@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ._____ _________|____(_______/\_________________ .\_____ /_____ __ ._____/ _____ / ¦ _/___/. l / l_ | _/___/. l_________|________/l__________|_________| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= pREsENTs tHE sECoND aSCII^cOLLeCTIoN mADe bY: sCARFACE/eDGE! "dUNNO!" dUTCH bOARDz! pART dEUX! @END_FILE_ID.DIZ _____________________ ___________________________________________ \_ \_ Y \_ _ \_ _ \_ \_ | | | | | | | | | | | | l. | | | | | | | | | l____________l____________l______|_____l______|_____l____________| pART 2.01a beta! (if you have the fully cracked & registrated version, then send it 2 me!) . . . .. . .. . .. . ... . ... . .. . .. . .. . . ...:. .:... . . . ... ... . . Well, welcome again to another asc²-© by the man also known as "The Lumberjack!" It seems like only a week ago I'd released my first one! (but that's probably bcoz it is!) Anywayz, enuff crap... This time around I decided to make some "rEADY-2-uSE" board ads, in addition to the regulair ads! -> I'll leave that 2 the sysops!:) Again you'll only find dutch boards in this colly... Maybe sumday, sumwhere, I'll make a foreign 1 2! . . ... ... . . . ..... ..... .             : .. . .. . .. . ... . ... . .. . .. . .. : . . Life's a piece of shit, When you look at it, Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true. You'll see it's all a show, Keep 'em laughing as you go. Just remember that the last laugh is on you. ______________ ______.________._____________ \_ \_ Y \_ \ \_ \ \_ \_ · | | \_. | \_ \ \_ \ \_ |. \_ : | l. / | / / / | / ¦ l____ /____ /__\ /__\ /____ /==[pART dEUX!]==¦ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/-----------------' Completely coded in CeD-Pro V3.5 By: __________________________________________________________________ _/ _______/ _ _/ _ \_ _ \_ _ _/ _ _/ _ _/ _ _/ \_____ | |___| | | | | | | | | |___| | | | | | | | _ | --{| |___| _ | | | _____| | | | | | | | | | ___|| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __ \ \\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\\ \ \ \\ [·sCARFACE^eDGE^mODEM^oRGANIZER!·] \\ \ \_\\__________________________________________________________________\\_\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|_______| |___| |___| | | |___|_______| | | |___| |___| |___| |___|d! |_______| ______________________________________________________ _____. \_______\_ _ \_ \_ _____\_ \/ | | | | | | | ______| / | | | | | l. | l | / | l_______l______|_____l____________l____________l_____/\_____| .----------------------)>-[ I N D E X ]-<(---------------------. ¦ ¦ `-[.o1.`bOARD-aDS']^[.o2.`rEQUESTED-aSC²z']^[.o3.`uSUAL-cRAP']-' .o1. tHE uNDISCOVERED }-R2UA! tHE hOUSEhOLD }-R2UA! aTMOSPHERE }-R2UA! nIGHT tOWN }-R2UA! bOONDOCKS }-R2UA! tHE aLTAR oF sACRIFICE }-R2UA! mYSTICAL pLACES }-R2UA! R2UA! -> Ready 2 Use Ads! [....sTALLION.....] [.tOTAL cONFUSION.] [.....cYCLONE.....] [.tHE lAST rESORT.] [.rUINS oF wISDOM.] [....eSTA lOCO....] [.wORLD oF eLITE..] [.sOUTHERN tRIBE..] [...nIGHT tOWN....] Ahh.. fuck it! I hate making indexes (sounds like a dissease eh?!) · -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------. Madam, without you, life would be like a broken pencil... pointless! | ·- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------' `---------------------. .--------------------' `-[.o1.^bOARD^aDS^]-' ___ /\___ «*»·-=[ THE UNDISCOVERED ]=-·«*» ___/\ ___ `---\/--------------------------------------------\/---' _____________.____________ · \____ ______\ \_ ____\_ :.---------------------------------------. .