This is a pack produced under the label of ______________________________ _\ \ \\ sTZ!/sE \ _\ \ .____ ____ __ \ ______ /\ / ____ _ ____\_____ ____ __ _____ _____| \_\__// \_\\__ \ \ // __\__// \\ \\_ \\ // \_\ /___ \ | _/ /____/ / / \ _/ _ \_ / _/. _/____ \ \________|_______\__\_____/_____\ \_____\_____/____\____|______| /_______/ \ . _\ _\ \\ \ J E D I A R T S \ \ \______________________________\ The real ascii men looking south from finland. R a n x S h o c k G H o o l i g a n R e f l e x M a x i m In other words, as already said .. Jedi Arts! __________________ ._\ /_:_ ________ | | \ /_________ _________ ____ _____ ______ __________ _________ / // _ // _ /_\ _/ // /.\ _ / _ / / /_ / /_ / /_ \ /_ | / /_____\ /_ \------/---------/---------/-----\____/-------:--/_____\ `------/ | ________ | ________ _______ _________ __\ /_____\__ /_____ .___\ _/_ _ // \ /_\ _/ _ / | _\ / / /_ / /_ | / / -sg `----------\--------/---------/-------:---/_____\ . . |__ __| /________________\ ____________ ._\ /_:_ | | _______ ___________ _______ ______\____ \ ______ .\ ._ // _ \_\ _ / \/ / -sg | |/ /_ / \_ / / /_ /_ `----/_____/----\_____/--/_____\ /_____/ _______ . \_____/ _______ ______ _____\ /_____. _______ ___________ ________ _______ .____\ // __/_\_ _ // |_\ _ \\ ._ /_\ _/__\ _/_ | / /_ _\ / / /_ _/ / \_ |/ /_ | _\ / `----------/---------\--------/-----\-----\_____/--/_____/-------:----------\ . . |__ Says .. __| ________________________ _ /__________\ _ ______________________________ \ _ _ / \/ \/ This is the worst time to compose any ascii. Spring brought the sun and summer gave us the good weather with hollidays. In other words .. A LOT OF better things to do.. too bad my vacation only lasts for 2 weeks.. and it's raining ... fuck I say. Although the last few days I've been quite in heaven. Why is that .. you don't need to know eh.. Anyway i started getting a lot of msgs concerning this pack and it has been laying on my hd for almost 2 months almost ready so as it is raining and at this moment i don't have anything better to do.. i just might get this shit out for good. Also i finally got the logo from Stz i requested some time ago eh.. without it this pack wouldn't be shit heh.. greets .. thanks alot to Shock g too for the logos .. the new style looks great!..... What comes to style, the ascs in this pack are made between pretty long breaks and you'll see asciis with pretty diffrnt styles as my inspirations have been coming from wherever whenever... but i didn't have the inspiration to make them all look the same .... but they're always my style no matter where the inspiration came from eh.. That's It .. Ascii in Finland is Jedi Arts.. (this is where Style get's fuurious!) eh .. Ranx JediArts.. 19.June.1996.. It's 26th now and I got some new logos again from Shock G.. Let's see if I get this shit out today .. Well, I didn't since it's 27th now .. Still 27th and I'm putting this out NOW .. ____________________________ ____ \\ / \ _ | / ._____ \/ | This pack .. | _ / | | \/ _________ ________ _________ _______ _________ ______ __________ _______ .) __// _ \) _ \\ |_) _ \.\ |) ._ \/ _/_ | / / |/ . _/ ./ | | |/ /\_ | |_________|___________/_____/|_______| |_____|__________/_____/ .____| |_____| |______| rX/jA! . . | Ascii logos made for ... | |_ _| /____________________________\ Shock G Nevermind Sin Fame Purplex Kid Afrika Shawn _ Trivial Squarepusher Steve McStretch Gluester Abhorrence _ \ Apollo Black Panther Trooper Stz Folar Phobia Threaz / Harlequin Butane Mice .. requested At .. Propaganda Bermuda Triangle Zillion Hours Another Step Terror Temple & made by .. Ranx/JediArts! To the business .. ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | 2xstrange day _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / _________________________________________ .) (. | | | s t r a n g e d a y ! | | | _____ ______ _______ ______ __________ ________ _______ / _/__) |_) _ )__\__ \.) _ \.) ___/___/ __/_ .\_ _ _/ _/ . _ | |/ /| \_ / _) | |________| |___\_____|________|____|______|_____(_________. | |_____| |____| | _________ ______ ___ ______ rX/jA! |_ .) _ \_\__ \.) \/ / _| /____ | / / _ | / _/ ___\ |__________________|________| ______. .________. ___________ .______ ____________ _______. __________ .\\ __|_|_ _|-\ _ /__|__ \\\ _ / ___|__.-\ _ / | \ |/ \ |/ /. _ / |/ /| \ | /____/| |_________|_______. |______|________/|_____/______|_____.\ .__________| |_____| ______ / |/____| ___________ .______ ____ / / . | .\\ _ /__|__ \\\ \/ / s t r a n g e d a y . _| | / / _ / _/ _/_________________________________________\ |_________/|_________/|____\ ____| \ rX/jA! . __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ eurochild | \ \\___________/__________________________| _____ _ __________________| | ____________ ________. .__________\| _ / / |-\ _ / \\ _ | ___________. | | /____/. /| | |/ /. / | | | e u r o |_____. |____________| |______|__________| | | |_____| |_____| rX/jA! | | c h i l d ! _____ | | _______. _____| | _______ _________ ___________ | | .\\ _|__| | |-\ |/ / \\ _ / | |_______ | | _ | . | _ /_ / /_________| |___________| |_____|________|____. \/ |_________/ \______| |_____| . ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | squarepusher _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / ________ ______. ________\_ /__ _________ _________ ________ _\ _|_.\ _ / / |_\__ /-\ _ / \ _ / ________________ | \ | / / /| | _ / |/ _/. \___/_. _ / |_________|___. /|_________________/|____|_____|_________| rX/jA! \/| |____| ________ _____ . . _________\_ /__.______. .\ |______ _______ __________ |_ .\ _ / / |\ _|_| _ / _ /-\ _ / |/____________ | \____/ /| | \ | |/ / \___/. |/ _/ / |_______| \_________|________|____|_____\________|____|____| . __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ hadda be playin on.. | \ \\___________/__________________________| . . _. Hadda Be Playin' On The Jukebox! _ \|_______________________________________________________________________|/ | _____ | _____ \___/ .________ ._________ ._________ ._________ ___________ _________ .\ |_______|__ /_| _ /_| _ /_|__ /.\ _ // _ / | _ / _ / / / / / _ / | .\ /| /____/. |____/ /________/|_________/|_________/|_________/ |___|/ |_________| /_____/ _______ |______| _ ___________ _______ .______\__ | ______ ________ _____________ _// | . \ _ / / _|__ / |/ / /.\ _ / \/ | | /_____/ / | _ /. / _/| | |/ / | | | |__________|________/ |_________| |_________|___/ / On The | |______| __________ /______/ . ________\_ /____ _____ ______ ________ ___________ ________ _____._____ \ / / /.\ |/ / _ /.\ _ / \ _ \\ | / . \ \ /| | / /. /___/ | .\ /| / / _ /| |_________/\___________| \______|_________|___|/ |________/______\____| |_____| |______| | rX/jA! | _|_______________________________________________________________________|_ \| |/ . . ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | razor 1911 _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / __________ ________ _________ __________. __________ . ) _ ) _) _ \. \_ /.) _ | ) _ ) . | _/ . ./ | _/ | / | _/ . 1 9 1 1 | | \______| |_____|_____. |\________/| \______| | |_____| |____| |_____| |_____| | . | | rX/jA! _| |_________________________________________________________________________\| __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ risc | \ \\___________/__________________________| _______________________ _____________________________ \ / \ / | . | | | | ___________ ._______ _______. ________. | | ._\ _ /_| |\ _|___| ___|__| | | |/ /\ | \_ | \ | | | |______\________| ._____|______\ | | |_____| |_____| \ _ | | . r i s c ! . \/ | | | | | | |_____________________| rX/jA! |___________________________| ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | sin fame _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / __________________________________________ | | | | ________. _______ ___________ __________|_ .