________________ ____________ __\______ ______/__ __________________\________ \__ _____ _______ \/ _______ .\__________ /___________/ / /--------. \ __\ /__ / | /______/_________/_______/________ | \_(_\/_)_/ cG!|________| _ ________/_______|dLT ( `' ) \``''/ \ / \/ o F -----. .---------------' `--------------. . .-----------' `------. : ::: : ::: | first words from pay. ::: :::: :::- -: -- - :::...::::...::: | hi m8ys! well now iam back in full action yea! : This is my ²nd ascii collection for edge, well ... ....... | its Friday and i have nothing to do!, so i decited ::: ::: ::: : to make an ascii collection for all sysops...! ::: ::: | hmm! i going to open a board soon but it going to be :::::::::::::::: | Private in the begining, because i have not opened a | own Node yet!.. but in da summer i hope the board will .............. : be ready to Rock'n'Roll..! Yep!.. Its going to be a ::: ::: | Party in Linköping (Sweden) 16june, JUnction 95!.. and ::: ::: : i hope to meet allot of kewl ascii artist there! so :::::::::::::::: | be there! a info txt is already out!.. yeP!.. | well actualy iam a swapper so if you like to contact me ::: ::: | for friendly swapping you should write to this kicking ::: :::: ::: : addy: Pay/Edge, Liljegatan 1, 545 31 Toreboda or if :::...::::...::: | you got a modem, you can call to this following boards: - -: -- - | Premium , Global Effect, Paladium, Instant Pleasure or | somelse board im oN!.. ok!.. well lets start the Show | . :) SMilE =) DIFFRENT SMILE :-) OLD FASHION SMILE . . . . -:---------(-( J O K E R )-)---------:- _ __ _ _________ | | \\\\ \___|___________________________________|_______________ ______\ [$] ___ / ______ _______ \_ \ \ ___ \ / ___ /______ ___________ _/ /_ \ \_ \ / / / / \ \ \_______________\______________/_____/______/___________/______\________\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¹. Download ². Upload ³. Bulls 4. Chat 5. Sysop 6. Main Menu 7. Amiga 8. PC :( 9. Console ¹0. Music ¹1. Pics | | | | | | | | | . there you have all the logos in a list . | | | | | `---------> | :| <---------' |rAVe^rUls! ..::| `-----------------------------------' Some Message to da folowing fine persons: pSYChiC sAnTA - saw you bird and Pris on the Party ? I heard that Pris won the gfx compo!... cLo - heLlo dude!.. kewl collie eh? W¿ldCat - junction will rule..! any edge realises there? Utah - keep on pumping m8ty! =) see you at Junction! MaiLmAn - thanks for helping me with amiexpress!... Pris - kewL thaT you won the gfx compo at Virtual cons party 95! Bird - Im steel wait for your letter! try to send it soon!.. cYbergOd - HAte dJ.bObo!! sLam ruLs! vIrtUaLizer - hYpnOSiS rUls!.. =) HeHehHe!.. SpeEdy - GrOve Up MAn!.. aSh(tAi) - weLl HeLlo m8T!.. wAnt to Bye a Modem? 