·| \_ \ \_ __\____ ¦¦ T·H·E· ·U·N·D·I·S·C·O·V·E·R·E·D!· ¦ ::| / __ / \ / ¦¦iNFECT eHQ! dELIGHT dHQ! mYSTIC bETA hQ¦ ¦:l__ /___/ /____ /::.¦¦ sYSOP ¡Z -[mAUD'dIB/dELIGHT!]- ¦ `---\___/----\___/----\___/----'`---------------------------------------' ____._______._________________________________ ·[nO^nUP]^[aMIGA^cONSOLE]· \_ \ \_ \ \_ \______\_ _______/ :.-----------------------. :| \ \_ \ \_ | \_ \_____ \_ ¦¦ +31-229-444-42 28k8!¦ :| / / / l_ / / / ¦¦ +31-229-414-42 28k8!¦ :l____ /__\ /____ /__ ·/____ /::.¦¦ +31-229-pRIVATE! 28k8!¦ `----\___/----\___/----\___/--\___/----\___/----'`-----------------------' _____________________.________________________________________····.·· \_ ___\_ \_ \ \_ ____\_ ___ \_ ____\_ \_ -O-: :| | \_ | \_ \ \_ __\____ _ /__ __\____ | \_: ¦ :| l / | / / / \ / \ / \ / l_ / ¦ :l____ /____ /____ /____ /___/ /____ /____ /::.¦ `----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/sCf!' · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------. What does 'it' mean in the sentence "What time is it?" ? | ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------' ___ /\___ «*»·-=[ THE HOUSEHOLD ]=-·«*» ___/\ ___ `---\/-----------------------------------------\/---' _____________.____________ · _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \____ ______\ \_ ____\_ : · _//\ _//\ _//\ _//\ _//\ · ·| \_ \ \_ __\____¦ · _\\/ _\\/ _\\/ _\\/ _\\/ · ·| / __ / \ /¦ : : :l__ /___/ /____ /.¦ ¦ eFFECT hIDDEN hQ! ^ mO[l]EN wHQ! ¦ `--\___/----\___/----\___/--' `----------------------------------' ____._________________.______________________ ·tHE cLEANING-lADIES \_ \ \_ \_ \ \_ _______ ____\_ : .---------------. ·| \ \_ | \_ \ \_____ \_ __\____¦ ¦ mSW/eFFECT! ¦ ·| __ / | / / / / \ /¦ ¦ hAWK/eFFECT ¦ :l____/ /____ /____ /____ /____ /.¦ ¦ rADAVI/eFFECT ¦ `-----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/--' `---------------' ____._____________________ _________ · \_ \ \_ \_ |\_ \_ : [aMIGA]^[PC]^[mODULES]^[mORE!] ·| \ \_ | \_ __|_|__ | \_¦ .--------------------------------. ·| __ / | / \ / l_ /¦ ¦ nODE #1 +31-340-267-278 21k6 ¦ :l____/ /____ /____ /____ /.¦ ¦ nODE #2 +31-340-pRIVATE 14k4 ¦ `-----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/sCf!`--------------------------------' · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------. Do you have lysdexia? | ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------' ___ /\___ «*»·-=[ ATMOSPHERE ]=-·«*» ___/\ ___ `---\/--------------------------------------\/---' _____________________ .________._____________· . . \_____ \___ ___ \/ \_ \_ _______/: .--^------------------^--. ·| Y \_ \_ \_ | \_____ \_¦ ¦ [-fRIENDS iNC!] ¦ ·| _ / / \/ / | / / /¦ ¦ [-lAST pOETS sOCIETY!] ¦ :l___/ ·/___ /___/ /____ ·/____ /.¦ ¦ [-cRYOGENIC!] ¦ `----\___/---\__/----\___/----\___/----\___/--' `--÷------------------÷--' ___________._______________________________ ·[nUP]^[aMIGA^cONSOLE^aSC²] \_ __ / \ \_ ____\_ ___ \_ ____\_ : .-÷------------------÷--. ·| ___/ \ \_ __\____ _ /__ __\____¦ ¦ +31-340-889-039 28k8 ¦ ·| ·|| __ / \ / \ / \ /¦ ¦ [-dELITE/lPS/cRY!-] ¦ :l_____|l____/ /____ /___/ /____ /.¦ ¦ +31-340-889-039 28k8 ¦ `------------\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/sCf!`-----------------------' · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------. Jesus died for your sins. Make it worth his time. | ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------' ___ /\___ «*»·-=[ NIGHT TOWN ]=-·«*» ___/\ ___ `---\/--------------------------------------\/---' ____.________________________.________________ . \_ \ \______\_ ___ \_ \ \___ ___/ :.