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ØØØØL ¶ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØK ! ¦ JØØØØQ °¶ÏÏØØØØØØØÏ@" ¦ · ¬@@°"" · _ _ _ _ _.__ _ _ _¡ _ _i \ _¡\ i _¡ _ i__ | _i \ i__ \___\ \ ¯\ \ \/ \___\ i___\ ! \ ¯\ i___\ . . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ! ! ¦ ¦ · · ..:::::.. _ __________________________________________________ :::: ·:::: _________ _________ ·:::: .:::: , __________________.___/ / _________________ .::::: .:. -p)h \ , ,_______/____\ , / :::::· .:::: \ _ .__________ |___________/ :::::· .:::· \____________/__| / ' ___.___` / :::::.:::· /________/ /__________/ :::::· .__________ ____.____.___________.____.___________·:· | | \ / | |____ | | / l____| \/ l____|___________l____| / ________________________________________________________________________ _ 4 o a s c i i m e n b y p a s z c z a k / a z k i n e s s _ _ _ _____ _____ _ _ _ \\\\\\\\____) 40 gANGSTAS (____//////// · 13tH aSCII cOLLECTION · bY PASZCZAK/AZKINESS (pSh) _ _ _ ________________________________________________________ _ _ _ \\\\\\\\______________________________________________________//////// __________________________________________________________________________ Released on 18th of Jan'96 __________________________________________________________________________ ____ _ _____ __) / _______ _ ______ ____ __(_)___) /__ /--\ __) ___/_)_ /_ sTw _\ \ // \ / \_______\ \\ ./ \ _ __ _/ \ \ /______\/____\ __ \_____\\______\\_ __ __) /__ \_____\____\ _________( )_________________\ (__ _:_\ _ __________________ ______ _ ___ /_:___ _ ¦ (//_________________//______) INTRO (//___) ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Hi there Public! ¦ ¦ __wwwwñØWww_ ¦ ¦ __wæ@@@@@@@@@@@@@æ_ ¦ ¦ Welcome in my next ascii colle ùæ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@bw ¦ ¦ ction from PASZCZAK factory. gÊ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ñw ¦ ¦ I hope you will enjoy the ,Ê@@@@@@@@@@@@M°T@@@@@@@@@@@@Ñ_· ¦ art covered in this prod g@@@@@@@@@@@HP" Æ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@µ_ ¦ uction, if not please te d@@@@@@@@@@Ø° d@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@_ ¦ ll me and I'll try to ,Ê@@@@@@@@@HK_____d@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ç ¦ be better & better... q@@@@@@@@@@PàÆ99°9@@@@@@@H@°,@@@@@@@@@@@ ¦ J@@@@@@@@@Ø° ¯""¯ g@@@HM¶@@@@@@K ¦ This time the colle g@@@@@@@@@H´ _æ@*Mæ_ **@Æ5ù_ @@@@@@@ ¦ ction is about Asci g@@@@@@@@@@F Ø°___"@ ¬9@æØ@@@@@@ ¦ i Men - 40 Gangsta _@@@@@@@@@@H J@_Ø@@þØ __ 9H@@@@@@ ¦ s as title says... Ød@@@@@@@@@F ¬°Y99° ,@@¶Ñæ¸ @@@@@@L ¦ / Ø@@@@@@@@@´ _¸ @&ww IL @@@@@@1 ¦ Well, if you requ @@@@@@@@@@ _w Næ 9@N@Lƹ ]@@@@@@! ¦ ested some logos & @@@@@@@@@@ ØQ_ _]1 ¯°" Ø@@@@@@L ¦ didn't got it then @@@@@@@@@@ °°° !P°´ ,@@@@@@@ ¦ please wait for a |@@@@@@@@@@p ,@@@@@@@@ ¦ moment... I am wo |@@@@@@@@@@@p æW@ÑÑæw g@@@@@@@@¹ ¦ rking on my next l@@HHHM@@@@@@b_ "^*¶@" _ø@@@@@@@@P ¦ ascii collection ¬" @@@@@@@@m,_ `@*@° _ùø@@@@@@@@@Ø ¦ called ·doowutchalike· @ØP°°3@ ¬°9Mæww_____wwø@@@@@@@@@@@@´ ¦ - my 14th colly! ¸@ ¯"""Ø@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'(kAiN) ¦ _ _ùæ@° dM*NHHHH@@@@@@@@@@' ¦ So, take a deep @@*ææ****@° ]F ¯¬°¶@@@@´. ¦ breath and look at d' ¬" ¦ ¦ the logos ... if you find them useful - simply use it! :-) ¦ _ ___¦__ __¦_ : /_ ______ ________________________ _ _\ : )____ __ _ _____//_______________________//_ _ __ ____( ...(silence)... (...in case you forgot my name...) .... p . A . S . Z . C . Z . A . k .... : : .....: :..... ..::::::::::.. ...:... : .::::::::::::::::. : :..:.: :::::::'.__`::::::: ________________________________________:__: : ::::::: | ::::::: :..|..: :::::::¦ ::::::: .___ ____. ._________. .____ |___ _. ____ ::::::: ::::::::_|__.\./ ___|_____|___ \ _._|___|___ \____|__.\_/ l/ / ....:::::::..:::::::: .__| |\___._ .____/ \| .____/ .__| _/ _/_. .:::.:::::::::::::::· l/ ______ l/ l/ ____ \_ l/ __._ l/ ____\ | .:::.::::::::::::·______/ .cRb\_________/e^D.\________/ |______/ \_____| ::::::: | ::::::: ________________________________________________| ::::::: : ::::::: : : : :... p . A . S . Z . C . Z . A . k ...: ... . . ... : : (· paszczak of azkiness ·) : : . .::::::.. · `:::::. .____ __. ________ ______ ____________. ____. ..::::::::::::::::____|___ \ l/ /____)/ ._ \_/ _. / ___|__/ ___|____. .::::::' `:::::: .____/ _/ _/ | |/ \|___/____._ \___._ | :::::: .___:::::: l/ ____\ _._______| _.__ l_ l/ ____ l/ | ::::::. | ::::::______/ \_____| l____| \___________/ \______| ::::::::..| .::::::· | ·::::::::::::::::· | | | -cRb/e^D|___________________________________________________________________| . · . . . . :.. . . ..: ____ ¸µmøÑØØØØØ °ÏØØL ØØF _æµµÑÑÑÑwµ__ µm ¬#ØLJØF _µØØØØ@@¶¶¶ÏÏØØÏw_ dØ# #ØØ# dØØ@" "¶ØØN dØ# ¶ØØ _ØØP ¶Ø&_ dØ@ °´ ØØF ¶ØQ dØ@ ___________JØØ___________________¬ØØ_____dØ#____________________ .___} JØØ_ JØØ dØ@ {___. | ¶Øð ØØF dØ@ | | s t i l l ¶Ø#_ _ØØF dØ# | | s h o k k i n' °ÏØÏw__ __µØØØ# dØ#__,mmmmmm,_ | | t h e °¶#ØØØ#ÑÑØØØØØØØ@ JØØØØØØÏÏÏÏÏØØØ#w_ | | a s c i i ¬°°°°°°¯ ØØ@ JØØØP" °#ØØm_ | | s c e n e dØ@ æØØ" ¶Ø#_ | | i n 1 9 9 6 . . . dØ@ JØ# ¬ØÏ | l___ ØØ@ ØØF ØØÎ ___| }________________________dØ@_____#ØÎ___________________ØØF_____{ dØ# ¶Ø#_ JØØ , dØ# ¶Ø#_ _µØØ´ ©p)h. dØ# °#Ø#w__ __øØØÏ ØØ# °ÏØØØ#ÑmmøÑØØØØ@" ØØP ¬"¶¶¶¶¶¶P" _ ____________________ _|_________\\\\\\ (_ | | | let's go to gangstas... | |_ __________|_ )_______________________\ | ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Old, but have something i like ... one of first! :::::::: ________________________________________ | | | _/\/\ /\/\__/\ ! | _/:::::\/::::::::\ : | /·::::::::::::::::·\ · ! \·:::::::::::::::::·\ ___________________________ : \·:::::::::::::::::·\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| · /\/\··/\/¯¯¯¯\·::::·/ Well... People say that ! / ___\/___ /·::::·\ . I am looking strange... : ( ~ø~¯ ~ø~¯ \·::::·/ _______________________ · \ / /·::::·\ . / / \/\····/ . Haven't they seen ascii · / /· \/\·\ dudes before, huh? : / // \ \ \/ · _______________________ . | \ \\ ___/ \ \ : | \ \_/~~~ ·/ \ ¡ ...or maybe really I am | \ ____ // \\ | looking so strange?! | \ `=×@@×=' // \\ |__________________________ | \ ¯¯ / ·\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | \________/\ \ : | / pSh/oBs! \ | |_________________/ \____| ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Funny, ain't it? :) :::::::: __ __ _ _ o####L_o##L o###Lo#L_ #' `###'`####' `##'##L O \ `#L ____ o \ "Come to mum..." `# ///\\\ . / / ////\\\\ /__ / //// \\\\ \ /\ /\ /\/ \(/ ^^ \)/ \/ \ /\/ \/ \\ ( // \/ ___/ . \___ / \___/ \ / \ / /\( ·)(· )/\ \ / / \ / \ \ / / \ / \ \ _/ / / . \ \ \_ / / / \ \ \ //// / XxX \ \\\\ ¯¯¯ \ `X' / ¯¯¯ \ | / ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: He's a devil so watch out ... :::::::: / \ /( )\ __/ \__________/ \__ /\ /\ /\ / /· / \ \\ \ /\ / \ / \ / \/ \\ \ / // \ / \ /\ / \ / /\ / / \_ . . _/ \ / \ \ /\ /\ / \ / \ /\ / / __________________ \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ \ / / /\ / \ \ / \/ / / _____ _____ \ \ / / \ /\ \ / \ \ / ______ ______ \ / /\ / \ / \ \ / \ / / \~~o~/ \~o~~/ \ \ / \ / \/ \ \ \ \ ¯¯\/ / \/¯¯ / / / \/ /\ / \ \ \ / / / / \ / \/ \ \ /\ \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ \ \ / \ \/\ (_ _) /\/ \ \ \/ \ \ `--' / / \ \ \ \ /\ .xXXx. /\ \ =====================/ \. -­­­­- ./ \===========================pSh/oBs=== / \\·. .