____| )/____/|_____(/_____| ====+ `----/// `--/// _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 7 / logo: ((_ \\ neochrome // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// /\ _______________________ ____________ \ .\ _ /\ .____/_____\ _ ///. \\ oX. |_____(/ /|______) /_____(/_____| \\ `---/// `----/// \ ________ ,-----///_____________________________ _____ _____ ________ .\ __/____| _ /\ /\ _ ///.\\\ \/ ///.\ .____/_____ |_____) /____(/ /| \__///|_____(/_____|_____(/_____|_____) / `----/// `---/// `------\ `----/// / \ / n e o c h r o m e \ / ================= \\ /________________________\\ _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 8 / logo: ((_ \\ pWp dist // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// /\\___________ ________ /\\ .___\\ // //__. | | .______________________________________________________ | _ /\ _ / | (/______/\_______(\_____///| (/______/ `------///oX. `------/// · pWp - dISTRO · |___ ___| __/__________\\__________\__ )\\\/ \///( _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 9 / logo: ((_ \\ son moro // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// ___________ .___\\\ ///___. | | | · sON · | __________ ______________ ________________ .\_____----`----.\ _ ///.\ _ / |____________///|______(/______|______(/ / `----/// oX. ______ ______ ______________ ___________________________ .\ \/ ///.\ _ ///.\ ///\ _ ///. |______(/______|______(/______| \_____/|______(/______| `------\ · · |___ · mORO · ___| _ /_______________\ _ (\\/ \/// _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 1o / logo: ((_ \\ stratosphere // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// __________________________ \ / \\ // oX. ______ ________ __________ ________ ________ //_________ ______ .\___--`---.\ ___/---,\ //--\ _ //.\ ___/---,\ _ //.\___--`---. |________//|____)/___//| /___/|____(/____|____)/___//|___(/____|_________/ `---/ \\ // __________.---\\_____________ __________________ .\ _ / _ / .____/____\ // .____/____ | (/___/|___(/ /|_____) / /___/|_____) / `---// `--// `----//`---/ `----// \\ // \ / \/ _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 11 / logo: ((_ \\ artificial insemination // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// /\ / \\ /\ __________ ____________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ --\ _ /// /// _/ \______///. _____/ \______///. ______(/_____| ______\----- \______/// _________| __/ _________| ---/// __________ __________ __________ - --------, \ __/______ \______///. --\ _ /// / _______) / _________| ______(/_____| _______/// \\ `-----/// \\ / aRTIFICIAL \\__________________\ oX./ iNSEMINATION \\ _ /________________________\ _ \\\/ \/// _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 12 / logo: ((_ \\ trooper // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// troopah' da man @! ______________ ______________________ __________________ \\\ / __________\\\ / _ /// __________ \ _ / .____/___\ \ / \_ _/ \ /____(/____.\ _ ///. (/___/|_____) / \__/ = \_____/// \__/========== |____(/____|--/// ======== `--/// \==== /________\oX. /__________\ _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 13 / logo: ((_ \\ head // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// _____________________________ /// ,------//_______::::_______ ___________::::___\\-------. | _ :::.______/_____:::-\ _ ///:::: _ | |______(/ /::______) ::_____(/_____:::::____\)______| `----/// `-----/// _ _ oX. | h e a d ! / |___ /// __/_________________/ \\\/ _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 14 / logo: ((_ \\ serial // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// ____________ .____\\\ ///____ | | oX. ________ _________ _______________________ __________.--------. .\____---`---- \ ______/_____\ \_____///.--\ _ /// / |__________///|______) _______\-----^|_______________(/__________/// `----/// · · | |_____ ____| ///___________\\\ _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 15 / logo: ((_ \\ greets // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// /\ / \\ __________ _________ ____________\ ______/_____________ ____________________ .\ ___/____\ //______) /\ _____/___\_ _/\____---`----. |_____)/ /_____\-----^ oX.`----//|______) / \_____// |___________// `----// \\ `----// / g r eet s \\ /______________\ _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 16 / logo: ((_ \\ paging // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// .____________ _________ _________ ______________________________ | _ /--\ _ //.\ ___/____\_____//. _ /\ ___/____ | (/____/|_____(/____|_____)/ /________|____(/ /|_____)/ / `---// ====================== `----// ============ `---// ===== `----// oX. _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 16 / logo: ((_ \\ party // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// _____________ __________ _____________________ _____ ______ .\ _ /--\ _ ///.\ / ___/----.\ )/ / (( | (/__///|_____(/_____| |__///|_____)/___///|______ / )) `---/// `-----' oX.`---/// _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 17 / logo: ((_ \\ newu // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// /\ // \ // \ .__________________________ ________ ______ ______ | _ //\ .____//____\ /\--------,\ )/ //. |______(/ //|_______) //______(\ //|______________| oX. `-----// `-----// `-----// // \ /________________\ _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 18 / logo: ((_ \\ ppe // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// _________________________________ .\ _ / _ / ._____/_____ oX. ____ | _(/____/ _(/____/______( _/ ______ .__\ `---// `---// `-----// /__ _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 19 / logo: ((_ \\ heb // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// ___________ .-------\\_________\ _______/______.--------\\________ oX. __ | _ /________) /| _ / __ .__\ |_______(/ / `-----/// |_______(/_____/// /__. | `-----/// h.aciend e.l b.ananas | |_________________________________________________________________| _________________________________ _)) //_________________________________________ \\ 20 / logo: ((_ \\ woom // \\___________________________// p I E C E o F c A K E // //__________________________________________// ___________/\\_____________ /\ .__\ / \\ /__ | / \\ | oX. ________________ ________________ ________________ _______ _______ .\ /\ //.\ _ //.\ _ //.\ \/ //. |_______(\_______|_______(/_______|_______(/_______|_______(/_______| |__ / w O O M __| _ / __/________________\\______\ \/ / \\ · greets and respects go to · my cool cosys, horizon ; tango, thanks for preventing me from giving up ; xcluziwe ; gdm ; fatal ; hash ; hube ; flow ; spermwhale ; abho ; trooper ; strode ; viznut and some i forgot maybe hellos to the cool crew: zele ; drago ; uncle-x ; dead meat ; poekamies :) ; synteesi ; xaztur ; etc. --- EOF_ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ______ ______ __. .____ ___ ___ .__\__ /_\__ / |___| /___\_ \_ ____/ / | )/ |/ /_ ____/. _ /__/_ _/ /. |----------/___/--\ __|--/_______ /--\____| | \/ \/ -hzn- | | | | orthex presents his 1st ascii colly | | called 'piece of cake' | |_ _| /____________________|--------------------\ @END_FILE_ID.DIZ