---------------------------. ·| \ \_ \_ \___ \_ \ \_ \_ ¦¦[-mAF!A wHQ!^gANGLAND dHQ!]¦ ·| / / / / __ / /. ¦¦·[-aMIGA! 0/2^cEWL cONFS!]·¦ :l___\ /__ ·/___ /___/ /___ /::.¦¦[-a¹²°°/²5mHZ/6mB^²48mB hD]¦ `-----\___/--\___/----\___/----\___/---\__/----'`---------------------------' ______________________.________.____ ..--------------------------------. \____ ____ \_ \ \_ \ \_ :¦sYSO iZ: iNFERNO/mAF!A/gANGLAND!¦ .| \_ | \_ /\ \_ \ \_ ¦¦ cO-oPZ: bART sIMPSON ^ dIABLO! ¦ ·| / | / \ / /. ¦¦+31-703-871-583 (14k4) sOON 28k8¦ :l__ /____ /_____ /__\ /::.¦: .::[-N·I·G·H·T·-·T·O·W·N!-]::. : `--\___/----\___/-----\___/----\___/sCf!'· · · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------. Sex is like a bridge game; | if you have a good hand no partner is needed. | ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------' ___ /\___ «*»·-=[ BOONDOCKS ]=-·«*» ___/\ ___ `---\/-------------------------------------\/---' ___________________________.________________________________________________ \_ . \_ . \_ . \_ \ \_ . \_ . \_ ___\_ \ \_ ______/ ·| l_ \_ | \_ | \_ \ \_ | \_ | \_ | \_ \· /_____ \_ ·| l_ / | / | / / l_ / | / l / __ / / :l____ /___ /___ /_\ /___ /___ /___ /__/ /___ / `----\___/---\___/---\___/---\___/---\___/---\___/---\___/---\___/---\___sCf [·tRIStAR aND rED^sECTOR ¡NC!··lSD!··oRIGIN! aMIGA eUROPEAN Hq!·] [·tRIStAR & rED^sECTOR ¡NC! cONSOLE·&·gERMAN cONSOLE sYNDICATE wORLD hQ!·] [·tRISTAR & rED^sECTOR ¡NC! /X-iNNOVATION wORLD dISTRIBUTION sITE!·] [·sUNFLEX iNC. dUTCH hQ!·] [·pARADOX dIST.sITE!·] [·tHE oRGANIZED cRIME aMIGA dIST!·] [·aRT-cORE! eUROPEAN hQ!·] sYSOP: [-s/\L-oNE!-] cOSYSOPS: [mARIO/tRSI!] [sECTORCHARGER/tRSI/tRSI/tRSI&fTH!] [aPOLLO/pDX!] [eCS/tRSI/tRSI!] [aSTRO/mOVEMENT!] ---»> nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD! <«--- -[ +31-(0)-548-040-653 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-716 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-848 ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------. If it wasn't for C, we would be using BASI, PASAL and OBOL. | ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------' ___ /\___ «*»·-=[ THE ALTAR OF SACRIFICE ]=-·«*» ___/\ ___ `---\/--------------------------------------------------\/---' ________________._________________________ _________________ · ·T· \_____ \_ |___ ______ \_ ___ \_ \_ \_ ____\_: · .| Y \_ __|_|__ \_ Y \_ _ /__ | | \_ __\_ ¦ ·H· ·| _ / \ / / _ / \ /·:| | / \ ¦ · :l___/ ·/____ /___ ·/___/ /___/ /.:·l____ ·/____\::.¦ ·E· `----\___/----\___/---\__/----\___/----\___/--'`----\sCf/---------' _______________________________________________________________________ | __________ \_ ___\_ ___ \______\_ ____\___\_ ___\_ ____\_ |____ \_ Y \_ | \_ _ /__ \_ __\_ \_ | \_ __\____ | / _ / l / \ / / \ / l / \ / l____ ·/___/ /____ ·/___/ /__ ·/____\___ ·/____ /____ / .---\___/--÷-\___/----\___/----\___/--\___/--÷-----\___/-÷--\___/----\___/-. ¦:. : : : .:¦ ¦-²·³g¿GS!]^[·A²°°°/68°³°/6888²/²5mHz pOWER·]^[·2/nODES·]^[·aM¡·0-dAY oNLY!¦ ¦·nODE 1 : +31-47-463321 (28.8DS!)·]^[·nODE 2 : +31-47-pRIVATe!! (16.8DS!)·¦ ¦··sYSOPS : zACK! - kAINE - tHE uNDERDOG - tHE rAVER - hELLCAT - aNALYZER··¦ `------------------------[-S·T·O·O·P·I·D- -W·H·Q-]-------------------------' · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------. If at first you don't succeed, work for Microsoft. | ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------' ___ /\___ «*»·-=[ MYSTICAL PLACES ]=-·«*» ___/\ ___ `---\/-------------------------------------------\/---' ____________._____________________________________________________. · \_ \_ \ \_ ________ ______\_ __________ \_ | : ·| \_ \ \_____ \_ \_ \_ | \_ Y \_ __|____¦ ·| \/ /___ / / / / / l / _ / \ /¦ :l___/ /____ /____ /___ /__ ·/____ /___/ ·/____ / ¦ `----\___/----\___/----\___/---\__/--\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/sCf! ________________.