·// \ / \\\\\///// \ / \\\\//// \ / \\\/// \ / \\// \ ==============================\/============================================== ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: This is your sysop. Yes! It's him! ... :::::::: : | . _______ ___ _ _______ ______ ______ | : \_ __]_\_ \/ \_\_ __]_\_ _ \_\_ __\_ ! | !___ | |_ __] !___ | | | | | ] | ' s | ___ ___ ! | | | | ] | | | | | | | __! | (.o.\ /.o.) | !_____! !__! !_____! !_____! !___! , _ __(_ / \ _)_ ___ ______ ___ __ _________ ___ _ _ ____ _____ ___/\ | // | ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ ___ __ \/ | \\ · ! \____ \_\_ _ \_\_ \_\_ \_\__]_\_ \! \_ ! \__/ | | ] | | | | | \_/ | | o | | | | \ | | ________ | | ! | | | | | | | | _ | | | | \ | [_ ` ' _] !_____! !_____! !__!__! !__!__! !__! !__\__! ____/~~\ /~~\______________ ~~~~ \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ \_¸,,¸_/ ·PASZCZAK/OBS! \ ````'' \ · ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: This man hold a line or something ? :::::::: ,××, _(oo)_ / \/ \ / / \ \ __\/ \oOo________________________________________________________________ /pASZCZAk\ /__________\ `~~||~~||~~' ,xX×x! !x×Xx, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Yeah, it's funny when you have tooth like he has! :::::::: ,.:pASZCZAk:., ·::::::::::::::· /·::::::::::::·\ _/ ____ ____ \_ /_ `°' / _`°' _\ \ __ \_/ __ / Y\ \________/ /Y o \ \`____'/ / o \ / `--.____.--' ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: He's an idiot. You knew it ? :::::::: /\ //\\ // \ // \ /· \ / \ _/____ \ Ø@@@@Øø. _ \ /o) / \ \ / / \ /· -)\ \ // _/ \ // _ \ \\ \ \ \ \ / \ ·\ \___/ / \\ \___ / \\ \ , , ,, /\ \\ ,',',',', / \ \ ,,,''',,'_/ \ pASZCZAk \ ,,''' · \ · ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Hell is closer & closer... :::::::: _ ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ___ __ _[____]___[____] ____[____]____[_____]_____[____]_____[____]____[___ _]___[__ ___[_ __]____[____]_ ,¸ [____]_]'_ _`[___[_ ,¸ ___[____]____[____]___] _[____]___[_ __]___ ()() _] __] /(x××××x)\ [____ ))() [____]____[_ __ ]___[__ ___[ ___]____[____] `()) ____] \/__ __\/ [_[__`()) ___[____]____[____]___] _[____]___[____]___ _¡¡_ _]_] \`°'`°'/ [__ _¡¡_ [____]_ __[_ ___]___[__ ___[____]_ __[____]_\\\/___] /_ ^^ _\ [__\///____[____]____[_ __]___] __[__ _]___[____]____\/___] \`----'/ [__\/ __[__ _]____[_____]___[__ ___[__ _]___ [____]____[__] WeLKøMe 2 bOARD! [____]__ _[____]____[ ___]___] _[ ___]___[____]__ __[_ __] /~¯ ¯~\ [__]___[____]_ __[_____]___[__ ____]___[___]_____:____.___ ___ _ _:____]____]____ ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Where is the hell [CENSORED] sign ?! :::::::: ________ `@@@@@@@@_ · GO oN! fAStER! _oø `@@@ _\__ _ C__ `@@ /\ _ \o @' / `\ /\ /\ ___\\_______\_/ / \ `\/ `\ `\ /\ /\ `--- _______/ \ \ ` ,/ `\/ `\ `\ /\ x ¯¯¯ / \ \ \ / \ ,/ `\/ `\ xx ( / / / `\ \ / \ ` ,/ X× / __/ /| / , `\ / `\ \ ,/ X× ___________________Xxx `-, ( ! \ ,/\ `/ , `\ / \ X×,--· ×XXX× / / | \/ \ \ ,/\ `/ , `\ ×× / "bESt fRIeNd" ×XXXX //// ) \/ \/ \ \ ,/\ `\ Xx ' ××× | \/ \/ \ ,/ Xx-/__________________/,, ,, | \/ Xx /,',',',\ ! _________________________ x · ( ,' , ,, ) | \___ \___ ]__ __] ___]__ \ ° \ ,','',/\ | | ] /| ] | | | | __]_ :\_\ ¤ \,__,_/ \\ _! | _ \! _ | | | | ! | |_] \ ø CC | !_!__\_!_! !_! !____|_____/ \\ | [=================================] Ø _ _\\ | .pASZCZAk/oBSESSIOn. (_(_____| ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: He's totally tekkno dude ... As I am! :) :::::::: __ _ . . . /( _____ _ + / \_/ _/ ° + //\ / \_ _ __ _ + /· \ / \_ /(_____ ° . . / \_/ \ _/ _ \__ _ . _ ____| /· _! \_ __ _ . !_____ // \_ \_ /(_______ / | \ _/ _____] ° + + . _ ______| /· / \__ _ __ ° . !___ // /___ \_ \/ . .xxxxxxxxx. / ! \ _/ \__ . xXXXXXXXXXXXx ° _ ______ /· \__ _ __ _ + ( ) !___ // \_ /(________ |______ ______| / \ _/ _____] . _/\=\ (o)|-|(o) /=/\_ fOR sWAPP¡NG ___ /· ___]__ __ _ |(- \___) |___/ -)| tEKKnO MoÐuLeZ... !___ // | \__ /(__ \ /| / _ |\ / ============== = / ! \ _/ | Y | ( \ | Y MaG¡EL/dAMAGE _ _______ /· |______ _ <_>| \___/ |(_) PoZNaNSkA 15b/37 !___ // ! \__ | _________ | 62-O28 kOZ¡eGLOW¥ / \_ \ `RAVEON!' / POLaND.... nO LAMe pERsoNS! _ ______ \ \ ¯~~~~~¯ / ============================== = !______ _ ________\ /_________________________________________________ __ _ ·pSh/obS \_____/ ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: This logo lives its own life... I suppose :::::::: _________ ______________ ______ /X×x /X×x // / \/ ¬\_ X _ ¬\ / __ \ / __ \ _ _/\/ / ________] / \_/\ \_ __\_°°_/___\_°°_/_ _/ ____\ ! \_ / _ | | _\/_ / _\/_ [ | `°°' \_______ | · |___] ] `~~' \ `~~' \ | _/ / \ | | | \/ \ / \ \ [ /\_ (___) \ ! | | / / X__ \/ / _X ___ ____ \ ! ! \ \/ / \ \ / | \ ` Y ' / __/ \_ \ / _/ · \ | · | / _/ \ / ¬\ / | | |________!_____\________X_______\_____/\____\______!________! ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Swapper's life is very hard life... :::::::: . : | | _ .--/\-aSCi¿-b¥-pASZCZAk/aP!--| `--,-------------------------------' ) _/ / \___ ___ _________ ! __/ ____ ___ \_ | / aP \ \/ ¬Y\_/ __ ¬Y\_ |____ _/ || ¬Y\_ .------. .----- | | /___ _ . · | || · | | ¬Y\_ l| · | |______; |--- | | | / ° ! lj ° ! | · !_______ ° !___ _ | | | | \__/ : __ : l ° : | : | | l_____|| _____|| _______ _______ __ _ + | | _l_____/~ l_____/~ l_____/~ l_____/~ .-' | + .--' `-. . · `-. | ( _,--------. \ _ ________ _ ________ _ _ ________ _ ø | | (/,,¸ ¸,,, \ \ \_\______¬\_\_\______/ /¬\_\_\______/ /¬\_ | `-. / ___ ___ (_ \ \%^~¬ |__ \%^~¬ \__ \_ \%^~¬ \ \_ | .-' ( {_ø_}{_ø_}---/\ ) _/¬ | ¬\ _/¬ | / /_ _/¬ |\ ¬\ | | \ ¯/ -)Y \ _/ | \/ | \ ¬\/ | \ \ ° | | / / _ \_j ) | | |\ : \ |\ : \ \ | | / `----' / / | ! | \_ / | \_ / \_ | | \ ________ \ \ l_ _ _ _ l_ /_ _ _ _ l_ /_ / | | \ `-----.(\) `--= ===L=a=d=y\__= ===B=i=r=d\__= ===Design!\__ / | | \ \\ / \ ¬\/ ¬\/ _ ¬\/ | | ° `------- \Ø-' \ <- This Is -NOT- Maly/LBD! _( )_ | `------------------------------------------------------------\_ _/---------' .-------------------------------------------------------------' `----------. (_ tHIz lETTa'z kKoMiN fROM dA MaLY oF LAd¥ b¿RÐ d^s¿GN sO HA\/e p.H.U.N. _) `------------------------------------------------------------------------' ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Well i hope you are something more than a new user! :::::::: ________ _/ \ _/ _______/ WELL, WELL... NEW USER? / _/ _\_ . ___________________________ __ _ / / (·)·) 0 o \ (- \ O ° wELKOME IN bOARD nAME... / \_/ (_____) o ° O sYSOP hOPES tHAT tHIS BBS WILL \ ( \ o fIT YOUR NEEDS. IF NOT pLEASE / / / ._____)______° pASS hIM MESSAGE aND TELL \__/ / ` _)----`' wHAT THE hELL IS WRONG... _/ \ \ (/ \ \ MEANWHILE ENJOY YOUR tIME \ \_________/ sPENDING hERE!!! \ / ___________________________ __ _ · / pASZCZAk/aP! ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Yeah! It's pure truth... Tekkno rules the world! :::::::: .--------. ___)________(___ ~~/___ ___ \~~ /\/ ° ° \/\ \_\ / _ /_/ ( \__/ ) \ ____ / ____/ \ `--' / \____ \____/ tEKKNO - aN uNDERGROUNd cULTURE ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Old Bulls are back on Polish scene... Good luck! :::::::: _ .... _ .... _ .-'_`-. ·:: .-'| ·:: _.-' `-. __/ | \ __/ l____ __\______ \ \__ | \___ | \___ / \_ ·} l )/·} l )/·} / )/ \ :. // \ :. // \ :./ // - --+--.__ / `--.__ / `-(___ / : ¬\/ · ¬\/ ¬\/ . . . · /( ____ )\ /.-' __ `-.\ + · ) ---- ( __ __/ Oo. .oO \__ __ -\·) oLD! \_ ¯`' `'¯ _/ bULLS (·/- ( ( / \ ) ) \ `.__.' / · + \ ____ / + ° `-.____.-' · _ .... _ .... _ .... _ .... _:__ _ _.-' `-. ·:: .-'|`-. ·:: .