14400? iZ - TaDaaa! sEkHen - Hi! dude! kewl Party last TiMe (NOT urrkk) GoIng any where in June? maybe Junction!! KewL! PIrAcY! Heheh!.. wUlgar - TraSh yOur BbS! ElIte rUls!.. u KnOw!.. sHark - ThAnKs fOr da KewL accEsS! tRAshhEaD - Hey! how its going i Poland? wAtts - Any New Prod froM nEø Yet?.. ENglAnd RuLS!?.. NOT qIx - be In SWeDen at 16 june! JuncTion PaRty!.. lEon - Are yOu steel a Member of ExCess?.. why do you Not send to Me!!.. i HAve jOIned edGe u Know!!.. Kewl eh? bYTehUnTer - Hi! GoTcha There! Henrik - Hmm! ska du sälja dina Högtalare som du har uppe på rummet?.. I NEED Them!.. bOoNe - hope that you comming to Junction!.. CarAbAt - NiCe paRtY On HoLMen?.. oHh! i felt SicK aFter thAt NiGhT! jOin EdGe!! we NeeD gOod TRadErs LiKe YoU!... RaNdY - hEllO M8t!.. going to Junction in June? sUiCider - 9 design rUls!.. HehhE!.. kewL asCii's! tHanKS!.. pEnnIe - No answer Yet! wHy?.. tUbe - hI m8ty!.. juNctIon ? ArYan - HellO duDe!.. can you make me an Pay logo? PlEase!!.. dJ.Per - Heheh! fick med dig i en ascii CollectioN det Du!.. Slam RuLs!!.. Hehehe!.. dRuGdeAler - Hmm! hej.. . . eh! - WE WANT YOU! - _ |ß, $ßæ __ ~ __ __ __ __ ¤@$ _J@#æç &ß _J@#æç _J@#æç _J@#æç æ#$ $ßæ æß#¤~$@æ !@% æß#¤~$@æ æß#¤~$@æ æß#¤~$@æ @ß $#$ J#@¤ ¤$x ~#& J#@¤ ¤$x J#@¤ ¤$x J#@¤ ¤$x ß&ç !@& J#@ @$ @&L J#@ ¯~ J#@ _@# $@$æ !#@ !&@ @#$ $# &@$ @#$ @#$ _æ#&° ¤$@#$&@æc_ @&ç $&# @#! @@ $&x @#! @#! &#@¤~ ~$@#$ ¤@&ç &@@ $&& $@! $&x $&& $&& $@$ ¤#@æ_ æ&#$ &@&_ _#@ &&x &@&_ _æ@ &@&_ _æ@ _çæ%@~ ~¤@&@#&&@ $&@@$%ߤ @x$ $&@@$%ߤ $&@@$%ߤ _çæ@$%ߤ¯ $&¤~¤æ [W¿ldcat] æ@@@¤~¯ ~¯ To Be A Part Of The VO!CES Team. VOICES THE ONLY CYBERPUNK/SCI-FI MAGAZINE ON THE SCENE! (We also have SCENE, MUSIC and RELIGION corners!) We need LOYAL and SERIOUS writers to OUR little NON mainstream magazine. Contact VOICES Main Editor BIRD of EDGE Kaare Hansen Rodegaardsvej 79, 1th. 5000 Odense C DENMARK! - VOICES IS AGA ONLY! - _____|_ _____ _____ _____|_ _/ ¬\____ _/ ¬\____ _/ ¬\______/ ¬\____ \__ ___ ¬\\__ ¬\\__ __________ ___ ¬\ / (______/_/ | \/ (__ ¬\/ (______/_ _/ l ¬\_ l \_ l \_ l ¬\_ \________ /_____ /_____ /_____ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\______/sCf! ¯¯¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯¯¯ !next up is the logos! -\- <:--->><<---------------->><<---:> -/- Yeea! but with the same style as the 1st collection of mine! and with the same up/download logos as the 1st one! <------------=( dOWNLOAD )=-----------------------------------[1]--------> _______________ _____________ ______________ _____________ \_______._ \_ _._ \_ / / \_ ___._ \_ / |/ / \|/ / / / / |/ / .----/ / / / / / / / / /----. | /______________/_____________/______________/______/______/[$] | `-------------------------------------------------------------------' ________ _____________ _____________ _____________ \_ /__/_ _._ \_ ____._ \_ _____._ \_ / / \_ \|/ / |/ / |/ / / / / / / __ / / / /_____________/__________/______/______/_____________/ ---------------------------------------------------------- ! L E E C H I N G ! <------------=( uPLOAD )=-------------------------------------[2]---------> ___________ _____________ ___ _______________ _____________ ____________ / / \_ __._ \_ /____ _._ \_ __._ \_ ___._ \_ / / / ____|/ // \_ \|/ / |/ / |/ / / _/ / \__________// / / / ____ / / / /_____________/________/_____________/__________/______/______/____________/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------[$]-- <------------=( bULLS )=--------------------------------------[3]---------> _______ ______________ _______ __________ _______________ / ___/____ / \_ /____ /____ _______/__ .