________________________________________ ·.---------------. \_ __ \_ |_______ \_ _______ ____\_ _______/ :¦ mYTH wORLD hQ ¦ ·| ____/ __|____ Y \_ | \_ __\________ \_ ¦¦ fOUR! nODEZ!! ¦ ·| | | \ / _ / l / \ / / / ¦¦ nUP rEQUIRED! ¦ :l____| |____ /___/ ·/____ ./____ /____ /:.¦¦mYSTICAL pLACES¦ `-------------\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/---'¦aLL nODz 28k8!!¦ .------------------.--------------.------------------------' ¦ ¦··sYSOP: tHC/mYTH·]^[·21k6 pOWER·]^[·/X 4.x·]^[·68030 40 mHz·]^[·1.3 gIG··¦ ¦···cO-OPZ: eUROSOFT/mYTH-^-cREW-1/mYTH-^-t/\RGET/tFA-^-bABYFACE/lEGEND!···¦ ¦···nODE 1+2+3: +31-104-779-507 ·]^[· nODE 4: +31-104-774-218···¦ `---------------------------[-M·Y·T·H- -W·H·Q-]----------------------------' · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------. Never hit a man with glasses; hit him with your fist. | ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------' ___ /\___ «*»·-=[ STALLION ]=-·«*» ___/\ ___ `---\/------------------------------------\/---' ________________________________.________.____________________.____ · \_ _________ ______ \_ | |_______\_ \_ \ \_ : ·l_____ \_ \_ Y \_ __|____ __|____ \_ | \_ \ \_ ¦ ·| / / / _ / \ / \ / / | / / ¦ :l____ /___ /___/ ·/____ /____ /__ ·/____ ·/__\ /:.¦ `----\___/---\__/----\___/----\___/----\___/--\___/----\___/----\___/sCf! · -- - -------------------------------------------------------------. I know where I'm going... I just can't remember how to get there. | ·- -- --------------------------------------------------------------' ___ /\___ «*»·-=[ TOTAL CONFUSION ]=-·«*» ___/\ ___ `---\/-------------------------------------------\/---' _________________________________________. \____ ____ \___ ______ \_ | | \_ | \_ \_ Y \_ __|____ | / | / / _ / \ / l__ /____ /__ /___/ ·/____ / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/sCf! ____________________._____________._________________________________.____ \_ ___\_ \_ \ \_ _____\ \_ ___________\_ \_ \ \_ | | \_ | \_ \ \_ __\ \ \_____ \_ \_ | \_ \ \_ | l / | / / \ / / / / | / / l____ ·/___ /__\ /____\____ /____ /__ ·/____ /__\ / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ · -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------. You can never tell which way the train went by looking at the tracks. | ·- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------' ___ /\___ «*»·-=[ CYCLONE ]=-·«*» ___/\ ___ `---\/-----------------------------------\/---' ____________._____________________._____________._____________ · \_ ___\_ \ \_ ___\_ |\_ \_ \ \_ ____\_ : ·| | \_ \ \_ | \_ __|_|_ | \_ \ \_ __\____ ¦ :| l /___ / l / \ / | / / \ /. ¦ ¦l____ ·/____ /____ ·/____ /____ ·/__\ /____ /::.¦ `----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/sCf!' · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------. SDRAWKCAB spelled backwards is backwards. | ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------' ___ /\___ «*»·-=[ THE LAST RESORT ]=-·«*» ___/\ ___ `---\/-------------------------------------------\/---' _____________.____________ · _______._______________________________ · \____ ______\ \_ ____\_ : \_ |_______ \_ ________ ___/ : .·| \_ \ \_ __\____ ¦ .| __|____ Y \____ \_ \_ ¦ ::| / __ / \ / ¦ :| \ / _ / / / ¦ ¦:l__ /___/ /____ /::.