-'| ·:: .-'| ·:: .-' `-._ __\_____ \ __/ | \ __/ l____ __/ l____ __/ {____/ \__ \7_ _)___ | \___ | \___ | \________ \_ ·} / )·} l )/·} l )/·} l )/·} / )/ \ :._/ / \ :. // \ :. // \ :. // \ :./ // `--\__ / + `--.__ / `--.__ / . `--.__ / `--.__ / ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/-pSh/aP! ¬\/ ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Yeah, I've got some greeting for you too... :::::::: . |---------------. ¦ gREETS gO tO: ¦ .------. o `---------------! / \ . ° · / ___ ___ \ \ ~ ~ / ( (__) ) \ ____ / _______/\ ¯\/ /\_______ /~ \____/ ~\ / _ _ \ / | | \ _____________/______!________________!______\_____________ \ / ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Nice dude under this Drop Zone logo, huh? :::::::: ___ ,øØØØØØø, . øØ~_ _~Øø o .-. .-._ _ `( °L° )' .' `-' `. \ o (_ ( dROP zONe! ) _______________.-~¯ ¬-' ¯~-._______________ ' ` ___/\ _____ ./\ _____ /\ _______./\_________ \ \____¬\_ \__ ¬\_ \ | \__ / \_ / | _/ / ·/ | / / | / | \ \ /// | /____/ |:. _/ |:. \ \_ /· |:. ! `---\-----¦-----\/----/-------¦-----' .psh/ap ___/\ ______./\ ______./\ ______./\ ________ \ \ | \ | \ | \ / \________ | ·/ | \ | ______/ | ______| /// | \ | ____/___ |:. \/ |:. /· |:. \ |:. \/ / `---------¦---------¦----\----¦---,_____/ ________________ .oO Oo. _______________ ( ( ) ) \_) (_/ ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Well, he wants to say something or what ? :::::::: ____________ ,-¯ ¯-. ) ) ________________________________________________________ \ ___ _ /__ (_____ _____ / ! ;--°/ `°---' (/\ · / / -)/ : \ / \/ ! / (_ , ( . \ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ \ \ ¦ \¬\_____/¯ / · : __________________________________________________________ \ l_l_j /_____! \ / \_ _/ ©pSh95! ¯¯¯¯ ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: No, Sorry but WiLD THiNG went fishing... ;) :::::::: _____ ____________ .-¯ yo. ¯-. ____________ __! (___________)__ . _ _ | (-(_)_(_)-)---' __ . °_° | Gangsta says... \ _____ / · ._.! __ _ ___. _____ __ ('\ _ ___\ ¬/___ .' _ /`) .-----| |__(_) |___.--\___ \_ ('\ (`) .-¯ \ \___/ / ¯-. (`) /`) | /¬\ | | | / / | (\ / \ / `-._.-' \ / \ /) `-----`--'----'-----\/`--------' :\_ / \/ / \ \/ \ _/ .____. ______. : ¯\ \ / h()Me \ / /¯ · .------| |--._\___ |-------. · \ / bOY \ / · | |---| _ | _ | T--' · \_ _/_________________\_ _/ . `------'----'--'----'--'----' . ¯¯ (______(___)______) ¯¯ . _______________________________. . | .... ..... | ! |' : : `| _ · (c) W i L D T H i N G /yDL : · | : (_ : PSh | ( ) · _________________________. · · \____/\| : | : | (_o_) : ! · : ,_(___(oo|····· | ······| _|_ : · : : L LL\/| | | --\|/- - ¦ : : ¦(_¬_; | | | !___________________________; : | ¯ |________|________| : | .-. _|__|_ _|__|_ .-. -> Yer sysop iz ** OUT ** da houze! : | .' -\.' | | `./- `. ._________________________________; |__ ( ' .:| _ |:. ` ) __| paszczak/azk----^---' `---^--------' ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Oh yeah! He brought some fishes for me... ;) :::::::: _____ ____________ .-¯ yo. ¯-. ____________ __! (___________)__ . _ _ | ( -. _ .- )---' __ . °_° | Gangsta says... \ _____ / · . .| __ _ ___. _____ __. ___\ ¯\//___ .' | .-----| |__(_) |___.--\___ \_ | .-¯ \ \___/ / ¯-. / ! ¦ | /¬\ | | | / / | ¦ / `-._.-' \ · : `-----`--'----'-----\/`--------' : / / \ \ : .____. ______. : / / h()Me \ \ · .------| |--._\___ |-------. · ( X bOY X ) · | |---| _ | _ | T--' · \ \_____________/ / . `------'----'--'----'--'----' . \ \___(___)___/ / . _______________________________. . \ /.. .. \ / ! \_/ : : \_/ _ · (c) W i L D T H i N G /yDL : · | : (_ : PSh | ( ) · _________________________. · · \____/\| : | : | (_o_) : ! · : ,_(___(oo|····· | ······| _|_ : · : : L LL\/| | | --\|/- - ¦ : : ¦(_¬_; | | | !___________________________; : | ¯ |________|________| : | .-. _|__|_ _|__|_ .-. -> Yer sysop iz in da houze sucka! : | .' -\.' | | `./- `. ._________________________________; |__ ( ' .:| _ |:. ` ) __| paszczak/azk----^---' `---^--------' ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Daytona! Stand up man... Don't be a kid! :::::::: ____ ,---¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯---. .--¯ ¯--. ( ______ ) ) .--¯¯¯_ _ _ ¯¯¯--. ( / ( __ ¯ ¯ __ ) \ ( ) /¯ ¯\ /¯ ¯\ ( ) ) ( ( ( o)(o ) ) ) ( ( \ \_ _/ \_ _/ / ) ) ) ¯¯/ \¯¯ ( ( `-. / (_ _) \ .-' ©pSh ____________________`( ¯""¯ )'____________________ ____ ____ ___ __ ____ ____ _____ ____ .__(___¬\.__(__ ¬\._) / ¬\.__( _ ¬\.__(___¬\.__\__ ¬\.__(__ ¬\. \ ! / | / |______ | | | // | l/ | / ! / \\ / |:. _ | ¬\/ |----| | // | / | _ // \\\---/___/!----`---!--------!.psh`---!--------!--/_____!----`---/// ________________________________________________________________ ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Mortimer Twang's style or something ? :::::::: ____ææææµµµæ_ À _µmØØØØØØØØØØØ@° ØØ_æØØØØØØØØØØØØP¯ .----- - -- -- -- JØØØØØØØØØØØØØ@" --- -- - - -- ----- --. : ............ _ææØØØØØØØØØØØØØL_________ .......... : · :::::::::· _JØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØmw¸ :::::::: · · :::::::: gØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ# ::::::: · ::::::· ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØÎ ·:::::: . :::::· ,ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ°#@° JØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØQ :::::: . ::::: ØØØØØØØØØØØضÏP ØØØØØØØ#¯¯¯¯¯¯¯" .:::::: ::::: JØØØØØØØØØØØÏ JØØØØØØØØÏ, ·:::::::::::: . ::::· ØØØØØØØØØØØØÏ _µw ¸wÑ ©ØØØØØÏØØØ_ :::::::::::: . :::: JØØØØ" ØØØØØØÏ #"(o)(o) ÏØØØØØK¬#ØÏ ·::::::::::: . :::: åØØØ´ JØØÏØØF0 ,n _ ¬#ØØØÏ ¬¶ØÎ ·:::::::::: . :::: åØØ" 7° ØØF 1 ø¯ ¬L å¬#ØØ . ¬#_ :::::::::: · :::: åØ :... ØØ F J__ ,,Ø å ¶ØØL :. ¶ :::::::::: · · ::::.¬ .::::: ØF J ¬°¬¯ _ å ØØÎ :::..:::::::::: · : ::::::::::::: # J ¸_µw*$Ï # åØÎ ::::::::::::::: : : ············· ´ J æM¶*m,_á F 7Ø1 ··············· : `----------- --- - J "" J - ¬#1 --- -- - -- -----' bw__________wF ¬1 ©pSh! "°°°°°°°"" ' _____ ______. ______. ______. ______. ______. ______. ______. .--\___ \.--\ _ |--\___ |--\__ | .--\___, |--\___ |--\__ |--\_____| | / | |__| / | /___| | ------' / | / | --'-. `--------'-----' `--------'-----' `--------'--------'---/____|--------' ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: And again... Hot greets for you, Mt! :::::::: __ (__) _______________ ___æµµØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØÑ, _µØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØQ__ "a rolnik malorolny ¸µØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØÏ#P°"¯ ¬Ïm_ zasial w tym roku ØØØØØØØØØØØØØÏ###P""¯¯ . ¶Ï tylko pol hektara `ØØØØØ϶°"¯ _,,,,,_ __.,,,,_ ) 7Ø pszenicy! (...)" ¯¯¬¶Î ,Ø#" ¬°*Ø@°¯ ¬0r __æز ______ °ð åØ __æµµmPWmmmmmwØL dQ®µww**wwµ._ æøØÏ°"""°¶*mØr ¶ÏæÑ°¯(_ø) (ø ) jP Ø~ _ `0Ø#_ JØØF ~Ø ¬°**m*P° °*m**' ,__ ) 7ØØØ JØØ _ ØP° _.' _ægØØP' JØØ (_ __ JK___ø `¯ æ#°"¯¯ ¬#m_ `._ , _ ¯¬"" JF µ*" ¬°*mw__ ¯ Ø&µ._ ,ØK_øP ¬°# æ@m_ ØØØØØØØÑmmµµµø) Ø ¯¯ ¬Sm._JF¬¶Î ¬¶ÏÏÏÏÏÏ@P°"¯¯ # ©pSh __________________________ ¶W_ _µP ____ __ _________________ ¬°¶Ï*mmwwwmmMÏP _\/_ .psh ____ .____ ______ ______ \/\/ ____ .__(__ ¬\_.__| ¬\.__(_____/__(_____/ .::. .__(__ ¬\. \ ! _/ /_ | |______ |______ |.:::: .. / ! / \\ \ / | | ¬\/ |¬ \/ | .:: .:: _ // \\\----\___/!--------!--------!--------! ·:::::· ---`---/// _______________________________________________________________________ ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Another dude who wants to say some shits... :::::::: _ ________// + . \______() o .'