________ ____ ____ __________ \ _|__.\ _ |-\ _ / \ ___/_|__ /-\ \/ /./ _ / .\_ | \/ | |/ /. \ _| _ / \/ | /____/. | .____|_______|___/_______| |\ \|________/|______/ |____. | |_____| |________| /______| |_____| . . s i n f a m e / s e n s e . | . | | rX/jA! |__________________________________________| __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ cherry bomb | \ \\___________/__________________________| _________ ________ _____.____ __________ __________ ________\_ /____ ___ .\\ _/.\ | | _ / \\ _ / \\ _ / / // ___ \ | | | /____/ |/ _/ |/ _/ /| . / .\ |_________ |____|________ |_____| |_____|______ | /. | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| . | | cherry ___________ ________ ____ _____ ____________ | | bomb! .\ _ / _ |-\ \/ _/.\ _ / rX/jA! | |_________ | / _/| / | \/ | / _/| ______________| / |___.\ |\_______/| \_____|____.\ | \ . |______| |_______| |______| . ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | propaganda _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / _________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ._) _ \ ) _ ) _) _ \ _) _ \ ) _ \. ___________________ | / ___/ _/ . / / /____/ ./ | //. |_______| |_____\______|_________\_______| |____|_____| | ________ ________ __________ ________ ________ LocalSys: Meeba | .) ____/__._) _ \. ) _ \ ) _ \ ) _ \. RemoteCo: Ranx | | \_ ./ | |/ _/ / / ./ | | |____(_____|____|_____|____/_____\_________/|____|_____| jEDI^ARTS! WHQ | . kOMEDA WHQ | |_ rX/jA! _| |(__________________________________________________________________________)| __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ allied creators | \ \\___________/__________________________| _______ _______ ________ ______ _________ __________ ____ ____\__ |/ /__/ /__| |/ _ / \ _ / ____ \ \ _ | / | / | | /___/. / / / \ \_________|__________|__________. ___ |________/ / . |______| |_____| . _________ ___________________ ________________ ___________________________ \ __/.\ _ / _ /__\__ / _/ _ _ ._ /\ __/_ \ | |/ _/ /___/| _ / | / / |/ _/ \ | \______| |_____|__ |________/| |\________/ |_____| .____| \____| |_____| |______| |____| |____| rX/jA! . . |_______ a l l i e d c r e a t o r s _______| / \ . . ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | goodbye _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / .____________________________________________ | _ / g oo oo d b y e ! | \/| | ______ | ________. ________. ________ __________ _____________ / /__________ .\ ___|__.-\ _ |-\ _ |-\ _ / _ / \/ / \ _ / | \ | / | / | / / \_ /. _/ _/ /____/| |______\ ___|___________________|________/|_____/ |__\ ____|______. | / _ |______| \ |_____| | . | . | _| : |______________________________\| rX/jA!. __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ november trance | \ \\___________/__________________________| _______________________ _________________ __________________________________ .\ _ / _ . \/ / _ / \/ / _ / _ / _ / | / / / | / / \___/. \/ / \_ /. \___/. _/ _/. |___/ /|________|\_______/\_________|___/ /.____/ |________| \_____| |______| |______| |_____| |_____| __________________ .________________________ __________ ___________________ .