----/ \__ \ / / / \_ / \_ ________ \_--. | / _/ / _/ / / / / / / | | /_____________/__________/____________/__________/_____________/ | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | | | | | | `---------------------------------------------------------------------' <------------=( cHAT )=--------------------------------------[4]---------> _ __________ _ __________ _____________ ____/___________________ __/_____ / ___ / \___ / _._ \_ ________/_ / /_____/ / / |/ / / / / / / / / __ / _/ / /_____________/______/______/_______/_______/____________/[$] ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ <------------=( sYSOP )=---------------------------------------[5]---------> _____________ _________ ____________________________________________ _/ _________/ / ___________ ___ ___ \_ \__________ \_ _/ ____________ \_ \ / __________/ / _/ ___/ /__________ / ___/ / / \_______________/ \______________/_____________/______________/___________/_________/[$] ! bREAKS IN FOR A CHAT ! <---------=( mAIN mENU )=--------------------------------------[6]---------> . m a i n . _______ _______________________________________________ ____ \ __ \/ __ _ ________ _____ ___ / \_ / \ / / __________/ / / / /\ / \/ / \ / / / _/ / / /________/_______/_____________/________/______/______________/ / \________\_______\_____________\________\______\______________\/[$] <---------=( aMIGA )=-----------------------------------------[7]---------> ________________________ _______________________________________ \___ __._ ___ __ \/ __ _ _ __________ __._ \_ / |/ / \ / / / \_ \_ |/ /\ / ____ / \/ / / _/ / ____ / / /______/_______/________/_______/____/_____________/_____/______/ / \______\_______\________\_______\____\_____________\_____\______\/[$] <---------=( pC )=---------------------------------------------[8]--------> ______________________________ ___ ___ / _____/ /_____/ \___________ / / _________/[$]/_____________/ -------------------------------- <---------=( cONSOLE )=----------------------------------------[9]--------> _________________________________________ / ___ _._ ___._ \_ / /_____/ \|/ / |/ / .--/ / / / / / /---------. | /_____________/_____________/_______/ // O-¹ days | `---------------------------------[$]// ./-----------' _____________________________/. /_________________ _/ __________ _._ ___ __/__ ________ / \__________ \_ \|/ / / \_ __________/ _/ ___/ / / / / / \ / .--\______________/____________/_____________/___________/--. | ^/\ h E A V E N /\^ | `-----------------------------------------------------------' <---------=( mUSIC )=------------------------------------------[¹0]-------> _______ __________________ ___________________________________________ \ __ \/ __________ _ / __ __________/ ___ ___ / --/ \ / / / /___________ \_ / /_____/-- xX / \/ / _/ / _____/ / / / / xX ---/________/_______/________________/________________/____/_____________/[$]-- -^- fOR DA PEOPLE -^- <---------=( pICS )=-------------------------------------------[¹1]-------> _ ________________________________________________ ___ \_ / ___ _________/ __________/ / / /_____/__________ \_ _______________/ / / / ___/ / __________/________/______________/______________/[$] ------------------------------------------------------ _ _ __ _______ _________ ________ ________ _ _____/___/_________ ______ \______ ¬\______ ¬\______ ¬\_/ ___________ /_ _/ ___/ / /___/ /___/ \_____/ / / / ___/_\_____ \ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /____ /____/_ /____ /____ /____/____ /____ / ---/____/----/-------/____/kRm/____/----/---/____/---/____/-- Design by: PaY/eDge Guests artist: Cybergod, Karma, W¿ldcat Moral Suport: Slam/Back 2 Music Basic Element and some moduls! Hanshakes 2 this peoples: Trashhead/Mystic Qix/Orbital Uman/Honey/Artcore Stain/Honey Bytehunter/Over The Top Psychic Santa/Puzzle Carabat Boone/Tension Tube Leon/Sardonyx Hostile/Sardonyx/Disorder Iz/Keso Sekhen Ash (Tai) Bird/Edge Pris/Edge Scarface/Edge Dixy/Edge Hassan Baffle/Edge Utah/Edge Cybergod/Ram Jam/Delight Nike/Craze/Delight Xerxes/Mystic/Rage/Fairlight/Orient Virtualizer/Hypnosis Randy/Neo Alhazred/Spasm Scully/Syndicate Design Cola/Balance/Wild Style Watts/Neo Felix/Speedy Suicider/Nine Design Final words from PaY! well the end is near of this magical collection by me!.. ok! i would say good luck to Virtualizer and his crew at the Junction 95 intro compo!.. ok!.. hmm! thanks to Karma for borrow his Credits logo!!.. and to Cybergod for his super Pay logo!.. thanks m8tys!.. oK! Cya all In a New Prod By eDge! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! bbs adds Comming up ! CALL THIS SUPER BOARDS .-----------+-------- ---- --- -- - - - -- --- ---- --------------------. | `------ --- -- - | | ________ ___ __ ____ ________ ______ _____ ____ | |/ ____/ / | \ | | / ____/ / _ \ / \_ / \ | / (____ / | \ | | / (____ / / \ / ____/ / | \| _/ \_/ \| |/ \_/ _ \_/ (_ \_/ | \ \ \_ | \_ |_ \_ / \_ / \_ \ \_________ /_____|____ /__ /_________ /____/_____ /________ /________ | | ¿ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | \/ | [M]\/ | ! THE GANG -=*=- Ma¿lman/Edge -=*=- | | | | -=*=- W¿ldcat/Edge -=*=- ! ! | | -=*=- Eagle/Drugs -=*=- .-÷--------÷--. | | | `Wares` | | | -=*=- Runn¿n` on A4000-030/25 Mhz/4Mb Ram/500Mb HD -=*=-|-AMIGA-,-PC- | | | | -MARKET-| | | -=*=- NODE ÷ +46 +(0)45182744 28K8 DS -=*=- |-CYBER-NET- | | | `-------------' | | NO NUP | `------+------------- ---- --- -- - - - -- --- ---- -------------------' _ __ ______ _______________ _____ /_________ _________ ______ \ __/_______\/____/____/ __/__ |/ _/ Y / \_____ ¬\_ \/ \_ ¬\_ | ¯ ¬\_\ ¬\__ ! __/ /_________/____ /_____/____ /|\ /l_ _j l____/ [VLe]l___/ \___/ \_/ _ __ _____/\ ______ {STICKY FINGERS} _________ / \| _/_________ _ ______ _____________ _\_ __/___/ \ ¬¯___ __/___ __¬\___\___ \_ __/__ _/ ¯ __) ¬\_ \\ ¯/_/ \ ¬| \___/__¯ \/ _/____ ¬\_ \____ ¬\______/___j\ / \______ |___ /__/ \________/ l_____/ \ / \____j \____/ \_____/ \/ -=÷=- -=÷=- -=÷=- -=÷=[ oUTLOUD rECORDS dIST.sITE ]=÷=- -=÷=- -=÷=- -=÷=- -=[·EdgE WhQ!