__ \\ _________________________________________________ __ __ `. ______________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ , ¬ ¬ --. \¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ · / ) \ ° · ©pSh! ° (_ _) , \ _ __ )¯¯ \ \ ) ¯--. ( __ ) / .-¯¯-` \ ¬ / / .' ) `-.____,' _/ ( \ / ¯`---' ( ) (_ | ) ____________________________________________________/_______________|________! ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Yo! Isn't this guy upthere rule the world ? ;) :::::::: , _ _ _ , \\___ / / / ___// __.____ _______ \__ \ o..o / __/ ___\ | ¬\._\ ___/___ \_ ____ _/ \_ | |______ _/ ( (` ') ) sPEEEED! tHIS bOARD iZ kICKIN'... | ! | ¬\/ | _.\ \__/ /._ _ __ ______________________l____ .¦|____ .¦|___oOOo___\____/___oOOo_____ ¬-----' ¬-----' .:::::::::::. .::::::::::. .::::::::::. .::::::::::. .::::::::::. :::::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::: .:::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::: ::::: :::::: .::::· ·:::. .:::· ·:::. .:::· ::::: ::::::: ::::: ::::::: .::::· ·::::::· ·::::::· ::::: :::::::: ::::: :::::::: .::::· .::::::::. .::::::::. :::::::: ::::: :::::::: ::::: :::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::::: ::::: ::::::: ::::: :::::: :::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::: ::::: :::::: ::::: :::::: :::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::::::::::· ·::::::::::::· ·::::::::::::· ·::::::::::::· ·::::::::::::· _______ _______ _______ _______ ___. __ _______ _______ ___\___ ¬\__\_. ¬\._\__ ¬\__\_. ¬\._\ |___ ._\_)._\_. ¬\._\ ___/___ \_ _/ _)_ | | /_ _/_ | | .__/_| | l_____|______ _/ | \ / ! | / / ! | ! | | ! | ¬\/ | l____\ /____ .¦|___/ /____ .¦|____ .¦|____|____ .¦|____ .¦| \ / ¬-----' /_____/ ¬-----' ¬-----' ¬-----' ¬-----' ©pSh \/ ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Hard tooths, dude! :::::::: ________________ _____) (_____ t o t a l l y __) / \ (__ y l l a t o t / / ______ \ \ w i c k e d (__ .-"¯¯ ____ ¯¯"-. __) d e k c i w \ .' ____ ____ `. / r e s p e c t s ) ( (___o)(o___) ) ( s t c e p s e r (__/ `._ / , _.' \__) a r e g o i n g 2 (_ | (____) |_ _) 2 g n i o g e r a (_.-¯| ,, | ¯-.) .- .-- .-- .-- .----.-¯¯¯ ) ll ( ¯¯¯-.-----. --.---. --. -. (__( _ ( _ ( _ ( )___) / .----------. \ (___( ) _ ) _ ) _ )__) `--\___\___\___\`---'­­­­­­­­­­­l__j__j__j­­­­­­­­­­­ `---'/___/___/___/--' `---'---'--' ... ...... `--`---`---'...... :::::: ::::: ..::::::. :::::: .. ..::::::. :::::: ... :::::: ·:::· .:::· ·::::: ::::: :::· .:::· ::::: .::::.::::: .::: :::::: .... .::: ::::· :::::.::: :::::::::::::· ::: ·::::: ::: .:. .:::::: ::::: ::: ...... ::::::::::. ::: ...... :::. ::::: ·:::::::::::::: ::::: ·:::..::::::: :::::· :::: ·:::..::::::: ::::::::::::: ·:::· ·:::::· .:::::. ·:::::::::· .::::: :::::. ·:::::::::· ·:::::·:::::. __ __ __ · ­ ­­ ­­­­­­­­­l l l l­­­­­­­­­ ­­ ­ · \_`----------'_/ ©pSh. ¯-.______.-¯ ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Shout, shout, shout.... ;) :::::::: ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________________________________________________ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ©pSh. _ ____ _) _____ / \ / _/_/ _________________________________________________________ / , \ /__(/(/ ( (- ¬\ \ \ / __ (___) /\_/ / \__/ / / .-'( / / ____ \ ( \__/ _/ \ `. / ______\ `. / ______________________________________________________________ `-' ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Very interesting logo - he says... ;) :::::::: , , _/( ___ )\_ .-"¯(__) (__)¯"-. | | | .xXXXx. .xXXXx. | /`' .----. .----. `'\ \(- l_(ø)'_ _`(ø)_j -)/ ..... _\_) _ V V _ (_/_ ..... _,:::::::¯¯¯¯¯ \ \ (_________) / / ¯¯¯¯¯:::::::._ ,'¯" ·::::: ` \__ ` ' __/ ' :::::· "¯`. / ·:::: ¯"`-----'"¯ ::::· ©pSh. \ _ ________, _ ________, _ ____.______ _____. _ __ ________, _ ___________ _________._ ¬\______.__ ¬\______| /______l__________.__ ¬\______._ / \___ l/ | | / | l _/_ ____/__. | / | l/ _/_ l__ / l__ l/ l__ _ l__ \ l__ l/ l__ _ | ¬\___/_____|¬\_________|¬\___\ ____|¬\___\ ____|¬\_________|¬\___\ ____| · ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ·~~~~ ·~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ·~~~~ ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Is this one of 40 gangstas ? uhm ... well ... :::::::: _ _æw*­^ m A Y D A Y "°*gw_ ¸æ*°¯ ¸_µ**' °*wµ_¸ ¬°*µ_ ___ ______ _ø° _w*°¯ _µ*** __ ***µ_¸¬°¶w_ °m_ _____ ___ (___\\\\ µM æO" ¸æ*°¯ __µµOOOOOOOOOnµµ_ ¬°*µ_ ¬#µ ¶m /////___) T O´ æ#´ _O° æµOOOOOOOOOOO¶OOOOOOOnµ_ °#_ ¬#_ ¬& T | O´ æP _d° _µOOOOOOOOOO"JOO ¶OOOOOOOOOnµ °ð_ ¶Î ¬& | | ° æF ¸# _dOOOOOOOOOOO´ JOO ¶OOOOOOOOOONx #_ ¶K ° | | ¯ # æOOOOOOOOOOOO' JOO ¬¶OOOOOOOOOOOn¸ # ¯ | | JOOOOOOOOOOOP´ JOO °OOOOOOOOOOOn¸ | | WE ARE JOOOOOOOOOOP" æOOO&_ ¶OOOOOOOOOOO WE ARE | | OOOOOOOOOOO æOOOOOOOn_ OOOOOOOOOOL | | DiFFERENT! OOOOOOO°OOO _OOOO°OO°OOOL¸ OOO°OOOOOOÎ DiFFERENT! | | ___________ 0OOOOOO OOO OOO° JOO °OOO OOO OOOOOOF __________ | | ¯~~~~~~~¯ JOOOOOO OOO OO JOO OO OOO OOOOOO ¯~~~~~~¯ | | ¶OOOOO OOO OO JOO OO OOO OOOOO´ | | _ g_ ¶OOOO OOO OO uOOOµ_ OO OOO OOOO´ , | l__ æ `Q ¬&_ ¬OOOLOOO OO OOOOOOOO OO OOOJOOP O O _ __! /__ ¶L °Î ¬¶w °¶OOOOL OO OOOOOOOO OO JOOOOP _# d¹ JF __\ /__ ¶_ `&_ °#w_ ¬¶OOOOOOµOOOOOOOOµOOOOOP" _O° _O' ,@ __\ /___ ¶w °b_ ¬°bµ_ ¯"°¶OOOOOOOOOOOOP°¯ _µ#° _µP JK ___\ ¬#x_ °#w__¬°¶*w ¯""""¯ _,µ*P° _µO° _O' , ¬°#µ_ ¬°¶*w_ "_µµmP° _µ#" ©p)h/aZk. "°^¢ww " _,wm­°" _ _ _ _ ________ ¯ ________ _ _ _ _ \\\\\\\\\ t H E g R E A T c O A L i T i O N ///////// ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: He's da real gangsta ... :::::::: .______________ ___ _ _________________________________________________. | .' `-(_)_ | ! ___.---`----. `-._ | __ .-' ______ `---. ;_ | / \/ ___________________`---' \ __| \(, ¯¯; ___ ;¯¯¯_)/ \ \\ `.____/// `._____// // ______} \/\ (___, /\/ \ __ \ ,____________ / ____} __} . \ ` / \ ___} l____.'\ ___ / (________________________________________} \ , `.___________.' _____} ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Another gangsta in this colly... :::::::: ____ ///////////////////////___________________________________________. __) _ / _______ \ ________________________________________. | __) __) \______________________/ ! | .) __) / __ _____) · ! | .) \\\____/ \\\____/ /¬\ . : ¦ | / / _ -) / : : ¦ ; (______) / ¦ . : | __)(__ \/( .| | . , | .-'¯¯ __ ¯¯`-. \ __) .| . | p)h | `----'¯__¯`----' `. \ ___) __) | l____ ; ; ) _______________________________) ___) l_______`.__ ____.'___/___________________________________) `-----------' ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Shy guy? :) :::::::: __ _ _ __ /\_\ \_| |_| |_/ /_/\ \ ____ ____ / , \ (___o) (o___) / ©p)h. ___ / (___, \ ___ .'¯¯ ( ( ) ) ¯¯`. | `. -' .' ¬ | | . `-._________.-' . | | | ___, | | ( __| \ _ |__ ) \ ¬| \(_) |¯ / \ | \ | / \ | | | / \ | ¦. | | / `(__________|__________)' [_________\_\_________] | | | (_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | l__________l__________| |_______| |_______| .'_______`. .'_______`. | ¬| | ¬ | `­­­­­­­­­' `­­­­­­­­­' ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: He's looking at some pretty girl i suppose ? :::::::: _.%%%%%%%%------. %%%%%%%%P ) ,%%%%%%% ___ ( %%%P.---. ¬ `. %%%( ' `-._ `%%; (_ `. `. \ \ `.__, / ) / \__________/ / ) \ / / ____) ___ / ( `¯¯¯¯¯¯) .'¯¯ (' \ \ \ \ \ `.___.' \______________/ ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: What's wrong with him, huh? :::::::: .---------. .%%% ___ %%%. %%%% _ _ %%%% `%%% (o o) %%%' ______________ ) ¬ ( ______________ \ // \\ / __ \ \ _ / / __ .