¦ ¦l____ /___/ /____ ·/___ /::.¦ `---\___/----\___/----\___/----' `----\___/----\___/----\___/---\___/----' __________________________________________________________ . \_ ___ \_ ____\_ _______ \_ ___ \___ ___/ : .| _ /__ __\________ \_ | \_ _ /__ \_ ¦ :| \ / \ / / | / \ / /. ¦ ¦l____/ /____ /____ ·/____ ·/___/ /___ /::.¦ `-----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/---\___/sCf!' · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------. Nothing is better than Sex. | Masturbation is better than nothing. | Therefore, Masturbation is better than Sex. | ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------' ___ /\___ «*»·-=[ RUINS OF WISDOM ]=-·«*» ___/\ ___ `---\/-------------------------------------------\/---' _____________._______________._________________ __ ___________________· \_ ___ \_ \ \______\_ \ \_ _______//\_\\_ \_ ______/: .| _ /__ \ \_ \_ \ \_____ \_\/_/ | | \_ __\ ¦ :| \ / / / / / /::. | | / \ . ¦ ¦l____/ /____ /__ ·/__\ /____ /:::::.l____ /____\::.¦ `-----\___/----\___/--\___/----\___/----\___/--sCf!-----\___/---------' _________________________________________________________________________ \_ | | \_______\_ _______\_ \_ \_ \_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | l | | l______ | l. | | | | | | l____________l_______l____________l____________l____________l____l__|____| · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------. I'd like to meet the man who invented sex | and see what he's working on now. | ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------' ___ /\___ «*»·-=[ ESTA LOCO ]=-·«*» ___/\ ___ `---\/-------------------------------------\/---' ___________________________________ . \_ _____ ________ ______ \_ : .| __\________ \_ \_ Y \_ ¦ :| \ / / / _ / ¦ ¦l_____ /____ ·/___ /___/ /:.¦ `-----\___/----\___/---\___/----\___/---' _________ _______________________________________ \_ |sCf!\_ \_ \_ \_ | |_____| | | |_____| | | | | | | | | | | | l____________l____________l____________l____________| · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------------. Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy | it today you can do it again tomorrow. | ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------' ___ /\___ «*»·-=[ WORLD OF ELITE ]=-·«*» ___/\ ___ `---\/------------------------------------------\/---' ____.______________________________._________ _ _ ___________________· \_ \ \_ \_ ___ \_ |\_ \_ \\\\_ \_ _____/: .| /\ \_ | \_ _ /__ __|_|__ | \_. | | \_ __\ ¦ :| / | / \ / \ / l_ /::.| | / \ . ¦ ¦l_____ /____ ·/___/ /____ /____ ·/::::l____ ·/____\::.¦ `-----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/---------\___/---------' ______________________ _____________________________ \_ _____\_ |sCf!\__________ ____ _____\_ | ______| |_____| | | ______| | l | | | | | l | l____________l____________l_______l_______l____________| · -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------. You can get more of what you want with a kind word and a gun than you | can with just a kind word. | ·- -- -----------------------------------------------------------------' ___ /\___ «*»·-=[ SOUTHERN TRIBE ]=-·«*» ___/\ ___ `---\/------------------------------------------\/---' _____________________._______________.__________________________.____ · \_ _______ \_ \ \___ ___ \ \_ ____\_ ___ \_ \ \_ : .l_____ \_ | \_ \ \_ \_ \ \_ __\____ _ /__ \ \_ ¦ :| / / | / / / / __ / \ / \ / / ¦ ¦l____ /____ ·/____ /___ /___/ /____ /___/ /__\ /:.