\ _/ _ /__|_ / _ / __/_ \ _ / | | | _/ _/. _ / / / | \___/. n o v e m b e r | | |____\_____|_______/|___/ /|\________|_________| | |______| |______| t r a n c e ! | rX/jA! _| |____________________________________________________________________________\| ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | trivial _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / /\ / \ _ / \ _ rX/jA! ____________________________\/ \/______________________________ .\ _ _ /. | \/ \/ | | ______ _______ | ________________________ \ _ _|_____ / /______ __________ ______ \\_ _ _ / \/ \ \/ / |__\__ / \ | | | |/ _/| \ / / | _ / |__ |_______| |______|________|\____\ ____/|___________________\__________// |_____| \ | triviaL/divine S! . | _| |_ \|____________________________________________________________________|/ __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ supersharpshooter | \ \\___________/__________________________| ______ ________ |_ \_____ ___________________ __________ _ ______ \ _/__/ / _/ \ _ / _ / \ _ / ______ _ \| .\_ / /| \ \____/ \___/| |/ _/. |/ | _ |________\__________|\______| \____. |____|_____| _ | | / _____ |____| \ | _ | _________ .\ |_____ _________ __________ ___________ | _ \ | \ _/_| _ /__\__ / \ _ / \ _ / | / | .\_ | |/ /. _ / |/ _/\ \____/ | . |_________|___/______|________/|_____|______\______| . ______ rX/jA! ________ .\ |_____ _____________________________ _________ __________ \ _/__| _ / \ _ _ _ \_ _/ \ _ /-\ _ / .\ | |/ /. / / / | | \___/ |/ _/. |_________|____/______|\________/\________/|_______|\______________|_____| . s u p e r s h a r p s h o o t e r ! . |___________________________________________________________________| ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | beer for everybody _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / . . \ _______________________________________________________ / _______\\ //________ \ \ / / _____ / .\ |______ ________ _________ ___________ ___________ ___________________ | _ / _ / _ / \\ _ / .\ __/ _ . _ / | / / \____/. \____/. _/ _/ | _/ / | _/ _/ |_________/|_________|_________|_____\_____| | |\________/|____\_____| ______ |_______| ________\__ \ ______ _________ ________________ rX/jA! .\ _ / \/ / _ / \\ _ / //___. _ _____ | \____/\ _/ / \____/. _/ _/\__ | . _/_______|_ . |__________|\__\ ____/|__________|____\______. _____| |___|\__/\__|(__| _ \ |_____/ ___| / . \ _/_______ b e e r f o r e v e r y b o d y ! ! ________\_ \______ /_______________________________________________________\ _______/ / \ . . __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ trader brain | \ \\___________/__________________________| _______ __________ ______ ________ ________ __________ .\ |_\ _ /_\__ | \\_ / \ _ / \ _ / ______ | _/ _/ _/ _ | / / \___/. _/ _/ _______ \| |_______|___\_____|________|_______/|_________|___\_____| |/ | ____ _____ | | .\ |______ __________ ______ \ _ | ___________ rX/jA! | |_ | _ / \ _ /_\__ | \/ | \ _ / _| / | / / _/ _/ _ | | |/ /. \ . |________/|____\_____|________|______|____|____/_| . ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | masturb8 _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / ._ _. |/__________________________________________________________________\| | | | _____ _________ _____ _____ ______________ ____________ _____ __________\ |___\_ _ _/ \ \/ /_\_ / _/_| |_ \/ / \ / _ / _ | _.\ \/ /| _ /\_ | _/ / / _/ _/| / / / |_ \|_____\____________________________|\_______________\______________/|_______|/ . . | m a s t u r b 8 ! | _|___________________________________________________________________|_ | . . rX/jA! __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ fb | \ \\___________/__________________________| ____ _ ________|__ |_____ ____\\ _______________________________________________. \\ __/ _ / \\/ | | __/ / / \ rX/jA! |_ |_______|_______/__________\ ______________________________________________|// \ . ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | south central _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / _____ ____ _______. _________.___/ (. _______ \ |_______ _.________ \ _|_| _ | \ | \ |_ _ / __________._ \| . \ | / | |\ | _/ |/ / |/ | |_________|\_______/|_________|________|____|____/ rX/jA! | . _________ _________ __________ ______ ___________ _________ ________ . .) __/.\\ _ / \ _ / \ |_ _ /_\\_ / \ / | | \___/. |/ / _/ _/ _/. _ / /. |_________|_________|___|_____|________|___\______|_________\_________| . . . |_ s o u t h c e n t r a l ! _| |/______________________________________________________________________\| __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ fahrenheit | \ \\___________/__________________________| .____________________________________________________________________________. |/ \| : ___ ___ rX/jA! _____: .________ ____|_ |_____________________________|__ |_____________ ____| |_ .\ __/_\_ / _ ./ _ / _ / _ / _ ./ _ / \ | _/ | __/ _ / |/ | |/ _/. \___/. |/ / |/ | \___/. | | |_____|_______\___|____| |_____|_______|__|___/___|____|_______|_____|_____| . |___| . | f a h r e n h e i t | |____________________________________________________________________________| ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | scene _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / _______. ________ _________ ___________ ________ s c e n e ! \\ _|_.\ __/_.\\ _ / \ _ / \\ _ / ____________________ _ . \_ | | \____/. |/ / \___/. |// |_________|_________|_________|____|_____|__________| ____________________| rX/jA! __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ penthouse | \ \\___________/__________________________| _____ ________ _____________________________\ |____________\ /___ _______ _________ \\ _ / _ / _ . / |_ _ / _ / |\ /_\ _ / | \___/ \___/ |/ |/ _/ |/ / / . /| | \_ | \___/. | .____________|____/ |____|____/|_______|_________|________|_______| |_____| |_____| . . | | rX/jA! p e n t h o u s e ! | |_____ _____| |____/_________________________________________________________________\____| \_ _/ / \ . . ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | trooper _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / _______ _________ __________________ __________________ _________ .\ |_\\ _ / \ _ . _ /.\\ _ / _ / \\ _ / | _/ _/ _/. / | / | \____/ \___/. _/ _/. rX/jA! |_______|___\______|________/|________/| | |_________|___\______| . ___ |______| __________________________ | \\ | | t r o o p e r ! | |_ _| |/_____________ _ \| . __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ mainmenu | \ \\___________/__________________________| _ _______ ____________ _________________ ________________________ __ / / / __\__ / \/ _ / / / _ / _ \ / \/ _\ \/ \ _ / \ / /\ \/ \ \___/\ / /\ / \ /______\_____\______/\______\/_______\_____\_____\________\/_______\________/ _/ \ Main Menu! rX/jA! \_____________________________________________________________________________ / . ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | occult crime _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / _____ ______ ______ ______ _ _/ (. ________ ______ ___________________ ./ _ \./ _/_./ _/_. \ |/ / ) |_ _ / | / | | | |\ | /. _/ \/. |________|_________________|__________|________|_______| occult crime! | _____. _______ ___ _ ____ _____ ________ | ./ __|_ \ _ )._) .\ \/ /./ _ / | | | _/ | | \/ | \___/. rX/jA! _| |________| \_____|______|_____\_____|___. | _________________________\| |____| |____| \ . __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ stats | \ \\___________/__________________________| . rX/jA! _____ _______ ______ _______ _____ \ ______________________________. / _//_.) |_\_ \.) |_/ _//_. \\ | .\_ | _/ _ | _/\_ | \ s t a t s ! _| |___________________________________________| ______________________________\ . ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | 2xfolar _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / _ ___________ __._____ _______ __________ _________ _ \ .________.\ ____/ |_ | |___\___ \\\ ._ \.________. / \| | _/ |/ | |\ _ / _|/ /| |/ \ Folar | | / | |/ |/ / \ | rX/jA! / _\ ______|________|__________/|_______/_____/_____/| \_____________ /_ \/ |_____| \/ ________________ _______ ________ ________ __________ _) __/ _ \._) / ._) _ \._) _ ) __________ \\ . _/ / | / | ./ | _/ . // Folar! |_______|__________|_________|____|_____| \_____| rX/jA! |_____| __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ mice | \ \\___________/__________________________| _______.______ ________ __________ ___________ .) _| | ) | ) __/__) __/_._____________________ | \_/ | | \ _( | // |_______|______|_________|____________\ ___________| rX/jA! \ . ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | newusers _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / _________ _______ ______\_ /_____________ _______________________ ______ __ \_ \/ _ / / / / / __ _ / _ \/ __/__ \/ / / \___/ _/\ / / \_ / \____/ / /\_ / \__/______\__________ \______/\________________/\_________ \_____________/ _ / _ / \/ _________________________________ \/ rX/jA! \_ _/ / n e w u s e r s ! \ . . __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ abnormal desire | \ \\___________/__________________________| ____ _______ | |____________ __________________ ____ ____ ________ ________ .) _ \| _ / _ \/ _ _ \/ \/ \) _ \) /. | _ \ / / |/ / / / _/ _/ \/ / _ \ / | |____|___________/____|_____________/ \_____|_____/ /|____|____________| . |_____| (______| . | a b n o r m a l d e s i r e . . rX/jA! | | _________ ________________ _______ __________ _________ | |_ .) _ \/ _ / __/.\ / \ \/ _ / _| _ /____ | / / \____/\_ | . _/ _/ \____/. _____\ _ \/ |________/\_________________|_______| \_______________| \/ |_____| ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | threaz diz _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / ____ ____.) |____ _____ ______ _____ _______ _| |_ _ / _ \/ _ / \__ \_\__ / \_ _/ / / _/ _/ \__/ _ / __/ |_______/_______\_________________________| .rX . | | |_ _| //_____________________________________\\ __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ borealis | \ \\___________/__________________________| _____ _) |______________________ _________ ________ ________ _______ ______ . _ / _ _ _ \/ _ / ) _ \.) /_ ) |_/ _/__ | / / / / _/ _/ \____/. ./ | / | | \_ / |________/\_______/ \_____|_________|____| |_________|________________/ (______| |_____| rX/jA! ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | hazard _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / . _____ _____| .) | | _________ _________ _________ ___________ __________ | _ |_) _ \._\_ /_) _ \.) _ )._) _ \ _ _ _ | | | ./ | / ./ | _/ | / / / / \ |_____|_____| |_____|_________ |______| \______|__________/ |_____| |_____| |_____| rX/jA! Hazard! __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ preface | \ \\___________/__________________________| _______________________________________________ ._) (_. | | | _____ | _____ ________ ________ ____) / __________ ______ _______ ____) / _ _) _ \) _ ) \ __/_.) __/ \__ \.) _/___) __/__ _ . /___/ _/ . _) | _/ _ | . _) . |_______| \_____|_________________\__________|_________|_________| |_____| . . | rX/jA! |__ __| _ _/_____________________________________________\_ _ ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | credits _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / ___________________________________________ ._) (_. | | | _____ | _____ ______ ________ ____) / ________ _______ _______ __) / _ __/ _/__) _ ) \ __/_._) _ \) /.) |_/ _/__ _ . . _/ . _) | / / | _/\_ . |_________| \_____|__________________/|_______|_______|_________| |____| . . | rX/jA! |__ __| _ _/_________________________________________\_ _ __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ greets | \ \\___________/__________________________| ___________________________________ ._) (_. | | | _____ | _____ _______ ________ ____) / ________ _______ __) / _ _/ ___/__) _ ) \ __/ \ __/__) |_/ _/__ _ . \_ . _/ . _) . _) . _/\_ . |_____ |___\_____|_________|_____ |_______|_________| )____| )____| . . | |__ __| rX/jA! _ _/_________________________________\_ _ ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | respects _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / __________________________________________________ ._) (_. | | | _____ _____ | ________ ____) / ______ ________ ___) / ______ ______ ______ _ _) _ ) \ __/_./ _/__) _ \\ __/_./ _/__) |_/ _/__ _ _/ . _) |\ . / __/ _) | . _/\_ . . \_____|_________| ____|______|___________________|______| _____| |_____| . |____( |____( | . |__ __| rX/jA! _ _/________________________________________________\_ _ __________________________ Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | //. ___________|_ do or die | \ \\___________/__________________________| ____________________________ __ _.) (._ __ \__ | d o o r d i e ! | __/ _ __________________ | _______ _________ ___________ _____ _________ _ ( .) _ / _ \. ./ _ \.\ ). .) _ /_) |/ _ / ) | / / / | | / | _/ | | / / / \____/. |________/|_________| |_________| \_____| |___________________________| |_____| |_ _| rX/jA! /__________________________\ . . ________________________ .\\ | Looking South - A Ranx/JediArts Collection'96 | icezone _| _ _______ |________________________\__________// / ______ _______ _______ _________ ________ ________________________) / .\ |/ __/.\ __/_.__\_ / \ _ / ._ _ __/_. ______. | _| | _/ | _/ / / |/ / _/ | | |______\_________|_______________ .________/ |______\__________| | \____| | | rX/jA! | i c e z o n e ! _| |______________________________\| . @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ______ . __________/ /______________ . : / / / __ / : |-----/_____________/\_________,___/------| | | | Ranx JediArts Looking South 27 June 96! | |_________________________________________| @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ___________________________ ._/ \_. | | | -[ c r e d i t s ]- : : _____ ._______________________________________________/ /__________ | ____/__ __ _/_ ____/__ __ \_ __ ___/__ ____/_. |____` /__\ /___--' /__` /_____/___ / /____ | \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ [fL]\____/ /______| . . |_ _| )___________________________( Written, directed and produced by Ranx/Jedi Arts! Guests: Shock G, Stz, Folar, Strauss.. thank you! _________________________ ._/ \_. | | | -[ g r e e t s ]- : : _____ .__________________________________________/ /__________ | ____/__ __ _/_ _____/_ _____/_ ___/__ ____/_. |____\ /__\ /___--' /___--' /___ / /____ | \____/ \____/ \____/[fL]\____/ \____/ /______| . . |_ _| )_________________________( Meeba Coroner Maxim Delsion Shock G Headfuck Reflex Jaz Ftj Dune Mik Sair Beatnik Phantom Wiz Hoplite Cybelius Shocker Gluester Yrwin Mayday Poise Lustis Nup! Hooligan Shamus Xtc Disco Traitor Gwenhwyvar Sin Fame Apollo Sparr Stz Genesis Pizza Dro Folar _________________________ ._/ \_. | | | -[ r e s p e c t s ]- | : : ____ .