·]^[·vOICES! vOTING/cOLL.sITE!·]^[·eDGE! pACK dIST.sITE!·]=- -=[·28k8VfAST!·]^[·oNE gIG oNLINE!·]^[·fREE cD-rOM dOWNLOAD!·]^[·eLITE!·]=- -=[·sYSoP·]^[·aLCOHOLIC/eDGE!·]^[·co-OPz!·]^[·sCARFACE/eDGE!·]^[·zAPPE!·]=- -=÷=- [·nODE#1 +31-713-20878·] -=÷=- [·nODE#2 +31-717-pRIVATE!·] -=÷=- *NUP NEEDED* -------------------------------E D G E S H Q------------------------------ · . No Freeleechers Here ! : : ________________________________ ___¡__ ¡ ___ ___ \__ _ \ _ _) / _ Y _ ¯_/ |/ Y \_______ ______ / | \ _ \_ ____/ \_/ | | | ___ _ Y _ _/ / _____/ | | __/_| | | | | | | \_/ | / | | | | | ¯ \ | | | | | | | | \______j |_____j |__ \___j | !____ | | | | l____j \____/ l____j : \____j | l____j : · l____j[VLe] ZYZOP: D¦XY/EDGE +320mb . CD-Rom . USR 16k8 DS CØZYZOPZ: KAKKA . HOT PORNO . HQM PICTURES . ARYAN/AVG AMIGA ELiTE . +6000 PICTURES +2000 PD FILES . ETC. And yez... anotha fine board has joined our forces! _ ___ _ ___ _ ____ _ ___ _ ___ · \______ \ ____ \ _____ \______ \______ ___________ · ____¬\ \ ¬\ \ _ ¬\ ____¬\ \ ¬\_) ____¬\_: \ \ \ \ \__/ \ \ \ \ \ ______/¦ \ \_ \ \_ \ \ \ \_ \_ \_ \_ - _ ___________ ___________\ \_______________________ ______ \ \ \_____\ \_____\ ¦ · \______ ___________ ___________ ¦ ____¬\_) ____¬\_ _) ____¬\_ ¦ .------------- -- - \ \ ______/_\ ______/ _ - -- ------' ¦ \ \_ \_ \_ \_ ¦ - _ __________ _________ ________ _ : _ ___ \_____\ \ _ _ \ · - \______ _________ ________________\ \ : \ ¬\_) ____¬\_) __ ¬\ ____ \ ¦ \ \ _/ \ \ \ ¬\ \ `--- -- - \_ \_ \ \_ \ \ \ \_- ---------. - _ _____________ \__________\ \______________ - ¦ \_____\ e!\_____\ : ¦ sTONE aRTS wHQ! / tHE pORNOS wHQ! / cARAMBA wHQ! / eDGE nHQ! ¦ ¦ bAFFLE! / sTA^eDGE^tPS^cRA -÷- fUZZ! / tRSI^cRA -÷- cOLORBIRd! / rAZOR ¦ sHADE! / tRSI^cARAMbA -÷- aCId / sUSPIRIa^cARAMbA ¦ ¦ dIST sITE fOR : rAZOR 1911 - oFFENCE - eSSENCE - tRSI - cADAVER ¦ sUSPIRIA - gODS - pARAMOUNT pRODS - cARAMBA - eDGE ¦ ¦ eXCLUSIVE mAG sUPPORT - hEADLINE bY sTONE aRTS ¦ aGGRESSION bY cADAVER ¦ jURASSIC pACK bY cADAVER ¦ vOICES bY eDGE ¦ ¦ - -- ------( +47-22508551 · VFAST 28.8 )-- - -- - --------' eDGE nHQ! -÷- bUMBLE bEE lAND! -÷- eDGE nHQ! .-------------------------. | __ |__ __ __ . .__ | |`\ | / \-'' `\- \_| | /'| [ tHe fUnhoUse ] `---------/-----\---------'________ _ / ________\__ /__ _______. ________. / \ /____ __\ ______/ / \__/ _____|___ _____|_____  / \/ _ \/ /\ \ / \ \______ \ ____| / _/ / \_ \/ \_ / \_ / \_ \  / \_______/ /____________/___________/_____________/__________/ uMn/______/aC! Sysop: PAY/EdGE 100mb online , Private , NUP , Telix 14k4 Crew: SEKHEN Amiga Wares , Music cool users....... -------- - -- -- ---- -- - ------- -------- [X] E D G E [X] [X] E D G E [X] [X] E D G E [X] -------- - -- -- ---- -- - ------- -------- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ._____ _________|____(_______/\_________________ .\_____ /_____ __ ._____/ _____ / ¦ _/___/. l / l_ | _/___/. l_________|________/l__________|_________| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PRESENT 2 DAY AN ASCII COLLECTION BY [$] PAY/EDGE [$] @END_FILE_ID.DIZ realised: 9-4-1995 years of Glory!..