-`- \____\ `.__ __.' /____/ -'-. ;-- _ ¯¯¯ _ --; ;-- _______ \/ M i S T E R \/ _______ --; `-----' \ / `-----' \ T R i A N G L E / \ / \ __ / / \ / \ .--.___ / _______\/______ \ ___.--. ;-- ` / \ ' --; :-- _ ) ( _ --; `-----' `---' `---' `-----' ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Real Artistic Experience rules! :::::::: __________ _ )%%%%%%%%%)777777777777( \/ ._. pASZCZAK's mSG: \ \ _ / ._! | .__________________\ o/(_) /____________________ _ _ _ l___! | \ / / _ ._ .__ _.__ //////// .____! ° .: · / / / ( ) l \ l_/_ | / | · / (__ / (_O_) :¯¯\: / : o a r t | Well I Just Want To \ / / | __ _ .: | Say That Ascii Is \ / \ _|/_/ + | \ art : o o | Also a Kind Of Art . \_____\______\ \ \! _____| \ | And We Should Create _____\__)________[ _ | \ ° · aRT | & Take It As a Real \\\\ /\ / ____ // > o | Artistic Experience! \_/\/ \/ /\ / [____| / .:. | , . \ / \_________/ ° | / ° · ArT | ° :. ©p)h. \/\ / | . | . :. |_/ a r t . l______________________________\/_____| | |______________ _ _____ | | | / `._|___| | (c) PASZCZAK / AZkINESS \_________.__)Oooo ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Hehe ... ;) :::::::: /\ /\ ( / \ ) \\ // \\.-----.// ____ ____ .' `. ____ -' `. -' `. .___ . i i .-' `. \ \ \ \ ____ ____________ _ | | ¬ | \ ( (-' `. | ( ---( ) ) ( / / \ ____ | \ /. /`------' `------' (-' `. | `-._____.-' `------' `. / / \ | `------' ( | `_ / / | _ ____ ... PUT YOUR OWN TEXT .¯ `------' | (_)-' `. HERE ... . \ | ; \ ____ __. ) ( | ) (-' `. ____ ____ .-' ` / | :. `. / / \-' `. -' `.' `------' !___________`------' ( \ \ \ ) ( _____________ _ ©pSh. `. / / ( ( / `------'. / / /`------' `------' `------' ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Strat of colly ... :::::::: _ (_) . · & ° adverts above this boozed man are so important + .XXXXXXXXXXXX. + because this man can't live without them... ;) __) ____ ____ ( \, \°__Y_°_/ ) ________ ____________.-.____________________ _ ___ \/\ / (___.-. _ ) |_| | / E oops. / (____) ____ ; / / ___ [_] !_\___E / ___________ \ `-' / / -------; --'---, '¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ( E -----/ \_|_|_|_|_/ \- `--/__/---------. ;--------------------'-`---'-- \ \|_|_|_|/ / /_ ) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \_____________/ / / //// ¯¯¯ ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: End of coly .. :::::::: _ (_) . · & ° adverts below this boozed man are so important + .XXXXXXXXXXXX. + because this man can't live without them... ;) __) ____ ____ ( \, \.__Y_._/ ) ________ ____________.-.____________________ _ ___ \/\ / (___.-. _ ) |_| | / E oops. / (____) ____ ; / / ___ [_] !_\___E / ___________ \ `-' / / -------; --'---, '¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ( E -----/ \_|_|_|_|_/ \- `--/__/---------. ;--------------------'-`---'-- \ \|_|_|_|/ / /_ ) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \_____________/ / / //// ¯¯¯ ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: You MUST call this board or you'll stay lame 4ever! :::::::: .%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%. __.' ___ `.__ _____________ /_ ___ ___ _\ _____________ _____\ \_ ¯_¯ _/ , /_____ ) / ¬ \ ©p)h/aZk. ( ` / O \ ' . ___\ /___ . | / \______________________________/ \ | | / _ _ \ | | \____\_ f a t a l / e ^ d _/____/ | | \ \ __________________________ / / | | \\\\\¯ ¯///// | | \\\\\ (_ ///// | | ¯|¯¯ | ¯¯|¯ | | _____l________________l_______________|_____ | | ( | ) | ! `------------------^---`---^-----------------' ! , · cALL aNOTHER sTEP +46-21-330975 oR mISS sOMETHING · , )_____ _____( /____________________________________________________________\ _ _ __ __ ____ ___ ____ __ / / _ ' ) /| ' /__ ' /__ / / (___) \ ) / ' _|_ (___. /____ _\/_ / _ | / / / / _ / __/_ _ /__ | |(____/ \/\/ (____\ | (___/ (___/ /___/ /___/ / /____) ____________________________________________________________________________ ......... ____________________ _________________________ ......... : : _ /_______\ _ : : : :.. / / / /. / : :.. : ::: \_______ / // / : ::: : ::: /_________/\______________/ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: f O U R T Y a S C I I g A N G S T A S : ::: : ::: __________________________________________________ : ::: : ::: : ::: : ::: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ : ::: : ::: \ (((((((·) cOMMENT (·))))))) / : ::: :.......::: :.......::: :::::::: Stupid ascii man... :) :::::::: ____ .-"¯¯¯ ¯¯¯"-. _/_______________ \ ( ___ ,- ) ) \____/ \_____/ -)| | ( / \_| | ) (_ _, | | ¯¯¯ ( | | ________ \ | | `l_l_j-' ) | | / | l__ __/ | ¯¯""""¯¯ s o y o u ' v e r e a c h e d t h e e n d o f a s c i i s ? :_________ ______________ ___: /__________ | _ | : / __ / |________/ | : / /_____/_. /___________| :_____/_____________| --------uMn/________:--------------------- ___________ :_________ _ __________ / _ / ______: /_ ____ / _/   /____/_. \ / / / \_____________|_______\_____/____________/wL! d o n ' t w o r r y . . . t h e r e i s a l s o b o n u s p a r t ! _ ________ _ _ _______________________________________________________ _ \\\______((((( (______________________________________________________/// paszczak respect these dudes making the ascii scene worth to be part of ._________________________________________. _________ ! | _ ___________ ___\__ / ________ RSPCTS.TXT: __________ _________ _ / / / __/__\ _____/ _____ _ __\__ /__________\__ / \_____/ / _ \_ _____/___ _/ ___/____ _/ /_\ _____/ _/____/__ \ \____\ / \ /_\___ / ________/ _____/___ \ /___\ \ /__________/ / /____/ / \ /_________/ \ / . /_____________/ \___________/rpd! \/ | . .____________. | 9 1 1 | .____________. | | | A q u a | | | | | | C - R e a l | | | | | | C h r o m b a c h e r | | | | | | C o c o P o p s | | | | | | C o u n t z e r o | | | | | | C r u s a d e r | | | | | | C z a r | | | | | | D a r t a g n a n | | | | | | D a v e | | | | | | D e s o t o | | | | | | D i n o | | | | | | F a t a l | | | | . | | F l i t e | | . | | l_ | | G r i m l o c k | | l_ | !____________! | H 2 o | !____________! | H a r p o o n | .____________. | H i j a c k | .____________. | | | K a t a r e k | | | | | | K a r m a | | | | | | M a r k R y d e r | | | | | | M e p h i s t o | | | | | | M o g u e | | | | . | | M o r t i m e r T w a n g | | . | | l_ | | N o N a m e | | l_ | !____________! | N u p | !____________! | P h a s e | .____________. | P r i z m | .____________. | | | R a v e | | | | | | R e l i e f | | | | | | S h a p e C h a n g e r | | | | | | S h o c k - G | | | | . | | S k a u t c h | | . | | l_ | | S o n i k k | | l_ | !____________! | S o x i u s | !____________! | S p l a t t e r | .____________. | S t a r W a r s | .____________. | | | S t e z o t e h i c | | | | | | S t r a t o s | | | | | | T a n g o | | | | | | T h e F o u n d e r | | | | | | T o m m y | | | | | | T r i v i a l | | | | | | T u r b o | | | | | | x C l u z i w e | | | | | | Y o p | | | | . | | Z o r r o | | . | | l_ | | | | l_ | !____________! !_________________________________________! !____________! ________________ _____) (_____ t o t a l l y __) / \ (__ y l l a t o t / / ______ \ \ w i c k e d (__ .-"¯¯ ____ ¯¯"-. __) d e k c i w \ .' ____ ____ `. / r e s p e c t s ) ( (___o)(o___) ) ( s t c e p s e r (__/ `._ / , _.' \__) a r e g o i n g 2 (_ | (____) |_ _) 2 g n i o g e r a (_.-¯| ,, | ¯-.) .- .-- .-- .-- .----.-¯¯¯ ) ll ( ¯¯¯-.-----. --.---. --. -. (__( _ ( _ ( _ ( )___) / .