__________________________________________________________/ /__________ | __ _/_. ____/_. ____/_. _ / ____/_. ____/_. ___/_. ____/_. |____\ |__--' |____ |_ \____/___--' |__` |__ / |____ | [fL] \_____| \_____| /______| \___| \_____| \_____| \_____| /______| . . |_ _| )_________________________( 2Fast Acid Kid Boo-ya Chrombacher Coco Pops Crusader Danzig DeSoto Dhm Dino Drakar Dual Elvis Exocet Fatal Folar Gozz Grimlock H2o Headfuck Homicide! Hooligan Juan Karma Maxim Mogue! Mortimer Twang Nup! Orion Phase Ramon Redskin Reflex Relief Scarface Shapechanger Shock G Sin Fame Stezotehic Strauss Stratos Stylez Treach U-Man Vinzi Wishbringer Xcluziwe Zeus Azkiness Arclite Art Atre Contra Divine Stylers Epsilon Design House Of Style Mo'soul Oma Sos Style Twisted Whale Messages .. Mortimer Twang - Thanks for tributing .. made me really happy.. Soxius & Orion - Thanks to you guys too .. Dino - Always inspiring .. Strauss - Special greets to you .. always .. btw forgot to sign the diz? All of you - JediArts DIZ's needed .. and ofcourse big logos .. Not to talk about Ranx logos .. For requesting, catch me at Propaganda, Zillion Hours, Bermuda Triangle or Terror Temple .. Or any other board near me eh.... Outside finland the only place you'll catch me is Another Step as soon as it gets up again .. Oh yeah.. my email address is .. for chat or requests .. . / //______________________________________________ // \ / \ rX/jA! / /\ \ ______ _______________________ / \ ___________________ _______ \ \/ _ / _ / \ / \/ _ / __/ \ _/ . \ \ / /\ / / \ / \ / _/\ \ \ . |________\________\______/\_______\/ \/________\_______\________| _ / \ _ \/__________________________________________________________________\/ The Jedi^Arts Artists & Boards. Ranx . Shock G . Reflex . Maxim . Hooligan Propaganda . Zillion Hours . Back Fire . Another Step . Terror Temple The Official Jedi^Arts Releases. 33humppa.txt (Mar'95) - pistepirkko feat. humppaa tai kuole - (c) ranx & maxim r!kemos.txt (Apr'95) - kemosynteesi - (c) reflex ench_rnx.5th (Aug'95) - enchanted star shines innovative - (c) ranx aos!_rnx.6th (Sep'95) - the art of sketch - (c) ranx noon_rnx.txt (Oct'95) - bitter noon - (c) ranx pass-rnx.txt (Oct'95) - the passion of ranx/jedi arts! - (c) ranx ja!-ihts.txt (Oct'95) - i heard they suck - (c) shock g tdf-rnx.txt (Oct'95) - to die for - (c) ranx fwwm-rnx.txt (Nov'95) - fire walk with me - (c) ranx wt-rnx.txt (Dec'95) - winter tears - (c) ranx maria.txt (Dec'95) - marian ilmestys - (c) ranx hoo!face.txt (Jan'96) - phuckface - (c) hooligan ja!-twt.txt (Jan'96) - time will tell - (c) ranx & shock g r_o_jedi.txt (Jan'96) - return of the jedi - (c) reflex ja!-tale.txt (Feb'96) - fairy tales of million dollar happiness - (c) shock g ja!-royl.txt (Feb'96) - grand royal - a tribute to the best - (c) shock g ja!-eyes.txt (Feb'96) - dead eyes - no light no beauty - (c) ranx ja!-slds.txt (Mar'96) - solid scheme - (c) shock g seja-aab.txt (Apr'96) - afros and boozes - (c) ranx & stz/se ja!-mref.txt (Apr'96) - my reflection - (c) ranx ja!-hadd.txt (Apr'96) - hadda be playin on the jukebox - (c) shock g ja!-look.txt (Jun'96) - looking south - (c) ranx A Total of 22 Jedi^Arts Collections. These productions have been released under the label of Jedi^Arts and may not be altered in any other form than adding bbs ads. Removing tags or using logos without crediting is strictly forbidden under the etiquette of the worldwide ascii scene. You have been .. . __ _ ______________________________ __ _ _ __ ________________/ _:_ _:_\ \_\\\ / /_| | ______ _______ _______ ______. ______ /\ _________ ______ /____: | / /__\ \\ \\ |/ // \\ \\ _/___ | . / / \_ \ \ _/ _/. \ \ / \ | | . \__________/______/_______/____\_______|_____\___/ /__________| | _____ . /___\ | ______ ______ ___\ /_______. _____ | / /___\ \\ \ \\ \_\ _|___ | \_____ \ \ / \ _/ \ \ L O O K I N G _ | /________/______/_______/______|_____/____/ . S O U T H . / _| . _( sTZ!/sE |________________________________( .. with Ranx/JediArts! [ EOF ]