¦ `----\___/----\___/----\___/---\__/----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/---' _____________________________________ _____________ \___ ___ \_______\_ l_____\_ _____\_ | | l_____| | | | ______| | | | | | | --- | l | l______l______|!sCf!l_______l____________l____________| · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------. If at first you don't succeed, give up, no use being a damn fool.| ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------' `---------------------. .--------------------' `-[.o2.^rEQUESTED-aSC²z^]-' _____|_ _____ _____ _____ _____|_ _ _ _/ ¬\____ _/ ¬\____/ ¬\______/ ¬\______/ ¬\____ _ _ \\\\__ _ ¬\\_____________ __________ / ¬\___ __//// / \ \\/ ¬\/ (__ ¬\/ __ \\/ \\ _/ \ ·\_ ·\_ l ·\_ \ ·\_ ·\_ \_______/ /_____ /_____ /____/ /___ / .¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\____//¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯\____/. ¦ ¯¯¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯ ¦ : _____|_ _____ _____ _____|_ : ¦ _ _ _/ ¬\__/ ¬\____ _/ ¬\____ _/ ¬\____ _ __ _ ¦ | \\\\__ ____ ¬\\__ / ¬\\__ _ ¬\\\\ .| |. / .\/ | \\/ /\ \\/ \ \\ .::| |::. _/ \\_ | ·\_ / ·\_ \ ·\_.::::| |::::\______ /_____ /_____ /____/ /:::::| `-----¯¯¯¯¯\____//¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\______/-sCf!-' ¯¯¯¯·      ¯¯¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯¯¯ · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------. College is like a woman; you work so hard to get in, | and nine months later you wish you'd never come. | ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------' `-T-H-E-÷-A-L-T-A-R-÷-O-F-÷-S-A-C-R-I-F-I-C-E-' _____|_ _______ _____ _____ _____|_ T.H.E _/ ¬\____ _/ ¬|_ __/ ¬\__/ ¬\____ _/ ¬\____ _ __ _ \__ ___ ¬\\__ |\\\___ ___ ___ ¬\\__ ____ ¬\\\\ / __ \\/ __|____/ \\/ __ \\/ __ /_ __ _ _/ \ ·\_ \ ¬\_ ·\_ \ ·\_ / ¬\_ \\\\_______/ /_____ /___ /____/ /____/ / · ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯\____//¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\______/sCf! : ¯¯¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯¯¯ : : _____|_ _____ _____ O.F. _____ _____|_ : __¦_ _/ ¬\______/ ¬\____ _/ ¬\______/ ¬\____ _/ ¬\_____ ¦ \\\\__ \_________ ___ ¬\\__ _ ¬\___ ____ ¬\\___________/ : | /____ ¬\/ __ \\/ \______// __ /_/ ¬\ | ¦ _/ \ ·\_ \ ·\_ / ¬\_ / ¬\_ ·\_ ¦ : \________ /____/ /_____ /____/ /_____ /_·__ ¦ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\____//// ¦ ¦ ¯¯¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯¯¯· ¦ ¯¯¯¯ ¦ `------O- _____|_ _____ _____ _____|_ -O--------' : _/ ¬\_/ ¬\___/ ¬\______/ ¬\____ : ¦ \__ _______________ _ ¬\___ ___ ¬\ .¦ |. / ___/ ¬\/ \______// (______/_ .:| |::._/ \_ ·\_ / ¬\_ l ¬\_::| |:::\_____ /_____ /_____ /_____ /::| `----¯¯¯¯\___//¯¯¯¯\____//¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\______/---' ¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯¯¯· ¯¯¯¯¯¯ · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------. I doubt, therefore I might be. | ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------' : : ¦ ¦ .____ ___ ________ ____. .________ ________ ____| | | Y Y _ Y | : _ Y _ Y _ | | | | Y | ¦ ¦ Y | Y | Y | | ¦ | ____| :___| | | _ | | | | : | | | · | | | Y | | | l________l____¦ l________l________l____|___l________¦sCf · · · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------. A day without sunshine is like night. | ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------' : : : : : : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ .____| |________ ___. | |________ ____. .________ ________ ____| | | _ | _ Y l_| | _ Y | : _ Y _ Y _ | | Y | Y | | | | Y | ¦ ¦ Y | Y | Y | | | | | | : ¦ | | | :___| | | _ | | | | | | | | : | | | · | | | Y | | | l________l________l_________l____|___l________l________l____|___l_______sCf .