----------. \ (___( ) _ ) _ ) _ )__) `--\___\___\___\`---'­­­­­­­­­­­l__j__j__j­­­­­­­­­­­ `---'/___/___/___/--' `---'---'--' `--`---`---' aCTiON/mDE·aLIEN/cCO·cORONER/oBS·dAN/InV·dAVE/fRS·dERK/oBS·dOKTOR dRAW/vCM·eXOLON/oLB·fLYSKi/oRB·fRYZJER/cCO·iNiKEP/cNF·kLAF/sCL xCz/sOS·kRAsNAL/iNS^hLF·kYSY/aTL·mAD mACK/uNN·sOXIUS/aZK^dJV·mADMAN/vMF mAGiEL/oZF^a47·mALY/lBD·nORBY/tRSi·nORVEG/bTN·qBA/n-K^cOR·qIX/vCM sCRABY/cCO·sEBAX/iNV·sLAYER/pRD·sMILE·sPEEDiE/vMF·sPLAttER/aZk tHE kiNG/eRC·tHE kNiGHT/mST·tHUFOR·tYGRYSEK·WiLD THiNG/cOR __ __ __ · ­ ­­ ­­­­­­­­­l l l l­­­­­­­­­ ­­ ­ · \_`----------'_/ ©pSh. ¯-.______.-¯ _. _________. ________ ___________________/ l___. ____. .____\ .____|___. ._ \_/ _. / _. / _.___|_/ ___|____.___ _ _ | \ |_.__ | _l/ _/_. \|___/_. \|___/|. |/ \____ | | \__ |/ |_\ |_ l_ |_ l_ |_ l_ ___ l/ | |_____.cRb\_______| \_______| \______| \______| \______| \_______|e^D.__ _ p a s z c z a k g r e e t s t h e m a l l . . . . ____ _______ _______ __| .____ _______.____ _/ _|__.____ /./ __ /./ _ |____)_/ _ | __/_ \ \ | _/ / | ____/ | \ | \_ \____|__ \_ uMn\_______|__\_____|________|_______|______/____|_________/aC! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \_/ \_/ _ (_) _ 40 Gangstas _ (_) _ (__l__) . (__l__) (_) |S (_) _/ \_ _____________________________________ _/ \_ aN oFFICIAL aZKINESS pRODUkkTIOn tOTAL aBOUT 4o aSCIIS cOVERED & pRODUCED bY pASZCZAK / aZKINESS! hARDWARE sUPPORT iS a122o/14 6MEGz RAM 42O hD sPEES sOFTWARE sUPPORT iS cED, dOPUS, eAGLEPLAYER mUSIC sUPPORT iS hC tEKKNO, tRANCE & gANGSTA RAP! * * * sPECiAL tHANKS tO WiLD THiNG/ydl^cor fOR iDEAS oF nAMES fOR sOME oF mY cOLLIES AND iNSPiRATiON gIVEN 2 mE iN oUR CHATS! _______________________________________________________________ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% o ·.___/\ ____ __/\ ____ __/\ ____ __/\ __/\ O \__ \_ ¬\__ \___/_____\_ ¬\____\____\_ / / (_____ / /____/ / / O / __ / ¬\/ / / / / / /____/ /____ /____ /____/____/ / O ~~~~/___ /~~~~/___ /~~~~/___ /~~~~~~~~~~ // O · ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/ .psh/azk! /// _____ ___/\_____ __/\ _____ _/\_____ __/ /____/\ _____ _/\ ____ __/\ ____ \____\_ ¬\__ \____/__ \_ ¬\__ / __ \____/__ \___/___ \__ ¬\_'s / ___/ / ____/__/ // / / / ____/__\_____ / / / / \_ _/ \/~ / // / / / \/~ / ¬\/ /____/ / /____/ /____ /____) \/____/ /____ /____ /~~~~/ / / ~~~~/___ /~~~~/___ /~~~~~\ ___\~~~/___ /~~~~/___ /~~~~/___ / /___ / // ¬\/ ¬\/ .psh \/~ ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/ /// Ascii requests is the place in this file where you can found infos about how to get logos from me. Ascii logos may be requested by anyone who's not lamer or whatever similar to this animal... ;) So if you are a scener (even an independent dude) then don't wait and contact me... h o w t o c o n t a c t _. _. ________. _______ ______ _/ |___. .___________. _/ l___. .cRb\ ___|__/. _. \./ ._ \. _.___|_.___|___ \. ____|__. _.___|__. \ \| | \| | |/ | |/ | ___/ | \| | |/ |e^D. \__ l_ |_ l |___| |_ l_ |__ l/ |_ l_ |_ l_ | \______| \_____| |____| \_______| \______| \______| \_______| if ya wanna request some asciis from me or just join aZKiNESS then please contact me at... (in case you want join aZK! send your examples of asciis) PASZCZAK of aZKiNESS & oBSESSIOn & \/IRTUaL mF & cORRUPT ============================================================ UL. HERMANOWSKA 91/1 54-314 WROCLAW POLAND, EUROPE _____ ______. ____ ____ ______. ____ ______. ______. .--\__ \.--\___ |--\ /__.--\ /__. .--\___ |--\ /__..-\_____|--\___ | | /---| ¬ | / | / | | ¬ | / |`----, | / | `--------'-----`--'--------'--------' `-----`--'--------'--------'--------' _ ______. ______. ______. ______. ______. _ Ø _ .--\ _ |--\ |--\_____|.-\_____|--\_____| _ Ø Ø _ |_____| | _ | --'-.`----, | --'-. _ Ø Ø `--'---`----'--------'--------'--------' Ø _ ______. __ ______. ______. _ Ø .--\_____|(__)--\__ |--\_____| Ø _ | ___| | / | --'-. _ Ø `-----' `---'---/____|--------' Ø .____ ©pSh! ______. ______. ______. _____ ______. | /----.--\___ |--\___ |--\ _ |--\___ \..-\_____| _ | / \) | / | ¬ | |__| / |`----, | _ _ Ø `--------'--------'-----`--'-----' `--------'--------' Ø _ _ Ø [ you can reach me there & request some logos! ] Ø _ Ø Ø _____________________________________________________________________________ dIXIE +48-71-575825^33k6 -24h- WiLD THiNG AZK WHQ RuSSIA +48-71-576946^28k8 -24h- sPOONMAN COR WHQ aNOTHER sTEP +46-21-330975^14k4 -24h- fATAL E^D WHQ^AZK SHQ dROP zONE +48-728-41652^33k6 22-o8 nORBY N-K WHQ _____________________________________________________________________________ [ i am logged as paszczak of course ] on dixie you should search for my previous collections (he has all of'em!) ... look ·ascii world· conference for loads of asciis ... or simply try to send a message to following addys... .---------------------------. |¦: 2:482/22.3@fidonet :¦| |¦: 39:200/108.3@amiganet :¦| `---------------------------' [ my real name's Marcin Paszkiewicz ] (this is the best & the cheapest way to request some logos!) and sorry ....................................... __________ : __________ ________ _________ : _____ ______ /____ --------/ --- /__\___ )_____\___ )____\__ \/ / `----------/`--------/-------\______/------\_______/___________/ :.....................................: * sorry to all of you who didn't get any logo but just ask me for it! * . . . . ____/|_____ . _____|\____ __|\_____ . ___|\ __\___ ___ _/___ __|\___\_______ /____ ____/___.___|\____ .\ ___\___ /.__/ / _______/__ ____/ / \ ¬|______ /____ | \_______/ ¦/ /______ / ¦/ / \ .| ____/ / |. ¬|____/ .: / ¦/ /__/ .: /\_____\ ¦| ¦/ . |¦ .: | /______/______/ .: / /______/ l______| / ____/|_____ l_______| /_____/ ÷ÐÅ!÷ |: /__.\_______ _/___ . l______| | .__/ / . I have got a comment to all of you, asciiers... | ¦/ / : l____/ .: / : If you have nuff of free time & want to ____ /______/ / : .\_ / : make me some logos please do ... | ___/_____/__ : | \____ / : paszczak,corrupt,azkiness,de arte azkitica, |. / / : respect yourself, guest artists, going down, |¦ / .: / : drop zone,dixie,wild thing,norby | /_______/ : l______| · : t h a n k s ! : : : `·····································································' ....::::· ..::::::::· · .::::···· ·. .:::·· ·. .:::·· .:. ·:. _______________________________________ .:::· .:::· .:. ·:. .::· : .:::· .:::· ·:. ,;;;, mESSAGE gOES rIGHT nOW! .::· :: ··· .::·· ::. ______'/ '_\_¸ _______________________::: ::. . ··· . :: / / °)°) ::: ::::. · .: :: / (__/_/¯) :: ·::::::.....::· .:: xCz. \ __¸ ./\ ::. :::::::::::· ::: / \/\_____.\ :: :::::::·· ::· __/ \/_l_l_| \ ·:. ·::·· .::· / \ \ \_l_l_| / ·. .:::· / _ \_/\__¯ ¯ _/ ··.. .::::· xCz \ \ \`----' _ ·:::.... ...:::::·· \ \ \ \_____//__ ····:::::::::····· \__\ \____\____/ ___ __ __ _ __ _ / \_____) _i _/ _i_ _i / i__ _¡ ¡ _¡\ i _i \ _¡ //// _ | \ \___ \ ¯\ i___\ \ __! \ \/ \ ¯\ \___ ¯¯T | | _ __ __ _.__ _ l____l_l_ _¡ _¡ ¡ _¡\/\ _¡\/\ _i_ _¡\ i | i__ ___(____.