------------------. .--¦÷·tHE nITTY^gRITTY·÷¦--. · `--'`------------------'`--' · . .------------------------------------------------------------------. . : ·:uSeD.sTuFF.1.: cYgNUS eD pRoFESSIONAL v3.5 ¦· : ¦ .¦uSeD.sTuFF.2.: aMiGA 1200 w/120mB sHiT ¦. ¦ ¦ :¦uSeD.sTuFF.3.: lArGE aMoUNTS oF eRhMMMM.... ¦: ¦ | ¦:uSeD.sTuFF.4.: sOfT sLoW mUzAK -> pInK fLoYD, dIrE sTrAITS (???;^)¦¦ | |·¦`-------------------------------.(i aIn'T kIdDIN'!!;).-------------'¦·| |.| .---------------------------------------------------------. |.¦ |.| :gRtZ.1.: aLl iN -EDGE- : |.| |.`-----¦gRtZ.2.: aLl iN tHe dUtCH sCeNE (iT dOeSN'T sUcK!) ¦----'.| |:. :gRtZ.3.: aLl tHe aMiGA sCeNERS iN tHa wHoLE bLoODY wOrLD!: .:| ¦:::. `---------------------------------------------------------' .:::¦ |:::::. .--------------------------------------------------. .:::::| |:::::::..:pErS.mSgZ.1.: jENNIE/dIFFUSION (Sorry 'Bout Dlay!):..:::::::| `---------¦pErS.mSgZ.2.: gREIG hARPER! (Lost Yer Addy!) ¦---------' :pErS.mSgZ.3.: mICHEL rIGO! (Same As Above!) : `--------------------------------------------------' sPeCIAL.tHaNKS.2.: rADAVI/eFFECT! (Thnx For The Wicked Quotes Man!!!) aNd.2.: dELITE/lPS/cRY! (For the xtra askii!) . . . .. . .. . .. . ... . ... . .. . .. . .. . . ...:. .:... . . . ... ... . . For ordering/requests... contact me at one of these -EDGE- boards! (NUP required) sTICKY fINGERS +31-713-20878 (NUP required) pREMIUM +46-243-87645 bUMBLE bEE lAND +47-225-08551 .oR yOU cAN cONTACT mE aT mOST oF tHE mAJOR dUTCH bOARDz!. . . ... ... . . . ..... ..... .             : .. . .. . .. . ... . ... . .. . .. . .. : . . And yez... I've forgotten some boards & requests, but I just didn't feel like making any more 2day! So all you other guys will get them via pv-msg! Sorry, but I feel like shit (not that I know how it feels!) (well, my shoes do! .. but sadly enuff, I haven't trained them to speak yet!) (which is strange when you think of it.... training shoes...:) .---------------------------------------------------. ¦ I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay, ¦ : I sleep all night and I work all day. : | | Chorus: He's a lumberjack and he's okay, | | He sleeps all night and he works all day. | ¦ ¦ : I cut down trees, I eat my lunch, : ¦ I go to the lavatory. ¦ ¦ On Wednesdays I go shopping ¦ : And have buttered scones for tea. : | | Mounties: He cuts down trees, he eats his lunch, | | He goes to the lavatory. | ¦ On Wednesdays he goes shopping ¦ : And has buttered scones for tea. : | | Chorus: He's a lumberjack and he's okay, | | He sleeps all night and he works all day. | ¦ ¦ : I cut down trees, I skip and jump, : ¦ I like to press wild flowers. ¦ ¦ I put on women's clothing, ¦ : And hang around in bars. : | | Mounties: He cuts down trees, he skips and jumps, | | He likes to press wild flowers. | ¦ He puts on women's clothing, ¦ : And hangs around in bars. : | | Chorus: He's a lumberjack and he's okay, | | He sleeps all night and he works all day. | ¦ ¦ : I cut down trees, I wear high heels, : ¦ Suspendies and a bra. ¦ ¦ I wish I'd been a girlie, ¦ : Just like my dear pappa. : | | Mounties: He cuts down trees, he wears high heels? | | Suspendies...and a bra? | ¦ ¦ : ...he's a lumberjack and he's okay, : ¦ He sleeps all night and he works all day. ¦ | | ¦ ...he's a lumberjack and he's OKAAAAAAAAAAYYY.¦ ¦ He sleeps all night and he works all day. ¦ : : `----[·sCARFACE/eDGE! mODEM^sECTION^oRGANIZER!·]----' Ahh SHIT! Even more boring ads 2 come!