__)_)________ \___ \ __! \ \ \ \ \___ \ \/ ! i___\ ________ I'LL pUT aLL mY eNERGY iN cREATING aSKEE aRT iN pHUTURE, yOU dO tHE sAME! _____________________________________________________________________________ · MARK RYDER · %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% % Great chill out zone in your ·Welcome Your Bad Self· as well as whole collection... You are one of the best azki terroristz! Make some logos for me, please! · TOMMY · %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% % Your new style you have asked about kickz sum azz! It's even better than your old one (but don't drop it anyway)... Make some logos for me, please! · CHROMBACHER · %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% % Yo mate! Thanks for warm words you wrote in last collection. I like yer styleez too... :) Thanks once more time for great logos! You must know that I like dot lettas very much... :) If you could make me some Corrupt & Drop Zone logos it'd be cool from you! · EXOCET · %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% % Hope you don't think that I suck only because I am NEW SKOOL not the OLD SKOOL as you are, huh? I try to be better & better so don't fuck on all those beginners as I am... (only one year askee activity is not too much when comparing it to three, four years azkiers...) Make me some logos, please! · GRiMLOCK · %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% % Yo, thiz is nice comment to you, dude! Hope you are again surprised by some artist you don't even know his name! Congratulations for back of Grimlock's spirit on ascii scene... :) Hope you are happy again (as u said in Salad Snowmen & ...) Make some logos for me, please! · SLAB · %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% % Thanks for Paszczak logo you've done for me. But hey! It's not fair that you remade my logo even when you put my handle on it... Please, remember about some general rules on ascii scene -> no ripping, no remakes, no handle removing. oK? If you want SOS logo why don't you call Russia and request directly from me? · CZAR · %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% % You have absolutely right about prefaces (that they have only empty words written in badly English). But what are you expecting from me, living in Poland? I didn't born with English knowledge - I must to learn this language as well as others things in my whole fucking life. As for empty words I must say that if I have nothing to say, I say nothing... ;) Well, we'll chat on Honcho's Heaven soon I hope (as cc will arrive, there are some probs with cc in Poland so I had a few and all didn't work) · xCLUSIVE · %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% % You have so much troubles with your handle... Everybody makes you logos like xClusiwe, xCluzive or sumthing... But there's a guy who always remember your handle in the right spelling... It's me, dear exKloosive! :) Btw, I am trying to catch you using CC but there're some probs with this shit right now so you must wait for a moment... Then we'll chat for ten hours or more... ;) Btw, am I good enough to join Save Our Souls army? And maybe you could search for access to fidonet... That way of contacting me works very well as till now. TRY THIS. My e-mail is somewhere in this colly... Many thanks for Paszczak logo! Can I ask for Azkiness & Drop Zone for my friend Norby? You are the best! :) · EASY RiDER · %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% % Your requested logos will be reachable in ma next colly called ... Doowutchalike '96. There're lots of logos for you on my hd right now... :) If you would like to make further requests don't wait because I have not so much time this month so I only make logos in free time... · SOXiUS · %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% % Welcome in Azkiness, dear Soxius! I'd like to see some collection from you under Azk label... Have a fun in our team and remember about friendship! · DAVE · %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% % Welcome in Azkiness, dear Dave! I'd like to see some collection from you under Azk label... Have a fun in our team and remember about friendship! · FATAL · %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% % You are so cool sysop... 'ts so shame that the line is so fucked up! :( Thanks for nice chat (with breaks! ;)... · xLNT / oLYMPOz bOARD · %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% % I've received your request... Watch out for my next colly for the logo and don't think to not request some more askees for your board... Thanks for warm words about Fame & Fortune collection... YES, It was a good piece of work! :) · YASiU · %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% % Take it easy & wait for my logos... I'll do them when you will run the board - NOT EARLIER (or if I'll get some extra free time or some bucks from you ;). I made couple of logos for your Barad Dur but you never put it online... So I'LL WAIT. æææææææ __. _. __________ æ _ _æ ./ _|___ ___ ____. _/ |__. ______ _______ ____ /_ æ _ _æ | \._ \.___)/ ___|___. .__|__/ ._ \._ ._ \_ _/ /_.\. _| /o|o\ | |/ | ._\___. | |/ | |/ | _l/ _/_\___.__| | /_\ \_|_//\ |___| |__l___ \| |_ l_ |_ l_ |_\ | l/ __| \ _ | \_/ |____| \______| \______| \_____| \______|_____/cRb / /(_) \ ___ \ /_____ /_//// - I have published following files till now... _/\______/(_ / / \ / /\/ ___________________________________________________________ | \/______/ / | | \_______/ OBSDR098.LHA 26k 29-03-95 - Dreams & Art 1st | | \g®m OBS-NSLA.LHA 18k 15-04-95 - Noiseless Ascii 2nd | |___\ OBS-SCRM.LHA 28k 20-07-95 - Scream 3rd | | | OBS-SMRT.LHA 36k 15-09-95 - Summer Time '95 4th |_| | AZK-DDM5.TXT 136k 11-11-95 - Deadly Dangerous 5th \) | AZK-PPP6.TXT 214k 18-11-95 - Perky Punchy Peppy 6th |___|(\___ AZK-NNTD.TXT 253k 01-12-95 - No Need To Cry 7th (__________) AZK-WICK.TXT 331k 12-12-95 - Wicked Sensation 8th AZK-ONLN.TXT 57k 20-12-95 - Online Experience 9th AZK-FAME.TXT 254k 25-12-95 - Fame And Fortune 10th AZK-GR8C.TXT 187k 27-12-95 - Great Coalition 11th AZK-COTT.TXT 110k 17-01-96 - In The Land Of... 12th AZK-40GA.TXT 156k 18-01-96 - 40 Gangstas 13th ----- total : 2.228k of *PURE* ascii files (1022 of logos) _____________________________o__ _ _ _ _____\ |¯ __o______\\\\\\_____\ Azkiness Official Members! | ¯| \__ ____________________________| ! __/\_ ! _/\ ___ _/\ ___ _/\ __ __\ )_/\ ___ _/\ ___ _/\ ___ ·_/\ ___ \__\_¬~\ \__\__¬\_\__\ l/ (_ _\\__\_¬~\ \__\__/_ \__\__/_ \__\__/_ .' / \_ _____/_ __/ _/_\/ _ / \_ ____/_______ ¬\______ ¬\_ . _ ./ \/~ ./ \_ / | / ./ \/~ ./ ¬\/ ./ ¬\/ ./ .____l__·/_______·/____/ / |__/ ·/_______·/_______·/_______·/ ¯~~~~\/ ¯~~~~\/ ¯~/____/. :~/_____/ ¯~~~~\/ ¯~~~~\/ ¯~~~~\/ . : · ©pSh | __ _ __ . | (_/ s p l a t t e r \/ p a s z c z a k \_) | | __ _ __ | | (_/ s o x i u s \/ d a v e \_) | | | | ...and maybe you?! =) | __|_ _|__ ¯°¯\__________ /\ __________/¯°¯ /_______ ___ / \___ ______\ \ / · \ / · / / \ \ /\/ ________ /___ ___\ _______ \/\ /________\ \ / /________\ .\/ \/ \/. | | | __) (__ | ___________|_________________\ IF YOU ARE /__________________|___________ ! ! · damn good in making ascii : efective collections publisher friendly as hell ___________.____ _ AND YOU STILL DON'T HAVE YOUR FAMILY? _ ____.___________ | | | Join our team now! Become azkiness member! | |_ _|__ ¯°¯\_________ _________/¯°¯ __7 7__ \ cONTACT pASZCZAK fOR jOINING! / · / .. .::· ::· : ::· .:: ::· .::: ::· +----------------e^d-+ .:::: ::· | | ::·:: ::· .... | | ::· :: ::· .:···:: ::: ::. .::· .::::. | ::· ::: .:: .:: .:· .::· :::: ::· .::· :: | ::: ::: :: ::· .:· ::· :: :: ::· ::: ::· | ::: ·:: ::· ::· .:: .:: :: :: :: ::· ·::. | ::: ::::: :::::· .:::· ::.:: ::::· ·::. | ::: :::: :: .:::· ·::· ::· .::: .| ·: ·::· ·:::::·· | .::::::::·· | | :| | . . ..:::| from A · Z · K · i · N · E · S · S +-hRP!---------------+ P u r e N e w s ... - Splatter joined - Sxius/Deja'Vu joined - Dave/Freezers joined - Dixie BBS +48-71-575825 became Azkiness WHQ - Another Step BBS +46-21-330975 became Azkiness SHQ - We are searchin for more headquaters all over the world - We are searchin for new members for Azkiness O u r P r o d u k k t i o n s ... - Paszczak has released ·13· Ascii Collections - Splatter has released ·o2· Ascii Collections - Dave has released ·o4· Ascii Collections - Soxius has released ·o4· Ascii Collections - Paszczak has released ·1o· Ascii Terror packs - Splatter & Paszczak will soon release their co-op colly about DRUGS... :) O f f i c i a l M e m b e r s o f A z k ... - Paszczak...................azkee,packmaker,whq (Poland) - Splatter...................azkee (Poland) - Dave.......................azkee,swapper,msx (Poland) - Soxius.....................azkee (Sweden) __øø __. __ø¶ØØص .__ \_¦______________________________________________ _µ¶ØØØØØØØø __¦_/ ¦ ____ µØØØØØØØضø ¦ ¦ _øµ¶Øض ø¶ØØØØض¹ ¦ ¦ s o x i u s _øµØØØØØØص ¬ø¶ØØØø ¦ ¦ ØØØØØØØØص µØØص ¦ ¦ __øµø_ ¶ØØØØØØØص o¶Øضø____ ¦ ¦ p a s z c z a k ___µØØØØضø øø¹¬µØØØÎø. ¶ØØØØØØØØصø____øµø_ ¦ __øµ¶ØØØØØØØØØØø ø¶ØØصµØØض¶µ¶ØØØØØØØØØØØØØø ¦ _øµ¶ØØØØØØØØØØØØضo µØØØصø¹ ¬ø¶ØØØØØØضø ¦ øµØØØØØØØØضµµ¶ØØضo øØØØÎ_____ ¬ø¶¶¶ø¹ ¦ µØØØØض¶ø ¬¶ØØص² ___ µØØØضØØØø . ¦ ¶Øضø¹ µØØض¹ ø¶Ø¶ø ¶ØØØØØØØØø ¦ __µµø_ ¶ØØø oØØضo ¶ØØØø oØØØØضµ ¦ __µ¶ØØØØصø_ µø .JØضø __øµ¶ØØØØø µ¶ø² ¦ _µ¶ØØØØØØØØØضø_ µØضo ___ø¶ØØØØØØØضø ¦ µØØØØØØØض¶¶ØØØØصø_ q! µØØÎøøµ¶ØØØØØØØØضø¹ ¦ ¬µ¶Ø¶¶ØØØE¹ øµØØØضµø_ µØØØØØØØØØØØØضµø² ¦ ¬¶ØØE _ø¶ØØØØØØص_____o¶ØØØØØØØØضµø¹ ¦ ¶ØØ˵øµ¶ØØضµµ¶ØØض¶¶Øضµ¶ØØØØØصø¹ s p l a t t e r ¦ µØØØØØضµ¹ _µØØØØØØØصøø¶¶ø¹ ¦ øØØضµø µØØØØØØضµø² ¦ ø¶Øص____ µ¶Øضµ¹ d a v e ¦ _¶Øض¶Øض. ¦ µ¶ØØØØØØØص ¦ ¶ØØØØØØصø ¦ ø¶¶µø¹ · . ,,,,, ¦ ..,,,,,,,,,. ,½½½½½½½½, ¦ ____ ; _ _ _ ; ,½½½ø ø½½½½ ¦ _____\ / ; / \ / ; ½½½ ^ ½½ ¦ ? ·w a n t t o· | \\/_ ;_ ___ _ _; ½½ ______ ½ · _________ _______ ___/\ ____ | \/| ; \\ / / \; ( __\/ ) \\ Y /// Y Y \| | ;___\/___ _; /\ /\ \\\\___ | |_____| \ | ;\ /\ / /; / \/ \/ \ | | _ | | \ | ;\\/_ \/ _; / x \___/ \ \ | | | | | \_ | ; _ \ /\_/; \ \ \ \ ________| | | | | | | ; / _ ; \ \/\ / \ | | | | | | | | ; _ \ \_ _; \ /\ \ / / | | | | | | | ; \ _ \; (\/ \\\/\ / | | | | | | |_;__ / ; / \\\\) \ \_/ | | l_______| |_____| /_ /,,,,,,,,; \__¯¯¯\/\\_/ | / l_____| .\ /// / , / \___\ \/\ | / \____// / )PLATTeR \ | |"\/ ( l__________/ wanna join our ° \/ ( (_| \ . o / \ ( ¦ fuckin azkiness team ... ? azki terrorizts!!! ) _/ ( ¦ \____\_____/ ¦ /== ¯/ == \ ¦ ...contact PASZCZAK! (¯¯¯¯¯(¯¯¯¯¯¯) ¦ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ _¦______________________________________________________________¦_ /_¦ ¦_\ .________________________________________________. : __ ¦_ _¦_) \ ___ ___ _______________________________/ (_____ _/ ____/__ / Y \\ _____ /____ /___ \______ / ______/ _ __ _\_______ Y | Y __l/ /__l/ / l/ \ l/ / | __ _ \\\_\\______ l _ l _ \____/ \____/ \ \ ¯\ |/_/// ¦/_____l_________l____l______|__________/__\____\___| : ¦ · ...THIS TIME SUPPORT IN 40 GANGSTAS... : . · : : · intro...................stw · ¦ lady in intro..........kain ¦ : paszczak................crb : ¦ azkiness................crb ¦ ¦ the end.................umn ¦ : respect.................rpd : · greets..................crb · . credits.................umn . : contact.................crb : · sorry...................dno · ¦ paszczak................da! ¦ : personal cmnts..........xcz : · history.................crb · . history dude............g®m . : news....................hrp : ¦ azk......................q! ¦ ¦ wanna join?........splatter ¦ : support.................xcz : · support thanks..........xcz · . seeya in next......splatter . . another azk prod........xcz . l________________________________________________! (all other azkiz made by paszczak of coz!) ._________. | ___ ___¬¦ _|.--, ,--,l_ (_ (__© ©__) _) ___________________________ /__ _/ \_ __\ ___________________________ \ \ `·_·' / / \ \_______/ / \_`-----'_/ l_______| xCz I jUST wANNA sAY tHANKS! .____________________________________________ _________. | .øø@@@@@. | ! ...:: :.. /= @@@@@ ....: | [ SEEYA IN NEXT ASCII COLLECTION... ] : :: / @@@@@ ..:: | . : ...... ::...:....: \_ )@@ø : : | | ... ::.. :: ____________ : ::.. )__ @@ø@ ..::..: | | :..... ::...: [ [__] \\\\] :: : ) øøø__ :... | | :: : |__________/\|___________\ /__/ \ : | | ...: :: ..:.... [_____[(__/ ,¯ | ¯\_/¯ \ :: | | ::: ::: : . ¯¯(_[/ _______| \ : | | : ...::....::... (__) / |____ cORRUPt | \ | | ...:..:: :: : : (_)/ ...::.. | | \ | | :: :...: ..::.....::. .:: ..: | | /¯\ | | ::: | |\X \| | ...IF YOU WILL BE STILL ALIVE, YEAH! =) : : \_ | , | . . \ | )pL@® l______________________________________________________________j ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [e]nd [o]f [f]unky... original size : 11okB (o4o of lOGoS!) /\ ___ \ (_ _) \ \ª/ ) \ , / / \/\ /__I__\xCz ____________________________________________________________ __ Another Boombastic Azkiness Production 1996 __ \ /_________________________________________________\ / ___\/ __ __ \/___ \ /\ / \ /\ / / \/ \/ \ & don't forget to call this fine board ... \/_ \/_ / __/\__ ______________________________ / _____ _ _\ / __) //////_ _\ | ... \/_ \/ ! .::· \/_ / ! _ _____ ·_ _____ _ _____ ·::::::::. / .___ _ _____ ·_ _____ \ .\\\__ ¬\ \\\__ ¬\ \\\___¬\ .::· .___| ¬\ \\\____) \\\__ ¬\_ / ·\ ! / \ l/ \ // .::· ..... ! \ ___/_. _/ /_/· \\ _ / // ::: :::::· _ \/~ | \ // \\\----`---^--/_____!-------- :::.::::: `---`----^--------^----\__ /// ·\ ! ·:::::· ©pSh. /·  _ _____:______ _ ______. _ ____________ _ _____._______ _\\\___________)_\\\ |___ _\\\___________)_\\\___._ ¬\_ \________._ \_ ___/___\_ .______/___\_ l/ / | l/ | \ | l/ | /________/ l_______ .¦|_______ .¦|_______ .¦|_______! ¬--------' ¬--------' ¬--------' . ¦ _ _ | !__ _\/_ A N O T H E R S T E P _\/_ __! )___\/\/___________________________\/\/___( .· EPSiLON DESiGN WHQ · AZKiNESS SHQ ·. .· ascii confs with more than 3OO diffrent ascii artists ·. .· and over 6O mb of ascii collections ·. +46-21-330975 mASTERED bY fATAL & tHE rEST ·A·R·T·I·S·T·S· ·O·N· ·A·N·O·T·H·E·R· ·S·T·E·P· __ __ __ \_) Fatal/Epsilon Design (_/ Tommy/Epsilon Design (_/ ( Cenobite/Epsilon Design \_) Xcluziwe/Save Our Souls ) ) Karma/Arclite (_/ Desoto/Mo'Soul ( ( Java \_) Harpoon/Epsilon Design ) ) Neptune (_/ Skize ( ( Misfit/Whale \_) Strauss/Pioneer Design ) ) Relief/Twisted (_/ Boone ( ( Grimlock/Epsilon Design \_) Stratos/Contra ) ) Recall (_/ Slab/Save Our Souls ( ( Mark Ryder/Mo'Soul \_) Behemoth/Save Our Souls ) ) Cybergod/Whale (_/ Stash/Epsilon Design ( ( Paszczak/Azkiness \_) You ? ) (· last update 15.01.96 ·) _____\__ _ ______ _ __/____ ______ \ \ _ / /__ ___ / / _________/ /_ / /__ ______________________ | / _/ \/ \ \/ _ \ ___/__/ _/ \/ ___ / _ / |/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_____/\ /____/ /_______\_____\____\ \____\____/___\_____\____\ \____\_____\_____\| | \_____\ ______ \_____\ \ | | e p s i l o n / / ______ | | / / / /_ __________________ | | d e s i g n \ \/ ___/__/ ___ / _ \ .----' | / \ \ \ \_____/\ ___/ \ ||¯¯¯| |_________________________/ /_____\_____\____\_____\\______/___|: : / kRm/_____/ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _____ o ·.___/\ ____ __ ______ __/ /_ O \__ \_ ¬\___\____¬\__ ___/ ¬\_ azki / / / _______/ \_ _/ O ness / __ / \/~ / / / 96 /____/ /____ /____/ / / O ~~~~/___ /~~~~/___ /~~~~/___ / // O · ¬\/ .psh ¬\/ ¬\/ /// (·40 gANGSTAS^aSCII mEN·) 13Th aZK2 aTTaK·) by hq azki maker - PASZCZAK oF AZKiNESS @END_FILE_ID.DIZ __/\__ __/\__ __/\__ \ / \ / \ / / \ / \ / \ /\/ /\ · /\ · /\ \/\ / \ lOOK mUM, i'vE vISIT a wHOLE wORLD / \